The Unitarians and Black Lives Matter

The Unitarians were among the earliest and most successful in the Underground Railroad, rescuing hundreds of slaves from bondage, spiriting them away to freedom by an elaborate network of safe houses from Virginia to the Canadian border.  They did so at great sacrifice, even great peril, often barely a step ahead of the relentless slave-catchers.

Unitarian ministers were among the most vociferous in leading the rhetorical charge against the South and raising the conscience of the Northern public to the evils of slavery.  Without question, the Unitarian Church has earned its rightful place in the annals of American history for starting and leading the campaign against the awful scourge of slavery.

And now...

What do we want?  Dead cops!  When do we want it?  Now!

The mantra of Black Lives Matter is all one really needs to know to comprehend the philosophy, temperament, and makeup of the modern-day black nationalist group.  As a wise Jewish sage once said, "All the rest is commentary."

Yet commentary is what's needed to describe the strange alliance between the Unitarian Universalist Society and Black Lives Matter.  The former is an organization that purports to be nonviolent and dedicated to the unity and peaceful advancement of all humanity.  The later is a racist, anti-Semitic, violent communist group committed to the overthrow of our elected government, the eradication of our democratic nation, and the subjugation or murder of our white citizens. 

Black Lives Matter is the descendent of the Black Panther Movement of the 1960s and early 1970s, whose motto, "Burn, Baby, Burn," propelled them to practice what they preached by burning, attacking, and trying to destroy or kill what they termed as their oppressors: government targets, especially law enforcement and the military.

In the era of Martin Luther King and the peaceful Civil Rights Movement, the Panthers had only very limited success in attracting blacks to their violent ranks.  Fast-forward to the present, and the Black Panthers have spawned Black  Lives Matter – a new batch of violent black and white radicals who initiated their movement under the false pretext of a national epidemic of white law enforcement killing innocent blacks. 

In this they cite the Ferguson, Missouri incident, falsely claiming that a white police officer, who was later exonerated, executed a black man, who was in fact trying to kill the officer.  Through subsequent false accusations against white cops in similar incidents, BLM, as it is called, created a false narrative of an epidemic of an evil white law enforcement plotting to kill blacks nationwide.  These modern-day Black Panthers then embarked on a long litany of rioting, mayhem, and murdering white police officers.  They enlisted the violent Antifa in pursuit of their nefarious ends.

Oddly enough, the Unitarians have embraced the BLM Movement to the point of being willing accomplices to one of the most violent racist movements of our time.  And they're very public about it.

"One of the ways that UU congregations are working to show up for racial injustice is by displaying a BLM banner outside their buildings."  This is according to a pamphlet from the First Unitarian Society.  Such a Black Lives Matter banner is on display on the front lawn of the Unitarian Church right across from the police headquarters in Newton, Massachusetts.

So each day, police officers reporting for duty to protect people like the congregants of this church are greeted by a big in-your-face banner supporting a group that pledges to kill cops.  And yet the Unitarian ministers and their flock claim to be pacifists.

What's mind-boggling is that in hanging such a volatile banner across from a police station, the alleged peace-loving Unitarians apparently haven't got a clue as to how obscene this is – not only to the police, but to people who support the police, which means most of us. 

They claim they support Black Lives Matter because they're both fighting against racial injustice.  How supporting a group that burns and loots communities, assaults white people with impunity, and targets police officers for assassination is akin to fighting racial injustice is something they won't elaborate on.  But there lies the conundrum, or more accurately, the vile hypocrisy of it all. 

In the Unitarian world of make-believe, Black Lives Matter is a peaceful movement attempting to correct the ills of society.  Yet ideological blindness is no excuse for championing a group that hates and kills.  They've made a conscious collective decision to support BLM, and expect society at large to condone their depraved choice.

Not only has the Unitarian Church lost its moral bearings, but it has degenerated to the point where it deserves to be shunned by the vast majority of Americans who don't support groups that hate other racial groups and kill cops. 

Martin Luther King would have been mortified at the sad, destructive direction of the same Unitarian Universalist Society that once played a pivotal role in the Civil Rights Movement. 

How the Unitarians got to the point where they're openly supporting one of the most violent, hateful groups in America is less important than the fact that they do.  This leads to the inevitable conclusion that until such a time as they publicly repudiate their alliance with Black Lives Matter, condemn it for the violent racist organization that it is, and apologize to the public for having supported BLM, our community, and our nation, should, in the name of common decency and basic morality, completely ostracize the Unitarians from American society.

And the federal government should rescind their religious tax-exempt status, since, as a result of their inexcusable support of the violent Black Lives Matter, it has become questionable whether there is anything religious about the current Unitarian Universalists.  

Tom Mountain is a Massachusetts Republican state committeeman.

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