Black Violence: The Terror That Dare Not Speak Its Name

Even stranger than Don Lemon’s fairy tale that white people are responsible for violent terrorism in this country, is the fact that no national conservative media figures refuted him. 

A shame, because it is so easily done. And so important to do.

Lemon concocted his claim in front of CNN’s Cuomo the Lesser, who stared dumbstruck as his colleague sketched his vision of white supremacists running amok with terror and violence in their wake.

Cuomo has made a career of shutting up and nodding his head when black people like D. L. Hughley come on his show and insist that white violence against black people is wildly out of proportion. A lie.

The following day, Lemon challenged his angry critics to check the numbers: White terror is eight times greater than other racial terror.

In response, all that we heard from conservative media was fake outrage. Calls for his firing. Demands for a retraction. But not much in the way of using facts to show that Lemon was wrong. Dangerously wrong.

Not that many people expected much else from most conservative pundits. These are the same people who cower in front of “It’s okay to be white” signs.

Well, it’s not okay to be white. That is Lemon’s stock in trade. And he and others ply it so well that most cannot see or even declare the obvious: That over the last five years, black mob violence in America has been -- by far -- the greatest source of domestic terror.

Shall we review a few: How about before, during and after the trial of George Zimmerman for the killing of St. Trayvon of Sanford. You remember him: He’s the guy who could have been President Obama’s son.

Instead, he became a petty burglar, a small time violent crook, whose death inspired large-scale black violence in Los Angeles, Oakland, Baltimore, Grand Rapids, Toledo,  Gainesville, Mobile, Chicago, and on and on and on. All aided and abetted by Lemon et al at CNN.

I documented a few episodes in this article at the time: Just click here.

But Trayvon was just a warm-up for the real display of black terror in America. That happened in the summer of 2014 in a suburb of St. Louis called Ferguson. There, a cop shot a 6’5 “well-muscled” black man named Michael Brown, after Brown tried to take the cop’s gun, then refused to stand down as he prepared to charge the officer.

After days and days of looting, gunfire, molotov cocktails, property destruction, attacks on police, and yes, death, the Michael Brown riots continued on a low burn around the rest of the country.

It became the beginning of a mantra, Trayvon, Michael Brown. No justice. No peace. No racist police.

It even sparked the growth of a national movement: Black Lives Matter. You remember them: “What do we want? Dead cops. When do we want them? Now.” 

In Baltimore, soon after, a drug dealer named Freddie Grey died in police custody. Yes, there were riots. Yes, the black people of Baltimore burned and looted in an ecstatic frenzy for days.

Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake held a news conference where she bragged she was giving the rioters “space to destroy.” The next day, she denied saying it, even after being confronted saying it on video.

Over 100 police were injured in those riots. Many after city officials “abandoned” them by refusing to send support when they were under attack from the black people.

This is all on video. Easy to find.

These riots are like dominoes: If you remember one, chances you, you remember the rest. In Milwaukee, a black cop shot a black man. Riots. Burning. Destruction. You know the drill: Everyone was having a good time by the light of a burning gas station.

In Charlotte, black people terrorized the town after cops shot another black criminal in the commission of yet another crime. They did not like that.

Around the country, every day, police are subject to slurs, taunts, threats, violence, and even murder from black people who just are not that into white people.

These examples might not meet the standards of Don Lemon’s phony terror test. But the victims have not forgotten the enormous terror in this country. And how it continues today in different forms.

On Halloween, hundreds of black people rampaged through Hyde Park in Chicago -- home to Barack Obama, Bill Ayers, and Louis Farrakhan -- destroying property, defying police, setting fires.

Watch any of the videos, then try to tell the neighbors they are not being terrorized. But no one was arrested, so it never happened. Except on video.

In South Jersey, two white kids were hospitalized with serious head injuries they received after they refused to give their trick or treat candy to the 10-20 black people who demanded it.

Think that’s not an act of terror just because the black people did not leave a thank you note? Or a sign that said ‘Vote for Maxine?’ Or a demand for more free stuff? Guess again.

In Dallas, five cops were killed during a Black Lives Matter parade. Afterward, black people looted a 7-11 then stuck around under the gaze of local police, dancing -- yes, dancing -- with joy, celebrating the carnage. At their funeral, President Obama figured it all out: the shooting of the five police was all about white racism.

“You know it,” he urged the crowd to acknowledge.

This is a very long list of black violence and denial, deceit and delusion from reporters and public officials.

Lots more where this came from in my books, the latest being Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry, and videos over at

From the big cities to  small suburban enclaves, black terrorism is real. And when stunned residents plead with city officials for help, all they get are weak admonitions about keeping their head on a swivel and don’t forget -- calling the cops on black criminals is a very bad thing to do.

Reporters like Lemon insist that absent a handwritten confession, or a sign, or a recorded audio and video, black mob violence in America must be considered “random” and not an act of terror.

But we have something better than notes and idiots spouting hateful slogans: We have patterns. And how they are proof of bias. Just ask former district attorney and current U.S. senator from the great state of Rhode Island, Sheldon Whitehouse.

“When is pattern evidence of bias?” asked the liberal Senator Whitehouse at a recent hearing. “In court, pattern is evidence of bias all the time. Evidence on which juries and trial judges rely to show discriminatory intent. To show a common scheme. To show bias.”

Black on white bias and hostility plus violence equals terror. We see it every day, no matter how often Don Lemon tries to deny it: Black violence is the terror that dare not speak its name.

Colin Flaherty documents the denial, deceit and delusion of Den Lemon and others  in books, articles and videos.  Which you should read if you want to know what is really going on.

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