Accusing Moore's Accusers

By way of full disclosure, I will tell you that I support Roy Moore, I have known him a long time, and have contributed to his campaign. I recommended to then-Governor Robert Bentley that he appoint him to fill the unexpired term of Senator Jeff Sessions when the latter was appointed attorney general. I was in the company of Moore within the last week. With all that said, I will proceed to offer you my opinion on the accusations against him presently jamming the American electromagnetic spectrum.

First of all, I think it important to make clear exactly what, true or false, the accusations are. The accusations first came from four middle-age women who claim that Moore dated them when they were at a tender age.

Three of the four can be dealt with summarily. Yes, they were young, in their teens, but they only allege that Moore hugged and kissed them, nothing more. Further, these girls, or some of them, had the consent of their parents to date Moore. These three in no way should even be called “accusers.” They are just telling some innocent reminiscences.

The fourth lady, Leigh Corfman, says that Moore took off some of their clothes, but did not engage in sex. She asked him to take her home, and he did. None of this is a crime, even if it happened. But did it?

According to the records, the accuser has been divorced three times, has declared bankruptcy more than once, and has accused three ministers of sexual abuse.

Now, who are you going to believe? The respected gentleman lawyer in the small town where “everyone knows everyone,” or this lady with this rough biography? This story has not sold well, so Moore’s enemies have doubled down. And in doing so they have shot themselves in the foot. They have produced a story so preposterous that Moore’s supporters should vote them a resolution of thanks. Here is their story:

Gloria Allred, the feminist lawyer who champions transgender females, and who frequently pummels Trump, found, or had sent to her, one 57-year-old lady by name of Beverly Young Nelson. Allred brought her to New York -- at what expense and by whom paid unknown -- and before a dozen microphones, with Allred beside her with her arm around her, she told a fabulous story about Moore. She says that one night as she left the restaurant where she worked, Moore offered to take her home, and as soon as she got in the car he swung around to the back of the restaurant, stopped, and immediately attacked her by groping and squeezing her neck. He then put her out of the car. Now, let’s just stop right here for a moment.

Is this the way a sane, intelligent man, with no record of violence, nor even any misdemeanor, goes about winning the favor of a girl? And a few questions for Ms. Nelson flood the mind. She alleges that this happened 40 years ago. She says that she’s still traumatized today by the memory of this horrible act. Why would that be? If it did happen as she alleges, it would amount to no more than a man getting fresh with her. She could have screamed if necessary, and probably been heard by some in the restaurant, or she could simply have walked around to the front of the restaurant and gone in. She was not harmed, so why would a stable lady of 57 years be in emotional trauma after so long a time? The YouTube video of this press conference is well worth viewing. Here is the pitiful Ms. Nelson, oh, so much in pain, dabbing the tears in her eyes with a tissue, convincing perhaps to the naïve or unobservant. But where were the tears? Not one was visible

On the very face of it we can see that this is a puerile farce. But there is much more. The Still Report has done an excellent job in analyzing this claim. I will just mention one of his seven points, then hand you off to his video for the others.

Allred exhibited an old high-school annual of Ms. Nelson’s, which purports to contain a glowing inscription written by Judge Moore. But the writing was in two different color inks, and was written by two different people. The Still Report is devastating, and you must see the whole thing.   

In sum, by frantically trying to defend their case, the malevolent persons have sailed far out from shore into turbulent water, and are likely to suffer their ruin.

The most disappointing aspect of this case, for me and other conservatives of my kind, is the judgmental behavior of Senator Richard Shelby and Attorney General Jeff Sessions, heretofore admired sons of Alabama. Both have abandoned Moore, our duly nominated Republican candidate for the Senate, and joined forces with the infamous Gloria Allred. I can only hypothesize that, through their years in Washington, they have been captured by the enemy, and now are exhibiting the well-known symptoms of Stockholm Syndrome.

My longtime friend, and the man who is my congressman, Mo Brooks, deserves special accolades. He alone among the Alabama congressional delegation has resisted the blitzkrieg of Democrats and Republicans accepting the accusations of the infamous Gloria Allred, and pronouncing judgement without any considering of the facts. Bless him!

Huntsville, Alabama resident Hugh McInnish is a retired engineer who worked for the Army in the missile business. Send him email.

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