The Oceans Ate Global Warming?

In Alice in Wonderland, by Lewis Carroll, Alice says she cannot believe impossible things. The Queen of Hearts is surprised: “When I was younger, I always did it for half an hour a day. Why, sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast.”

Therefore, suppose we compare two events:

  1. Global warming advocates argue that the oceans are absorbing the extra heat that their computer models predicted, which has mysteriously vanished. The missing heat over the last 18 years has been going into the oceans.
  2. Yet, the Arctic Sea Ice Cap aound the North Pole has grown by 43% since 2012. As confirmed by satellites from orbit, the Arctic ice pack has grown by 1.715 million square kilometers in the last two years, as reported in England’s Daily Mail. That is the size of the truly massive state of Alaska.

So, might we ask a question?  Yes, you with your hand up. 

If the Earth hasn’t warmed for the last 18 years because the predicted heat is going into the oceans, then why is there 43% more ice in the last two years? If you add heat to water containing ice, doesn’t the ice normally melt? Does it normally freeze over, creating more ice? 

Note that ice in the Arctic is free-floating. There are no landmasses in the Arctic, around the North Pole (except the Northern tips of Canada, Russia, and Alaska). The massive continent of Antartica surrounds the South Pole. But in the North, the ice is soaking in ocean water.   

The Economist confidently waffles that “The mystery of the pause in global warming may have been solved,” in “Davy Jones’s heat locker”. The oceans “may be” absorbing the warming.

But wait: Why didn’t the oceans absorb the previous warming first in the past? Why was there a 20-year period of warming without the oceans sponging any of it up back then?

And what could be more persuasive than a fact that “may have been” found -- but, perhaps not? Tell me what “may have been” discovered, and I will follow you anywhere. (Sarcasm mode.) But this argument is now dominant in the mainstream news media, as the American Thinker analyzed in “The Economist Strains to Salvage AGW Theory

Oh, but there is a third argument: They say that shifting wind patterns called a “Polar Vortex” have pushed freezing air farther South than usual. Recent freezing winters and cold weather snaps should not make us question their warnings of global warming, argue the global warming advocates. 

Obviously, shifting cold air southward requires warmer air to move in behind in another location to replace it. A vacuum or low pressure must be filled in, by pulling warmer air up from the south.

So if a “Polar Vortex” pattern cools North America, then warm, southern air pulled up behind must be warming the Arctic region. Yet we are seeing a 43% increase in Arctic ice. 

People who are well-informed know that the global warming superstition is based exclusively on computer models. Those models are essentially video games, like virtual reality. You may have heard the saying “garbage in, garbage out.” Speculation put on a computer is still speculation.

Normally we have real-world evidence of a scientific hypothesis. In that case, statistical models or computer models can help us analyze the real-world evidence. 

Here, however, man-made global warming is based on nothing but a fantasy enhanced by computers.  Remember: the question is whether human industrial activity is causing global climate change, or whether natural variations such as with the Earth’s orbit are to blame. The issue is not whether the Earth’s temperature varies, but whether humans are causing it.

So when events in the real world dramatically contradict what the global warming computer models predicted, they have nothing left. If the models are wrong, the entire concept is wrong. This is different from models which build on real-world evidence.

On a similar point, are we forgetting basic high school biology? Carbon dioxide (CO2) gets converted into oxygen. It doesn’t stay as CO2. While snorkeling in the Bahamas for badly-needed exercise, I recently witnessed photosynthesis in action:

Small bubbles floated up everywhere in the water. As far as the eye could see, streams of bubbles rose up from the sea grass as I swam along the Bahama flats in the Abacos.

It’s called photosynthesis. Plants convert sunlight and carbon dioxide into energy and complex carbohydrates using chlorophyll as a catalyst. They release oxygen. 

The streams of bubbles floating up through the water are the oxygen from miles of sea grass. We cannot see the oxygen produced on land. Under water, you can see it happening right in front of your eyes.       

The sun was shining. Miles upon miles of sea grass were busily converting carbon dioxide into oxygen. Those plants are sucking carbon dioxide out of the water every minute, every hour, all day long, every day, with no vacations. About every foot in every direction, there was a line of bubbles. Every bubble was followed by another in the same column about eight feet behind. 

Just the Bahama Island flats alone are over 2,400 square miles. All that sea grass is sucking up carbon dioxide and converting it into oxygen at a fantastic, staggering rate. Compared with the thousands of bubbles per minute I could see within a few hundred yards, quadrillions (thousands of trillions) of such bubbles throughout the flats are flowing every minute from carbon dioxide converted into oxygen.

Worldwide, the oceans are teeming with the most abundant life forms on the planet: free-floating algae and other phytoplankton. These are plants. (Zooplankton are tiny animals which eat phytoplankton). 

All that algae and other phytoplankton are sucking up mind-boggling quantities of carbon dioxide worldwide every second. The oceans cover three-quarters of the Earth’s surface. The quantity of plant life in the oceans dwarfs the amount of plants on land.

Life-giving, perfectly clean carbon dioxide is what fuels plants. The more carbon dioxide available, the faster plants busily convert CO2 back into oxygen. That is the cycle of life. Increased carbon dioxide causes plants to flourish, reducing the amount of carbon dioxide.

The superstition that humans are causing global warming is collapsing and entering the mockery phase. 

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