The Two Culture Leaders Changing Today's World

History has shown, in countless examples, the reality and value of leadership – George Washington, Ulysses Grant, Eisenhower, and Churchill, to name a few.

Studying the movement of history, it's clear that the character, resolve, and intelligence of these leaders played a big part in historical change.  Great leaders often changed the course of their times.

There is another kind of leader who is less obvious.  Dub them culture leaders – a description of those who wrote and spoke new historical trends into existence.  They are as important as the generals who won victories.  Think of John Locke, Thomas Jefferson, John and Abigail Adams for the Revolutionary War.  Think of Harriet Beecher Stowe, Frederick Douglass, and Abraham Lincoln as the most famous who wrote and spoke prior to the Civil War.

One of Breitbart's most famous and compelling lines was "Politics is downstream from culture."  He saw that one pretty clearly.  He is one of the reasons the center-right is now prevailing in this current cold civil war.  Breitbart began a revolutionary transformation with the center-right media.

Let's speak of two current, and great, leaders.

I think you can safely say Breitbart would have picked Donald Trump to lead the center-right in the last election.  It's pretty clear that history changed when Trump came down the escalator in 2015 to announce his candidacy.  In 20-20 hindsight, we can see how he waged his successful campaign to be the Republican nominee, then proceeded to win against the candidate so many believed was destined to be the first female president.

Thank God that happened.

The culture on the center-right had been in turmoil for more than a decade.  George W. Bush had become a huge disappointment, betraying his base.  Barack Obama had eight years of destructive policies, virtually unopposed by the Republican Party "stalwarts."  He could have done a lot more damage than he did.  Thank God that Barack was somewhat feckless and incompetent.

The culture leaders of the center-right prior to Trump running were numerous and varied, but I would argue they were quite effective for being out of power.  The issues that Trump ran on to win were championed by them for that seemingly lost decade and a half.  Breitbart, Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, Rush Limbaugh, plus hundreds of other leaders sowed the cultural seeds for Trump to harness.  Trump was the leader, the general, who used the power of the issues that the center-right base cared about the most.

One more thing.  Trump has also had a huge impact on our culture since he came down that escalator.  His ability to form narratives, his ability to see next moves, his ability to tie the Democrat-media complex in knots, his purposefulness, his drive, his relentlessness are all a part of his leadership.  More than most understand, he has been one of our greatest leaders in the cultural as well as political realm.  He continues to change minds, continues to find ways of changing the culture in a positive way.

Think about this: last week's shock poll from Reuters showed a massive swing in the way Millennials want to vote.  The swing showed that this slice of the voting population has changed from massive (D) support to support that's evenly divided between the two parties.  Blacks, Hispanics, and women are changing likewise.  All demographics are moving toward supporting Trump despite the massive lies of our media.

That's cultural change.

The other leader to note, is not particularly political.  He is, oddly enough, Canadian.  He's taught at Ivy League schools.  He's a clinical psychologist and teaches in Toronto.  He gives two-hour, somewhat stodgy intellectual lectures that get three quarters of a million likes.

I don't hold any of that against him.  Neither should you.

Jordan Peterson has had the number-one bestseller on Amazon for virtually half a year.  He is majorly followed by huge demographic groups, including Millennials.  His humorous anecdote about serotonin levels in lobsters has changed the lives of more millennials than heretofore thought possible.

He has, without intent, caused a quiet revolution in the cultural sphere of the world.  He has brought the Millennial male out of the prison of the über-feminists.  He has brought sanity to the gender confusion movement.  He has destroyed the strongholds of "privilege."  He has – gasp! – defended Western civilization readily, and effectively, without even calling it our last, best hope.

I have a few disagreements with the Canadian and his speech lilt.  But not to call him a force of nature, not to say he has done wonderful things in the cultural realm, would be criminal.

This is why the left is now targeting him.  Leftists protest.  They write propaganda pieces against his teachings and write (and say) more against him each week.  This is because he is effective.  He, in a real sense, is setting the captives free.  He is, in many ways, as important to the resetting of sanity in the world as Trump.

Two leaders, so different, yet both so important to our time.

We needed someone like Washington or Grant.  We got Trump.

We needed someone like John Adams and Frederick Douglass.  We got Jordan Peterson.

We are watching an amazing miracle.  A cultural transformation.  We do not see it clearly yet – it's far from over, but it's really happening.  America has become great again, changing in the most positive of ways.  Yes, there is a violent, loud, crazy left that has its media slaves trying to convince all of us we are in horrible times.  And thankfully, the rest of the country is simply reveling in the positive change of the culture in spite of them.

God moves in cultures in mysterious ways.

There is a famous quote by Ben Franklin that needs to be inserted into this discussion.  As most know, Franklin was not a particularly devout religious follower.  Yet he said this:

The longer I live, the more convincing proofs I see of this truth, that God governs in the affairs of men.  And if a sparrow cannot fall to the ground without His notice, is it probable that an empire can rise without His aid?

I am not going to apologize for saying God is using these two leaders today.  He is.

The quietly transformational Canadian professor.  The brash real estate mogul who won the presidency.  Two great leaders resetting our cultural in the best of ways.

Andrew would be proud.

To underscore my point, if you have not watched the #WalkAway video, please do so and pass it on.  It's stunning.  So many are waking up and seeing they have been lied to.  Blacks, Hispanics, men, women, Millennials, straights, gays are opening up to a new cultural wave.  They are waking up to see the lies they have swallowed from the left.

Many are contributing to this change, so many are waking up and starting to right the ship of our culture at this time.  It's incredible to watch, and for all of us, let's do our part well.

Let's give credit where it is due: Trump and Peterson are the greats for this revolution we are experiencing.

This week, we celebrate our founding.  As Ronald Reagan said, we should celebrate every day as if it's the Fourth of July.  Let's call it a month-long celebration of our founding principles and simultaneously thank God for our new trajectory.

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