'Fake Protest' is When Regime Supporters Do It

I suppose a part of me died a week ago when Nancy Pelosi’s speech was interrupted by activist Dreamers.

Oh wait! Wrong Narrative!

Instead, I had an epiphany. This protest, I realized, with a Good Little Girl leading a well-rehearsed chant exactly as she was presumably taught by her government-paid professor at her government university, was “Fake Protest.”

What it was not was the genuine cry of the wretched of the Earth. How do I know that? First, because Good Little Girls do not do revolution. Second, because the Good Little Girl was advocating in a cause supported by the ruling class as Good Little Girls do. Third, because the Great and the Good did not immediately dump on the protesters as evil pond scum.

This latest epiphany comes after an earlier epiphany I had about the Left right after the 2016 election. The left is always advocating for people outside of the system. Why? Because that is the warrant for Revolution, baby.

In 1850 in Britain, about the time the left was invented, the people outside the system were the working class, straggling out of the starving countryside to lifesaving jobs in the factories. But the workers were outside the system, so they marched in the streets to get the attention of the ruling class. It was the genius of Marx to realize that rich kids like him could make their lives meaningful by protesting on behalf of these workers-outside-the-system, or even better, leading them in bloody revolution. So this was Genuine Protest.

But the bourgeoisie, after suppressing the Chartist movement in Britain, gave the workers the vote and started enacting the workers’ political agenda. Why? Because the bourgeoisie is not that interested in power. So no need for revolution, no need, really, for Protest, not any more.

This was proved in the 1950s during the civil-rights revolution. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. understood, from Gandhi and the Indian National Movement, that he didn’t need to riot in the streets to get the attention of the bourgeoisie. “Non-violent protest” was sufficient. Also, the ruling class of the time was all in favor of Dr. King’s movement. But blacks were outside the system in the Jim Crow South, so Selma’s Bloody Sunday was a good way to get the attention of the nation. Call it Semi-Fake Protest.

Now we have Good Little Girls advocating for a new group outside the system. But there is a problem. Everyone from blacks to gays is already inside the system fully franchised and efficiently represented by the Democratic Party, Democratic elected officials, the mainstream media, government education, and Hollywood jesters acting like kings. So who can genuine activists represent? Of course, illegal immigrants! They don’t have a vote, and they are forced to work in the shadows, at least they do when they live in nonsanctuary cities without a proper sprinkling of “We’re Glad You’re Our Neighbor” yard signs. They are the truly wretched of the earth, outside the system! Yay!

But these Dreamers are not really outside the system; their cause is the cause of the ruling class, which is working night and day, using fair means or foul, to advance their agenda. This is Fake Protest, ginned up by regime supporters, with the tacit approval of the ruling class.

Do you want to know what Genuine Protest today would look like? It would be a protest condemned by all right-thinking people, condemned in a resolution by a unanimous vote of Congress and signed by the President. Because those people would be the genuine wretched of the earth, born of sorrows and rejected of men.

To point up the total fake-arama of left-wing politics today, I give you the lefties’ ABC book for little lefty kiddies: A is for Activist by Innosanto Nagara. Yes,

F is for Feminist

But actually, feminists are mostly well-born women. No people outside the system here.

J is for Justice

Yeah. No Justice, No Peace. That’s why I say there is no such thing as justice, only injustice. And you won’t believe what “T” is for.

It’s a funny thing, but there is no entry in A is for Activist for

M is for Mao; millions of dead
S is for Stalin; he died in his bed.

And I think that is really a shame.

This Fake Protest thing is really not that hard. When liberal parents are buying cute little board books to teach ABCs to future activists, and when tenured government-paid professors are teaching Activism 101, and when Good Little Girls are reprising the “hey, hey, ho ho, (fill in the blank) has got to go” chants of the Sixties, then you are staring right into the face of Fake Protest.

Genuine Protest? That’s when all the right people are getting their knickers in a twist about some low-rent losers that just want a little respect.

Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill runs the go-to site on US government finances, usgovernmentspending.com. Also get his American Manifesto and his Road to the Middle Class.

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