Trump-Hatred of Sanctimonious Jews Empowering Anti-Semites

In the weeks following the election of President Trump, the dams have burst, sending legions of demonstrators into the streets of America in the hope of warding off the impending inevitability of a Trump incumbency.  Yet despite the tens of thousands of demonstrators, and the hundreds of different organizations leading these demonstrators, what is highlighted by the mainstream media are signs like “Never Again – Jews against Trump” and bold headlines about the arrest of 19 Rabbis at a demonstration opposite the Trump Tower in New York City.  Similar rallies have been held elsewhere.

In response to President Trump’s directive to stop the free flow of unrestricted Muslim immigrants who pose a potential threat to national security, one would think that the first line of demonstrators would be packed by American Muslim religious leaders or American Church leaders who historically have backed Muslim rights in the United States.  Instead we see a steady stream of Rabbis, Jewish organizations, and Jewish demonstrators being paraded at the head of these organizations demonstrating against President Trump and against the democratic electoral process.  Invoking the Holocaust in their message against Trump so as to imply a connection between Trump and the Nazi Party, or having Rabbis invoke their religion to convey a message that the Jewish faith is against President Trump are all part and parcel of a “useful idiot” strategy being implemented by the Democratic Party and other leftist organizations that are funding the ongoing demonstrations against President Trump.

Over the past months, there have been 57 bomb threats to 48 Jewish Community Centers, a number of neo-Nazi marches in a number of states, and swastikas have been reported throughout the United States at a rate unseen in recent times. The steep increases of anti-Semitic attacks throughout the United States are being portrayed by mainstream media outlets as coinciding with the election of President Trump, leading many in the the public to believe that the alt-right and anti-Semitic forces are on the march with impunity.

Little if any media attention has been given to the fact that for the past 15 years since the Durban Conference in 2001, when the BDS and the de- legitimization movements against Israel were established, ultra liberal sanctimonious Jews and leftist Jewish organizations have been at the forefront of political activity demonizing Israel, working to portray Israel as an apartheid state committing genocide on the Palestinian Arabs. When Jews attack Jews, and when Jews deny the State of Israel the basic right of self-defense afforded to all nations of the world, thereby making it OK to express hatred of Israel, then they are invoking hatred toward themselves, and hatred towards the Jews of America.

With the American public hearing Jews vigorously condemn Israel, and then condemn Trump, dismissing the legitimization of the election results while at the same time inflaming the public discourse with vulgar language, it shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone that these Jews are evoking anti-Semitism and empowering anti-Semites. With this being the current environment, then taking the short leap to single out Jews as responsible for the uncertainty and confusion felt by the American public during the post-election period is inevitable.

With comedian Sarah Silverman calling for a military coup to overthrow President Trump (and seeing imaginary swastikas), and Israeli singer Noah calling President Trump “Hitler,” I anticipate that it is going to get worse, possibly much worse, for American Jews in the foreseeable future before it gets better. What began as an anti-Israel, anti-settler campaign has mushroomed into widespread anti-Semitism that does not differentiate between orthodox and reform, between Israel or the “settlers,” between the “Start Up Nation” or “a light unto nations” for these anti-Semites; all Jews look alike, are equally guilty, and are all equally fair game.

Jews’ over representation among political donors, politicians, activists, academics, and of course as voters for the Democratic Party, make them an anathema for those with complaints.  American Jews are quickly approaching the proverbial crossroads, yet they are too busy running from demonstration to demonstration to notice the writing on the wall. For the past century Jews have been the greatest supporters of the Democratic Party. From the days when Jews were garment workers or cabdrivers, todays’ Jews have benefited more than any ethnic group from America’s freedom and economic prosperity. Yet, despite the economic success of American Jews, they continue to refuse to embrace the politics of those who would support economic prosperity that produce goods and innovations that lead to employment and prosperity for all. These Jews continue to reject the capitalist model embodied in the Republican Party and instead blindly continue to support the socialist model of the Democratic Party. It is economic prosperity and not socialism that have made America great.

Despite Presidents Trump’s daughter being married to a Jew with Jewish grandchildren visiting Grandpa Donald at the White House, and despite Trump’s long history of Jewish advisors and Jewish associates, let alone President Trump growing up in the strongly Jewish environment of Queens and Brooklyn during his formative years, it would be wise for many of these self-appointed sanctimonious Jewish leaders to open up their eyes and their hearts and give the American public and the newly elected American President a break. The alternative will sustain the continued anti-Semitism that is poisoning the minds of Americans.

The writer, a 25-year veteran of the I.D.F., served as a field mental health officer. Prior to retiring in 2005, served as the Commander of the Central Psychiatric Military Clinic for Reserve Soldiers at Tel-Hashomer. Since retiring from active duty, he provides consultancy services to NGO’s implementing Psycho trauma and Psycho education programs to communities in the North and South of Israel. Today Ron is a strategic advisor at the Office of the Chief Foreign Envoy of Judea and Samaria    To contact:

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