McDonald's Black Dude Bigwig: Whassup with That?

What do you call that dysfunctional mindset when someone loses a ton of weight, but continues to view herself as fat?  That's right: anorexia nervosa.

I caught a TV news segment that featured Kevin Newell, global chief brand officer for McDonald's.  Newell is black.  Folks, I am talkin' global chief brand officer.  An internet search will reveal the undeniable truth that many blacks are bigwigs in corporate America.

And yet, this reality does not appear to resonate with black America.  Far too many blacks still believe the myth that while blacks are allowed to achieve in entertainment and sports, a glass ceiling blocks blacks in white corporate America – despite irrefutable evidence proving otherwise.

This is why I found it so disheartening and disgusting to watch the Democrats and MSM (mainstream media) attempt to destroy black businessman extraordinaire Herman Cain when he ran for president in 2012.  Democrats and the MSM shared great disdain for Mr. Cain because his extraordinary success shoots a huge hole in their anti-America and black monolithic vote-winning narrative.

The huge glare of the national spotlight shining on Cain would expose the simple truth that blacks can achieve great entrepreneurial success in America via education, hard work, and responsible choices.  Herman Cain is a Christian black conservative/Republican who considers himself blessed to be an American.  Cain does not view himself as a victim of white racist America.

Cain's self-reliance and independence are as repulsive to Democrats and the MSM as showing Dracula the cross.

Due to the extremely high profile of a presidential run, I was overjoyed at the thought of black youths across America having an opportunity to see the black man who turned around the failing Godfather Pizza and became CEO of the National Restaurant Association.  How many black youths would Cain inspire?  How many black entrepreneurial adventures would be launched?  I was excited!

Unfortunately, white liberals, black liberal traitors, the Democrats, and the MSM conspired together and successfully brought the brother down.  Cain was forced out of the race for the White House.

Note that the same liberal usual suspects have already begun the process of attempting to bring down black conservative world-renowned retired neurosurgeon Dr. Ben Carson in anticipation of him officially throwing his scalpel (corny, but I couldn't resist) into the 2016 presidential race.

Talk about a glass ceiling.  The left (Democrats and the MSM) venomously block black conservatives; you uppity colored boys and gals get back where y'all belong, dependent on gov-ment!

Getting his news from the liberal MSM and not Fox News, my 86-year-old dad asked, “Have you heard of this guy Herman McCain?”  I replied, “His name is Herman Cain, Dad, and he is a great man!”

It occurred to me that black America has a distorted image of itself, similar to that of the skinny person who sees a fat person looking back at her in the mirror.  While the reality is that America is ripe with opportunity for qualified blacks, far too many blacks are opportunity anorexics – viewing themselves as victims of racist white America with limited opportunity.

Black America's opportunity-anorexic self-image is the handiwork of Democrats, the MSM, and black sellouts to liberalism (Sharpton, Jackson, the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus, and the entire despicable bunch of black liberal talking heads on TV).

They relentlessly promote the lie that white corporate America, police, Republicans, and conservatives are too racist and sexist to do right by minorities and women and must be coerced by government.

The Obama administration and MSM use divisive racial lies, stereotypical myths, and class envy to justify government unlawfully usurping authority to dictate how private-sector businesses are run.  Obama seeks to punish businesses, large and small, with absurd regulations and oppressive taxes – all of which kills jobs, particularly for blacks

Folks, I am not saying that discrimination does not exist.  We live in a world of flawed human beings that includes you and me.  But what the Democrats and MSM have been doing to blacks and other minorities, filling their heads with “you're a victim” crap while blacks live in the greatest land of opportunity on the planet, is unconscionable and just plain evil.

Meanwhile, blacks like Kevin Newell at the McDonald's corporation obviously ignored the Democrats' and MSM's lie that corporate white America has it out for them.  Consequently, Mr. Newell is livin' the dream.

Kevin Newell, global chief brand officer for McDonald's.  Way to go, bro!

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