Bitter Harvest

If one gets leftist materials and articles from the Palestinian Arab perspective, one has to realize, which many avid leftists do not, that Islam has an essential element of cult-sanctioned lying: It is Taqqiyyah, and means for Western purposes of journalism and reportage that one can simply never believe materials, data and stats given to non-umma (world of Islam) recipients -- it is through and through dishonest and deliberately misleading.

Taqqiyyah permits and endorses lying by the 'faithful' for the protection and support of Islam. The translation of this tenet through the centuries means unwarranted tweaking and meretriciousness on as many levels as one can cite. Orwell would probably approve of their yes is no, right is wrong credo.

A  significant aspect to all these European and Middle Eastern Muslim “protests” and action-salted vilifications in the anti-Israel media in Great Britain and France and elsewhere is that, admit it or not, the Left seethes with resentment that Israel is not more injured and more bruised by their jumped-up fraudulent propagandizing. To read the Left's "facts" on anything anent Israel or even, stretching the story, Jews of any stripe but Left, is to tacitly swallow their millennial hatred for Jews and Israel. Over the past half-century, the Left has rarely been reliable in their rancid reportage where Israel is concerned.

Equally mystifying and repellent is the Left’s tropism toward obliviousness to even the most appalling and unjustifiable misbehavior by Arabs almost across the board. Abuse of minors, sex trafficking on a massive scale, current-day slavery in major Islamic states (Mauritania and Sudan), widespread and unholy female genital mutilation, abuse of blacks in general, sexual violations of women, beheadings, horror murders, mass exterminations as seen by Bashir el Assad and his equally abhorrent father, Hafez, forced conversions, destruction of Christians and their churches, rampages and rapes against Hindus and ravaging of property of Copts, despoliation of any minority or alternate view of Islam -- Sunni vs. Shi'a vs Alawite and so forth -- are all supremely ignored or, worse, rationalized away as just cultural elements to be indulged. Unworthy of global condemnation.

The Left has given short shrift to those condemning these savage manifestations of unacceptable primitivism and hatefulness; conscience-stricken humanitarians noting these abuses are dismissed and rendered suspect. The Left reserves its ire for democratic, if imperfect (who or what is not imperfect?) tiny Israel. And of course, not to be forgotten or forgiven, so many of these career atavists and haters are of Jewish birth, and their self-loathing seems to take this vitriolic form of flagellating their parents for some imagined ill or denied privilege while they were in swaddling.

But there is one tiny glimmer of silver to the barrage of dross attacking Israel when she is clearly the victim in the current Gaza/Israel engagement: One observation to be made in the barrage of hateful PR emanating against victim Israel and worldwide Jewish attackees, Jews in the EU and elsewhere, is that the Muslims who have so strenuously denied that the Holocaust took place, have accidentally let the Holocaust cat out of the liar bag.

The PA’s frontman-intransigent, Mahmoud Abbas, wrote his fictional-thesis PhD at Moscow U on Holocaust denial -- he denied that it took place, derogating especially the scale of the genocidal murder of so many millions of Jews. Yet all the hullaballoo of late, and every attack against Israel in this apoplectic maelstrom, involves comparing Israelis/Jews to Nazis -- if there was no Holocaust, and Jews were not murdered wholesale, why invoke the Hitlerian image of killing every hour on the hour? We were told there was no Nazi massacre of millions, that Hitler was a non-offensive apparatchik who did nothing remarkable. The rhetoric is corrosive that one may not believe in either the frequency or poison of their epic lies. They have spilled the truth in their avidity to smear Israel with the worst the world can offer: Accusing them of being that most heinous of killer avatars, the Nazis.

And as for the Left, we see them aligning with the malignant Muslim PR mongers. Even as Israel faces existential expiration under unceasing, withering rocket and missile attacks the Left’s dearest wish is for Israel to 'fess up to their imaginary inequities, lie down in the Left-readied grave, and turn out the lights.  Remarkably the same as ardently lusted for by the atavistic Muslim. Finito la commedia.

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