Artisans vs. Guardians

The current DC ObamaCare tragicomedy is playing itself out in terms of right-brain dominant Artisan types (generally the Democrats) versus the left-brain dominant Guardian temperament types (generally the Republicans and more noticeably among the Tea Party favorites).

The Washington sitcom involving ObamaCare would be quite engaging if it were not so destructive of the freedoms that U.S. citizens hold dear, not to mention the U.S. economy and the best healthcare system ever known to mankind. On a personal level, we are familiar with the list of numerous stresses that have been placed upon the American people in the form of job losses and cutbacks in the number of hours worked as well as the lack of new job creation; health insurance losses; individual penalties ("taxes") or increased premiums; overwhelming arbitrary threatening new red tape and financial burdens; further loss of privacy; increased risk of identity theft; loss of individual rights, choice, and freedom; and health care limited (i.e., rationed) by an arbitrary board (IPAB) and ACO's, to name just a few. In the balance, these injuries outweigh whatever intentions lay behind the imposition of ObamaCare upon the American people. Intentions are not good enough; Americans need workable, rational free-market choices.

What follows is a simplification and overview of a complex subject connecting the dots between brain-sided dominance of thought, personality type, and political party. Viewing the Washington cast of characters from this vantage point is an eye-opener. We'll start with some background information on what these concepts mean to fully comprehend and to become proficient in the evolving realm of cognitive neuroscience.

The right brain is known to be the intuitive, creative, visual, emotional, relaxed artistic side. Furthermore, the right brain can be described as nonrational (not requiring a basis of reason or facts) and relates to things as they are in the present moment. Individuals with a dominant right brain are more likely to be the artists and writers, whereby on a daily basis a perhaps nonlogical choice does not mean disaster but a right to an opinion.

To elaborate on these characteristics, David Kiersey's book titled Please Understand Me II and Betty Edwards' text, Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain 4th ed., are useful references. Artisans (right-brain dominant individuals) operate primarily in the today, here, and now; i.e., on what is impacting the Artisan today, rather than potentially ruining today by considering what might (or might not) happen tomorrow or in the future. They are not the left-brain worry warts but more hedonistic, enjoying and wishing to improve upon today. The Artisans are concerned about INTENT. The end result (the good intention) justifies the means. An Artisan does not consider a problem that arises in the process of reaching the intended end his or her fault. As a matter of course, problems arise. Furthermore, since these problems were not intentional, the Artisan will fight back if criticized.

Artisans are more creative and visual, thereby experiencing life more on a basis of how life appears. For example, a cube in a painting is very different from the three-dimensional object. In art, entertainment, marketing, and journalism, for examples, appearance and the right to an opinion do not require logic or someone dies. It is okay to be wrong and you don't lose your job; this would not be the case for a pilot, engineer, or physician (usually left-brain dominant temperaments). In general, for an Artisan, intuition, not logic, is the major criterion for a decision, and the Artisan is more apt to judge by appearances and support the dream of a utopia, a good intention, and an end. What is missing in these muses is a logical, rational plan. Because right-brainers are very positive and optimistic, ill-conceived plans appear to be fixable, so pursuits evolve into never-ending fixes with a multitude of rules and regulations. So in summary, the Artisans have good intentions but shortcomings with regards to the logical analysis of the feasibility of the ideas.

To digress, the basic fallacy with the concept of a utopia (or utopian idea) is that somebody must be forced or coerced to work for the benefit the others, therefore, the utopian concept is nullified. The members of this society that are forced to work have a right to their own lives, the fruits of their labors, and freedom; under "utopia," these rights and freedoms are violated. Governmental legislation merely obscures the real nature of these socialistic programs.

The logically-thinking left-brainers (Republican types) are misunderstood by the predominant right-brainers, as the left-brainers appear to thwart the right-brainers' dreams and good intentions. The right-brainers do not recognize that a negative response from the left-brainers is actually a protective mechanism for society -- a warning response that there is a logical problem. After a logical analysis of the right-brainers' dreams and good intentions discovers the possibilities of negative outcomes (maybe not today but in the future) the result is to dissuade the right-brainers from further action. This is a difference in perspective from the right-brainers' propensity to look at what is doable today and the left-brainers' recognition of the need for sound judgment. This does not preclude that the left-brainers might have some good valid alternatives to further the goals of the right-brainers.

The left-brainers not only factor in the future but the ramifications of current facts and issues. In contrast for the right-brainers, the focus of an issue is intent. The designation of the left-brainers as Guardians is an apt one, since the Guardians function to protect people from mishaps and disasters and preserve our right to freedom and liberty. These left-brainers are the fixit folks.

The left-brainer Guardians also tend to be less articulate than their right-brain counterparts. The left-brain Guardians communicate in logical formats that are understood by the left brain-dominant populace, but appear cold, selfish, and even mean to the right-brainers. The real challenge is to recognize the cognitive personality differences and learn to communicate to the right-brain dominant members of society. The messages need to be visual, express the good "fixit" intentions of the left-brain Guardians, portray the impact on the individual in the mode of today, and promote a better plan. Input of right-brainers in these communications is logically important, since the perspective is so vastly different. Alternatively, individuals, although much less frequent in number, that manifest bilateral dominance (left and right-brain characteristics) such as Ronald Reagan, would be very useful.

The Artisan personality type accounts for roughly 40% of the population; the Guardian type compose a similar percentage of 40%. To coordinate the efforts of both personality types for the mutual benefit of society is a worthy objective. To once again illustrate this point, it makes no sense to have a right-brain Artisan colony design and manufacture a car. Who knows if it would work efficiently (run) and run well?! A left-brain colony of engineers, no doubt, would plan a more workable efficient car, but who knows how ugly it might be or what the marketing commercials might look like? Society prefers a combination of types and would benefit from the application of the strengths of both in a rational logical fashion. Again, the left-brain dominant Guardians' challenge is to find and use communications to cross the gap and one key is recognizing the innate differences between predominantly right and left-brain thinkers.

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