Quebec Islamist Networks Exposed

Islamist networks are quietly establishing a presence throughout the province of Quebec in the cities of Montreal, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivieres.  This astounding and disturbing story broke earlier this week on the front page of Montreal’s Le Journal de Montréal, followed by four pages of highly detailed information provided by two investigative journalists.  So far, the English mainstream leftist media has barely batted an eyelash at this breaking news.

According to this report prepared by Félix Séguin and Hugo Joncas of TVA Group and Le Journal Montréal respectively, sister publications owned by the Sun Media division of Quebecor Media,

“…two Islamist networks suspected of financing terrorist groups became the most important owners of buildings housing mosques and Muslim schools in Quebec, discovered by our investigative team.  The Muslim Association of Canada (MAC) and the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA-Canada) own properties that house seven places of worship and four private schools in Montreal, Sherbrooke and Trois-Rivieres.”

ISNA is a direct offshoot of the Muslim Brotherhood, the nucleus of Islamic terrorist movements that preach misogynistic, homophobic and anti-Semitic ideologies, and that call for a global Islamic empire or caliphate (already established by ISIS) ruled by Islamic or sharia law.  MAC, at one point, publicized its ties to the Muslim Brotherhood on its official website, but has since scrubbed it to reflect otherwise.

These Islamist organizations adhere to the 50-point Manifesto written by the Muslim Brotherhood’s founder Hassan al-Banna who opposes Western culture based on liberal-democratic values.  He advocated for an Islamic culture based on the Koran and other highly venerated Islamic texts that denounce the legitimacy of other religions, that oppose freedom of expression, and that seek the re-establishment of a caliphate and the global imposition of sharia law upon all.

Both MAC and ISNA are support entities that finance Islamist terrorist groups.  MAC finances the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, listed by the Government of Canada as a terrorist organization in 2002, via the Muslim relief fund-collector International Relief Fund for the Afflicted and Needy-Canada (IRFAN-Canada).

PointdeBascule website writes “that in April 2011, IRFAN’s charitable status was revoked by Canada Revenue Agency after it concluded that, for the 2005-2009 period alone, IRFAN transferred  $14.6 million to Hamas.  In 2014, the Government of Canada listed IRFAN as a terrorist organization.”

“As for ISNA,” writes Hugo Joncas, “its charitable status has been withdrawn by Revenue Canada in 2013.  The tax department accuses ISNA of having sent $280,000 to Jamaat-e-Islami.  The military branch of this Pakistani organization, Hizbul Mujahideen, is recognized as a terrorist organization by the European Union.  It advocates the installation of an Islamic State in Indian Kashmir.”

In much the same way, ISNA-Canada’s American parent organization, ISNA, was found guilty in 2008 of transferring millions of dollars in funding to Hamas and other jihadi organizations to kill Israeli civilians through the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development in Texas, the U.S.’s largest Islamic charity at the time.

“According to Revenue Canada,” Joncas continues, “MAC owns property worth a total value of $31 million in the country.  Our investigation team found $14.5 million of it in Quebec.  As for ISNA, it entrusts its buildings to a subsidiary company, the Canadian Islamic Trust Foundation (CITF).  This organization has a large number of property assets worth $10 million throughout the country, of which $3.3 million is in the province.”

ISNA’s CITF owns the building in which the Muslim Centre of Quebec, located in Montreal’s West End, resides.  In the mosque, the investigative team found radical Islamic propaganda that defends “sharia law, Palestinian terrorism and suicide attacks.”  This information is accessible to the students whose elementary school, the Ecole Musulmane de Montreal -- subsidized by the government -- is connected to the mosque by a side entrance.

One of the texts found was a 100-page booklet, entitled Controversial Questions about Islam And Comments, which justifies and encourages all sharia practices, such as cutting the hand of thieves “from the wrist joint”, flogging for “illegal sexual intercourse”, stoning adulterers, wearing the hijab, and polygamy. 

Killing apostates is also acceptable, and according to the booklet, “is in a way similar to a person who agrees to become a citizen of a country, which implements capital punishment for certain crimes.”  Concepts such as freedom and human rights depicted in the above-mentioned book, are interpreted differently than they are in the West.

At the Islamic Cultural Association of Estrie in Sherbrooke, housed in a building also owned by ISNA’s CITF, another radical book entitled “Quelques Enseignements indispensables à tout musulman” (Some Essential Lessons for Every Muslim) was found in the mosque by the investigative team.  This book asserts that a wife must obey her husband, that homosexuality is a horrible sin, and that unbelievers are destined for hell.

These seven mosques and four Muslim private schools -- and possibly many others -- support, promote and perpetuate a radical Islamist ideology in Quebec that goes against what Canadian and Western values stand for.

At a time when radicalized Muslims are returning home from the Islamic State battlefields in Iraq and Syria with military training, killing Westerners in the homeland, why does the mainstream leftist media help subjugate Western civilization to sharia law by continuing to obsess over the right to print cartoons?

Instead of assaulting the right to freedom of expression, one of the fundamental rights of a truly free and democratic society, the mainstream media must start exposing the truth about radical Islamist organizations in the homeland and stand up for Western values.

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