Les Déplorables: Make America Fun Again

They say that Rule One in politics is that you don’t insult the voters. Okay, so Hillary Clinton failed on that one, but everyone makes mistakes.

I am now starting to think that her Deplorables remark is going to end up being one for the ages. It will be the story that every little budding political activist is told by xim carer before being tucked up at night (because xim nongendered parent has probably been triggered by the little darling refusing to go to bed).

Now let us interrupt this program with an important message. It is an outrageous cultural appropriation for Donald Trump to adapt the graphics of Les Misérables into a Les Déplorables backdrop to his rally and to use “Do You Hear the People Sing” as an introduction to his speech. This is sick and wrong.

The whole idea of revolution and idealistic young men and the barricades is supposed to be a left-wing meme. It is utterly oppressive and exploitative to appropriate these memes for a right-wing racist sexist homophobic fascist populist political campaign. All across America special snowflakes are now rushing to the nearest safe space to get treatment for their post-déplorable stress syndrome. It is clearly time for another Dear Colleague letter from some inner sanctum of the Obama administration to put a stop to this.

And Les Déplorables came after Trump had trolled the media on the Obama birther controversy. You know the story. I just think that the Democratic operatives with bylines should have taken their utter rout with a lot more grace, in the spirit of good old American sportsmanship, instead of running home to Mommy and whining that Donny hit me.

I tell you what this all means to me. It means that Donald Trump has raised his game from Make America Great Again to a far higher plane. Now we are talking about Making America Fun Again.

Ronald Reagan made America Fun, but the Bushes didn’t. Bill Clinton made America Fun, but Obama didn’t.

The worst thing that my father (1902-1988) would say of anyone was “he has absolutely no sense of humor.” Hello Barack! I’ve heard the president make cruel jokes, but never got the feeling that he had a sense of humor. And no Fun. It would, of course, be cruel to discuss the question of Hillary Clinton and Fun.

You really wouldn’t want to share a beer with Obama or Hillary. They are just no Fun at all.

So let’s get start crowdsourcing on the next step in Making America Fun Again. Here is my contribution.

First of all, I think that the Trump campaign should start putting the words of “Do You Hear the People Sing” up on the screen, with a helpful bouncing ball, so the rally goers can sing along. Wouldn’t that be Fun?

Then I think that the Trump campaign should start playing with the words of the song, as in:

Do you hear the clingers sing
They’re Déplorables every one

Why do it? Because it is Fun, and certain Democratic operatives with bylines would be really insulted. Again.

Here’s another idea. Before you go out in the morning, just listen to a handy recording of “Do You Hear the People Sing.” Being human, you may find that you hum it to yourself, particularly when you notice that a liberal friend is close by. But don’t overdo it. Just a snatch of:

Do you hear the people sing
Da-da-di dum-di-dum-di dum

should do it. Because we are conservatives and we don’t want to trigger our liberal friends into going to their therapists with another case of that post-deplorables stress syndrome.

Now let us turn to a real worry arising out of the Trump resurgence. Trump will probably continue to surge for a week or two if he starts talking about how Hillary’s campaign is scamming its poorer contributors with multiple charges on their credit cards, and starts blaming Obama for the crisis resulting from the gasoline pipeline rupture in Alabama.

But think what this means for the safety of the people in Hillary Clinton’s entourage. We have all heard the stories about Herself throwing things back in the days of the Clinton White House. Imagine what she will do as the poll numbers turn from bad to worse in October.

Of course, she is probably too weakened by age and sickness to commit ballistic assault like a self-respecting woman in her 40s. So that’s all right. Huma Abedin will be safe from harm.

But the rest of us can bask in the existential hope that, after eight years of Obama’s War on Fun, Donald Trump will Make America Fun Again.

If Donald Trump wins the election in November, you will know that he had Fun doing it.

Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill runs the go-to site on US government finances, usgovernmentspending.com. Also see his American Manifesto and get his Road to the Middle Class.

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