Lib Ruling Class Goes Daffy Duck

Well, well, well.

At some point, sane folks just run out of words for the lyin', cheatin' media-Democrat-Deepster complex, and only cartoon characters will do.

In all those old Warner Bros cartoons where Daffy Duck was thwarted by Bugs at every turn, getting blown up or falling down humongous ravines in the desert, Daffy finally flips on his head and goes bouncing around the landscape.

You remember.

Well, the whole leftists kit and caboodle are now in full-blown Daffy mode.  Nothing they've tried has worked, and believe me: the media have been in cahoots with every Deep State and Democrat trick since Watergate.  Hillary, Obama, Bill, and the other clay idols keep getting exposed.  Even the RINOs are leaving D.C.  Obama's favorite corruptocrats are beginning to feel the ice-cold breath of some ambitious special prosecutor looking for an easy payday.  The most vulnerable targets might include Mueller, Clapper, Comey, Brennan, and maybe even Lois Lerner.

It now looks as though the Mueller witch hunt is turning against the witches.  Even the New York Times (!) reported that "Cash Flowed to Clinton Foundation as Russians Pressed for Control of Uranium." 

I'm all agog.  Did the Russkies actually get control of 20 percent of U.S. uranium?  And they paid Bill and Hillary only $145 million?  Do you realize how cheap that is?  Can we get it back at the selling price?  We'll throw in the Clintons for good measure.

Mueller's legal firing squad must have known what they were getting into, since all good and faithful Democrats read the NYT first thing every morning.  That headline was published two years ago.  So what were those lawyers thinking when they signed up for the Trump witch hunt?

And who was POTUS four years ago, when this uranium sellout went down?  Funny how nobody can remember that guy's name.  I forget.  Who was it?

Could the Russkies buy up a fifth of U.S. uranium without the Bamster knowing?  And getting his cut?

In the end, Putin might have given Hillary more money than the Muslim Brotherhood did.  Who knows?  Huma hasn't said a word.

Hillary and the DNC paid nine million for the peeing prostitute "dossier," which looks even flimsier today than Obama's PDF birth certificate.  Cost to the DNC: nine million and change.  Income to the Clintons: $145 million and half a million for Bill's speech in Moscow.  That's a tidy profit for the nonprofit.

And nobody is talking about the actual author of the "dossier," Christopher Steele, who worked for the Brits all his life until he found greener pastures selling mendacious crud to the DNC via the Russians.  Or was it the other way around?

Putin's first response to the p-p story was that, yes, Moscow does have the best prostitutes in the world, but he wouldn't know if they did the stuff of Mr. Steele's fertile imagination.  Now it turns out that practically everybody in the world was in on this "secret," except the Trump campaign, and Trump is a poker player.  So maybe Trump actually did know this all along, and just let it play out?

Everybody knew, except the American voters.  That's why we need a brand-new media, untainted by these lowlifes.

Did Mr. Steele forget to tell his former bosses in London and the European Union about the phony dossier?  Isn't there a big piece missing here?  Nobody is even talking about "007" Steele.  Why isn't the U.S. Congress getting him to testify?  Are the Brits part of this, or is this Angela Merkel's revenge for getting tapped by Obama?  Don't forget: the Brits are still trying to escape the clutches of Angela and Macron, and that witches' cauldron in Europe might have infected last year's U.S. election, too.

Alice in Wonderland tried to believe six impossible things before breakfast.  When she grew up, she must have worked for the U.K. Foreign Office.

Mueller's firing squad of Clinton lawyers couldn't possibly be dumb enough to think this "Russian dossier" was real.  But apparently it was all over DC, and in the age of hand-held scanners, that means that everybody knew.  Implication: All the lawyers Mueller hired are in violation of basic Bar Association ethics.  They knowingly took big money for a plainly fraudulent case with enormous political and national security implications.

Nothing the left has tried since the Soviet Union crumbled has gone as badly as today's "progressive" nervous breakdown.  Even in Europe, ordinary people are finally waking up to the tyranny of an unelected ruling class.  Planetary disaster-mongers are beginning to hunker down as actual facts keep coming in.

Ravening sharks are said to tear each other apart when their prey escapes.  What do Democrat lawyers do?

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