Black Guns Are Easy to See. Black People, Not So Much

The Washington Post can spot a pattern of racism from worlds away.

Post columnist Mary Curtis said it was easy: people who do not like Barack Obama are not going to admit they are racists. But the pattern often found in Republicans, she said, makes it a “Question of Race.”

Post honcho David Ignatius recently cited another pattern on one of the Sunday morning talk fests. This time, white on black violence.

Ignatius and other panelists pointed to Trayvon, Ferguson, Freddie Gray, and the Charleston church shootings as proof positive of the white racism that is causing so much white racist violence against black people that the President of the United States himself should make it a top priority for the rest of his time in office, Ignatius said.

He was just repeating what has become a mantra at the Post: Black people are relentless victims of relentless white racism, all the time, everywhere, and that explains everything.

Especially why cops are always picking on black people for No Reason What So Ever.

(Ignatius once described something I wrote for the Post as his “strong favorite.” No more book blurbs for mister big mouth.)

Back to the real story: Despite Post fairy tale of widespread white on black violence, what about the troubling numbers that show black crime is 3, 6, 10, 50,100 times greater than white or Asian crime? Especially in places like Washington?

Those numbers are racist too, and the Post is happy to explain it frequently -- and unpersuasively.

Because everyone who lives and works and visits in Washington, D.C. knows how violent and dirty and dangerous this sometimes beautiful city can be. And they also know that violent crime in Washington is a black thing.

Which the Post pretends is a nasty racist lie. Which in itself is the greatest lie of our generation.

But the denial is getting harder and harder to sustain. On Friday, locals opened up the hometown paper to learn about “Five people robbed in 40 minutes in Capitol Hill, Navy Yard areas.”

The gun was black, said the Post. But doggone it, “descriptions of the attackers were not detailed.”

Ditto just a few days before when the headlines read: “Three women robbed in Capitol Hill area by groups of teens, police say.”

In that case, “Descriptions of the assailants in each case were scanty but similar,” leaving us to conclude black guns are easy to see. Black people? Not so much.

Members of D.C. law enforcement send me these stories. They laugh when I ask if they can add anything to these “scanty” descriptions.

I have to ask. Just in case roving bands of Caucasian youth suddenly appear on the streets of D.C. to create violence, mayhem and crime. In copious quantities.

No sign of that yet.

The Post is usually not so shy about race. The paper celebrates almost all facets of black life: Black colleges, black radio, black TV, black ballplayers, black churches, black politicians, black congressional staffers protesting white racism, black funeral homes, black history month, the lack of attention to black history month, black writers, black actors, black theaters, black comedians making fun of white people -- this is a very long list.

Many writers at the Post are members of the National Association of Black Journalists.

But when it comes to black crime that is wildly out of proportion in and around the nation’s capital city, the Post suddenly does its ‘we are color blind’ act.

Not that anyone is buying it. Not anymore.

The editors wonder why anyone would want to know if black people are committing crimes in such exorbitant amounts in D.C. bike trails, schools, entertainment districts, upscale shopping areas, subways, home invasions, buses, parks, government buildings, tourist spots and of course the newly gentrified Navy Yards.

Which they are. Which is documented in that scintillating best-seller, Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization.

Just a few days ago, the Congressional Black caucus invited a black professor, a black police chief, a black sheriff, a black community activist and others to share the podium with the black attorney general.

They nodded like bobble head dolls on a roller coaster when one speaker after another proclaimed that white racism is responsible for so many black people being in prison for No Reason What So Ever.

This is what people like John Kasich, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul, and Barack Obama mean when they talk about the trendiest new buzz word: Criminal justice reform.

One of the panelists -- echoing virtually every member of the Black Caucus -- proclaimed that the only reason why more black people are arrested, jailed, convicted, sent to prison and returned to prison once released, is because police spend too much time in black neighborhoods.

And if the same police were sent to white areas, they would arrest the same amount of people for the same kind of crimes.

Merely saying it is proof enough it is true: Q.E.D.: Quite easily done.

During the same event, Attorney General Lynch basked in the crowd’s warm approval when she talked about how her family used to hide black fugitives on their family farm in North Carolina. Everyone, she said, knew there was no justice in North Carolina.

Certainly not for the victims of those crimes.

The attorney general has no problem describing these fugitives as black. She may never get a job at the Post, but odds are she has already taken my place as one of David Ignatius’s “strong favorites.”

Colin Flaherty is the author of Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry: The hoax of black victimization.  Which you should read, then give to a liberal, say the folks over at Allen West’s web site.

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