Meghan McCain Gives Anti-Military Dems a Free Pass
The anger of Meghan McCain at the tone deaf and disrespectful remark during the 2016 campaign made by candidate Donald Trump regarding her war hero and patriot father Sen. John McCain that Trump preferred dead heroes was justified.
The politicization of the funeral was not, particularly when her remarks were spoken in front of those who have openly loathed the military and denigrated it and who did not and do not, unlike President Trump, share John McCain’s vision of the American military as the guardian of American and global freedom. John McCain’s military, gutted by the lip-biting Barack Hussein Obama, is being rebuilt by the president Meghan McCain castigated.
Obama’s disdain for the military and those who served in it is documented and legendary and he engaged in it to the point of pettiness, as demonstrated when he interrupted a military wedding in Hawaii so he could play some golf:
It certainly didn't help his image when two Army captains, Captains Natalie Heimel and Edward Mallue Jr. , were told hours before their wedding that they had to move it so Obama could play through on the golf course they had selected as the nuptial site…
The president's 15% approval rating among active-duty military isn't due merely to the bad optics of such incidents. It's the result of a defunded and dispirited military led by a disinterested commander in chief who, on Nov. 20, 2009, when Obama flew to Osan Air Base in South Korea to speak to American troops, were told, "You guys make a pretty good photo-op."…
The military has watched a failed foreign policy in which a precipitate pullout from Iraq saw town after town that had been liberated at great expense in blood and treasure, starting in Fallujah, fall to jihadis and an Islamic State whose rise Obama was warned about but ignored. Many feel with some justification that their sacrifice was for naught, ignored by a president obsessed with keeping a campaign promise to withdraw from a land where so many lost their lives and limbs.
They watched as Obama traded five top Taliban leaders for Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl, whom many considered a deserter for abandoning his post and wandering off to find himself and the Taliban in the hills of Afghanistan. They also saw Obama let a Marine with post-traumatic stress syndrome, Andrew Tahmooressi, rot in a Mexican jail for the crime of missing his exit on his way to San Diego.
We have a smaller army than any time since before World War II and the smallest navy since 1917. Part of this drawdown has even included some 2,600 battlefield pink slips for captains and others who are serving or have served in Afghanistan.
Obama threw away the blood and treasure and sacrifice of American heroes like John McCain, American heroes he viewed as photo-ops for political purposes. Like Andrew Tahmooressi, Obama had no trouble leaving Marine Sergeant Amir Hekmati behind to languish in an Iranian prison:

A Marine veteran has been held captive in Iran since August 2011, when he was taken prisoner while visiting family and charged with spying. Does President Obama hear his plea for unconditional freedom?
With the exception of deserters like Bowe Bergdahl, those who put on a uniform and serve their country seem like afterthoughts to this administration, if they're thought of at all.
Just ask Andrew Tahmooressi, the Marine sergeant allowed to languish 214 days in a Mexican jail for the crime of missing a highway exit. Or now, Amir Hekmati of Flagstaff, Ariz., a Marine vet who sits in an Iranian jail, having made the mistake of trying to visit his Iranian family.
Hekmati has been locked up in Iran's Evin Prison since he returned to his ancestral home 3-1/2 years ago to visit family. His parents left Iran when the mullahs took power in 1979. He did not think he would later be a victim of Iranian belligerence and American indifference, accused of being a CIA spy. He was first sentenced to death, but that sentence was overturned, and in a retrial he got 10 years in prison.
Unlike Bergdahl in Afghanistan, Amir served with genuine honor and distinction in Iraq, where Shiite militia groups were supplied with weapons and trained in their use by Iran's Revolutionary Guard. These weapons included sophisticated improvised explosive devices, or IEDs, designed to exploit vulnerabilities in U.S. military vehicles and increase American casualties.
Obama prefers deserters like Bowe Bergdahl to heroes like John McCain, trading terrorist Taliban leaders who slaughter Americans for traitors, welcoming and consoling Bergdahl’s parents at the White House while he ignored Bergdahl’s desertion in the heat of battle in Afghanistan
That Bergdahl was a deserter and a traitor should never have been in doubt, yet it was, partially due to President Obama sending National Security Adviser Susan Rice, who spread the Benghazi video lies on the Sunday talk show circuit, to appear on the June 1, 2014 broadcast of ABC’s “This Week” to tell two more lies, that Bergdahl was a good soldier and that trading five top Taliban commanders would not endanger U.S. security. As Breitbart reported:
Regarding the desertion allegations, she said Bergdahl, “served the United States with honor and distinction. And we’ll have the opportunity eventually to learn what has transpired in the past years.”
Rice also said that “assurances relating to the movement, the activities, the monitoring of those detainees [released in exchange for Bergdahl] give us confidence that they cannot and, in all likelihood, will not pose a significant risk to the United States. And that it is in our national interests that this transfer had been made.”
In fact, the Taliban trade of the terrorist equivalent of four-star generals jeopardized U.S. security and was done to exploit Bergdahl’s captivity to help Obama to get the worst of the worst out of Guantanamo to facilitate his campaign pledge of closing the facility. That Bergdahl was a deserter should never have been in doubt, judging by the universal condemnation of those who served with him. Investor’s Business Daily (IBD) noted that fact and editorialized that Obama feared a court-martial because it could lead to him being charged with providing material assistance to a terrorist enemy:
Every one of the men who served with Bergdahl or tried to find him and who have spoken out publicly has said he was clearly a deserter.
Indeed, the uncontestable fact is that Bergdahl walked away from his post in a time of war, leaving his weapon and gear behind. He was not out for a walk to relieve stress or clear his head.
"Bowe Bergdahl deserted during a time of war, and his fellow Americans lost their lives searching for him," former Sgt. Matt Vierkant told CNN. At least six soldiers died in operations looking for Bergdahl.
Fox News analyst Judge Andrew Napolitano has said that Obama dreads a court-martial for desertion, which is what the report might recommend, because questions regarding a trade providing material assistance to a terrorist group could be asked.
"We have a federal statute which makes it a felony to provide material assistance to any terrorist organization," Napolitano said. "It could be money, maps, professional services, any asset whatsoever, (including) human assets."
John McCain served with honor and distinction. Bowe Bergdahl did not. Meghan McCain had no unkind invective subtly directed towards President Obama, who loathed everything John McCain stood for in and out of the military. One remembers the dismissive tone Obama took towards McCain during the health care summit:
"People are angry," McCain said. "We promised them change in Washington, and what we got was a process that you and I both said we would change."
He called on Democrats to "go back to the beginning" and "remove all the special deals for the special interests and the favored few," adding that he favors a system in which "geography does not dictate what kind of health care."
A visibly annoyed Mr. Obama immediately responded, saying "we can spend the remainder of the time with our respective talking points going back and forth. We were supposed to be talking about insurance."
"We're not campaigning anymore," he told McCain. "The election's over."
So much for a common interest and working with McCain to solve America’s problems. John McCain, as Meghan McCain noted, was proud of America. President Obama, upon election, immediately embarked on an apology tour and a vociferous campaign denouncing the very American exceptionalism John McCain believed in.
Meghan McCain also trashed Trump in front of Michelle Obama, who once famously noted during her husband’s 2008 campaign her disdain for America and its history:
Speaking in Milwaukee, Wis., on Monday, she said, “People in this country are ready for change and hungry for a different kind of politics and… for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback.”
Greeted with rousing applause after making the comment in Milwaukee, Obama delivered an amended version of the speech later that day in Madison, Wis.
“For the first time in my adult lifetime, I’m really proud of my country… not just because Barack has done well, but because I think people are hungry for change,” she said. “I have been desperate to see our country moving in that direction and just not feeling so alone in my frustration and disappointment.”
There in front of Meghan McCain was former Secretary of State John Kerry, who has opposed military preparedness and slandered the American forces in Vietnam as rapists and pillagers in congressional testimony:
Kerry, of course, first appeared on the national stage in 1971 when he testified, fresh from his swift-boat service in Vietnam, that U.S. troops had routinely "raped, cut off ears, cut off heads, taped wires from portable telephones to human genitals and turned up the power, cut off limbs, blown up bodies, randomly shot at civilians, razed villages in fashion reminiscent of Genghis Khan…"
In 2005, he made our troops sound like terrorists when he accused them of "going into the homes of Iraqis in the dead of night (and) terrorizing kids, children, (and) women," and "breaking historical and religious customs."
In 1985, as a freshman senator, he called for a four-year, $200 billion defense cut, including cancellation of 27 weapons systems, weapons and money that enabled us to win the Cold War, fight Desert Storm and finally liberate Iraq in Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Then there is William Jefferson Clinton, whose wife, Hillary Rodham Clinton of Benghazi infamy, loathed the military. Slick Willie, unlike John McCain, avoided Vietnam service, preferring to go off to Oxford in England where he could bash America in bearded comfort. As journalist Roger Simon wrote in 1992:
The last time Bill Clinton was completely candid about the Vietnam draft was 23 years ago.
That's when Clinton wrote a letter to an ROTC colonel thanking him for "saving me from the draft."
Life was simple for Bill Clinton back then. He knew what he wanted and he knew how to get there: He wanted to avoid going to Vietnam. And he went to Oxford (though not Canada) to do so.
Now, life is not so simple for Clinton. He still knows what he wants: He wants to be president. But how to get there?
Sanitizing certain forgiveable but embarrassing parts of his past seems to be the quickest route.
And so in this campaign year, you have to have a road map to follow Clinton's twists and turns on how he escaped the draft after he graduated from college.
Clinton began by stating that his avoiding the draft was "a fluke."
But that was hardly the whole truth. Nor was it the whole truth when Clinton told reporters recently that he did not know of his uncle's efforts to get him a Naval reserve assignment to keep him from being drafted.
According to The Los Angeles Times, the uncle's efforts delayed Clinton's pre-induction draft physical for almost 11 months, twice as long as normal.
Clinton applied to an Arkansas ROTC program, which he never ended up joining, and went off to Oxford, which kept him out of the draft for an extra two years.
At Oxford, Clinton wrote that letter of thanks to the ROTC colonel and said he was not willing to become a draft resister "for one reason: To maintain my political viability within the system. For years I have worked to prepare myself for a political life."
John McCain would languish in a Hanoi prison. Bill Clinton would ponder his political viability from the comfort of an Oxford dorm. Donald Trump’s campaign venom towards John McCain in the heat of a political campaign cannot be excused. But at least President Trump is rebuilding the military John McCain loved, something the likes of Barack Obama, Bill Clinton, John Kerry and others and other Democrats would not have done. Their words and actions indict them and Meghan McCain’s pretending these are honorable men to single out Trump is not okay.
Daniel John Sobieski is a freelance writer whose pieces have appeared in Investor’s Business Daily, Human Events, Reason Magazine and the Chicago Sun-Times among other publications.
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