Liberal Dopplegangers
When we see Liberals on TV, more often than not they caricature themselves, leaving very little to the imagination, depriving Main Street Americans from opportunities to engage in creative Alinsky-type ridicule.
MSNBC might as well be the Cartoon Network (no offense meant to the Cartoon Network), because their daily programming is filled with equally zany, unbelievable characters. That said, we can at least try to match the souls of Progressive celebrities to the soul of their fictional twins.
Interestingly, the star studded Mars Attacks!, hailed by experts as an American masterpiece -- exceeded only by Team America: World Police -- contains one of the most enduring, heart warming scenes in cinematic history: When the Martian Ambassador addresses a joint session of Congress, he/she pulls out his/her ray gun and reduces the chamber to 535 smoldering skeletons! This scene resonates deeply with all red-blooded Americans who long for term limits for members of Congress.