My ‘In This School of Life, We Learn’ Yard Sign

I don’t know if you have been lucky enough to see one of those liberal “In This House, We Believe” virtue-signalling yard signs. In my rich-bitch Seattle neighborhood they are spreading like crabgrass.

But then I thought: I can play this game. I have catch phrases coming out the ying-yang. So here is my prototype yard sign.


That's what I start out with, to contrast with the #WeBelieve sign and its liberal conceit. As though there was no argument about its facile slogans. But life is a process; we conservatives learn from our mistakes as we go along. We hope.


Government is not nice liberal librarians; it is men with guns, just like United Airlines last week. All those nice compassionate programs are funded by FY 2017’s $7.0 trillion in government revenue, according to’s “guesstimate.” Those monies were collected by force, and then dispensed by majority vote. And so, Americans are forced to send their children to government schools, forced to enroll in the government’s retirement program, forced to enroll in the government’s health program for seniors if they want to get their government pension. Warning: do not ever suggest to a liberal librarian that her government pension might be too high.


The whole point of practical politics is to rile up your supporters against the danger of the other guys getting into power: in other words, to divide the country in two. Then there are the liberal activists. Their whole schtick is to demonize as the Other People that don’t repeat-after-me the approved opinion on the political issues raised in the #WeBelieve signs. “Kindness is Everything.” Really? So who are those haters yelling Racist, Sexist, Homophobe?


I was at dance performance on Saturday and an ageing liberal lady said that she was turning to “protest.” Please. The whole leftist protest culture is the liberal ruling class -- and its “little darlings” that right now include rich liberal women, left-wing blacks, La Raza Latinos, lefty LGBTQetc, and Muslims -- enacting fake revolution in front of friendly liberal media cameras. Others need not apply; they are violent extremists.


I got this one from lefty rich kids Horkheimer and Adorno in their Dialectic of Enlightenment. They wrote: "What men want to learn from nature is how to use it in order wholly to dominate it and other men." No kidding, Max and Ted! So when you talk about “our” health-care system or “our” education system you are right away talking about “your” domination.


Among the more evolved and educated among us there has grown up a cult of creativity. To participate in an original creation of a work of art, or science, or activism, is the highest form of life, and only the best need apply. In fact, of course, everyone, even the meanest among us, can participate in the wonder of creation, just by having children. It is telling that the initiates of the cult of creativity, who I call the People of the Creative Self, rather tend to devalue the ordinary miracle of children. They get all creative about sex except when it comes to the creation of children.


The #WeBelieve yard sign says “Science is Real.” I dealt with the ignorance in that statement in an American Thinker piece here.

We must every day remember that science has a problem, in every sense. The first, from F.S.C Northrop, is that knowledge begins with a problem. So science doesn’t even start until it has a problem. Second, in the sense applied by Horkheimer and Adorno above, science easily leads to domination, of nature and people. But science’s real problem is its easy virtue. Science’s whoring after grants often results in bad science and worse government.


You can say that "no human is illegal" all you want, but migration is dangerous. Ask the folks on the receiving end of the northwestern Europeans that migrated all around the world starting in about 1492. In our time the left has made a scandal out of European migration, calling it colonialism. In other words, Europeans migrating and invading all across the world is bad. But now the rest of the world wants to migrate to the West, and that is good. Explain that to me, Sherlock.


I don’t know the answer to the fundamental mystery about "the meaning of life, the universe, and everything." But I believe that whatever silly signs we post in front of our homes, whatever silly ideas we post on our blogs, whatever the lying talking points we spout on the nightly news, God is not mocked.

Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill runs the go-to site on US government finances, Also see his American Manifesto and get his Road to the Middle Class.

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