Grand Old Propaganda
Let's say your daughter comes home after the first day of high school and reports that her science teacher asked the class what they knew about the solar system. Several outspoken students believed the sun revolves around the earth, so the teacher apologized to the class for the assigned textbook which taught otherwise, and he promised the class a healthy debate on the subject.
Wouldn't you get on the phone immediately to the school and complain? The low-information student, as yet uneducated and impressionable, does not determine the curricula, but is there to learn. Misinformation is the adult's duty to correct.
Yet today's GOP has a similar approach. The "shoot-themselves-in-the-foot" party is stalking the irresistible "youth voter," or what purportedly has been learned about this elusive prototype. The College Republican National Committee commissioned surveys of young adults, 18 to 29, and issued a report which advises the party to radically alter not just its media tactics and grassroots outreach to youth, but the Party's current message on some issues.
Take a guess what those issues are.
Let's start with Planned Parenthood. Leave this poor beleaguered organization alone, say the youngsters in GOP research. Defunding efforts are too "negative." This contrasts, of course,with the DNC's positive, pro-fetus advocacy including taxpayer-funded, late-term, sex-selection abortions.
Even though the college GOP report found that more young voters than ever are pro-life, some apparently nevertheless swallowed the bald-faced lie that the GOP, composed primarily of cold-hearted rich guys, was truly waging a "war on women" and was on a rampage to confiscate all the nation's contraceptives.
So what's the solution? The Republicans need to change their message, even though it wasn't their message. Essentially, the party must change its principles. They must not speak out and try to limit Planned Parenthood's evil actions any longer, if they listen to what the Winston Group researchers say they found.
This only makes sense if you actually are heartless and ignore the gruesome facts: the racially-tinged agenda of PP: its cover-up of underage girls' abortions; its tepid response to the Gosnell murders; and its daily slaughter of innocent children. Planned Parenthood needs to be exposed and defunded, and it's one of the most positive things American politicians could achieve.
As a former volunteer for a brief time at Planned Parenthood, I ask, why not tell the truth and overcome the shameless lies? There is a war on women, but it's not to raid Sandra Fluke's contraceptive piggy bank. The war is that women are being told motherhood is low-status, fertility is incidental to marriage (dovetailing nicely with the "gay" agenda), and participating in the extinction of one or more of one's own children, the fruits of a woman's womb, is a valid choice.
Have we lost our blooming minds? It is never a valid choice, and history is showing us how right our cause is. As we see the Kermit Gosnells finally exposed, the momentum is ours, to keep showing America, and that includes young people, how dreadful the Roe legacy has been, and that there is power and promise in life.
There is defeat, darkness, and death in the Democrats' position of "choice." Only fools would quit now. The liberals are on the wrong side of history, and that will soon be evident if it isn't already.
But rather than pledge to educate the shallow, the immature, the indoctrinated, and the distracted, the Winston Group researchers recommend the GOP back off from the truth. Winning elections is the all-important goal, forgetting conveniently the incentive to win isto implement a particular policy agenda. If you have no fixed "policy orientation," who cares?
Which brings us to homosexuality. Predictably, the researchers found that younger voters are more inclined to see nothing wrong with this behavior, dutifully regurgitating the relentless, inaccurate messaging of "gay" advocates and the liberal media. Opposing same sex marriage is a "deal breaker" for one out of four younger voters, who said they'd never pull the lever for such candidates. So what do the "experts" advise?
On the issue of same sex so-called marriage, the report recommends, "...the party ought to promote the diversity of thought within its ranks and make clear that we welcome healthy debate on the policy topic at hand. We should also strongly oppose the use of anti-gay rhetoric."
"Healthy" debate does not include lies. And by suggesting the GOP avoid "anti-gay rhetoric," the report ironically uses pro-"gay" rhetoric. "Anti-gay" is a pejorative that neatly accomplishes several deceptive rhetorical goals at once. It assumes an unsubstantiated inborn identity of "gay," which has been the campaign of homosexual activists for forty years; and the phrase adopts the "anti" label for those trying to put forward a positive, pro-family, sexual integrity message that embraces male/female natural sexuality while rejecting perversion.
This used to be called raising your children to be morally straight. Whoops, guess that phrase can't be used any longer, either, and would fall into the "anti-gay rhetoric" category.
Ignoring all the evidenceto swallow the whopper that there's nothing wrong with homosexual behavior, candidates are to be counseled to capitulate to the militant "gay" lobby. Does this apply even if religious principle is involved? Even if these deviant behaviors are packaged and sold to vulnerable children without their parents' consent (as in Massachusetts and California)? Even if this behavior will never be marriage in reality, no matter how many people in surveys say otherwise?
What if... I'm just dreaming now... a strategic political objective of the supposed "conservative" party would be choosing instead to launch a massive education effort to younger voters about why they can support timeless values, why it's not "hate" to support natural man/woman marriage, and why they are being far more compassionate to support defunding Planned Parenthood, than to keep letting that group get away with, well... murder?
This report is most likely the work of a few people who steered the research and focus groups to obtain a predetermined outcome. Hopefully, there was division in the ranks. Some of this team surely are social conservatives, dismayed to see this report filed, knowing that America is on the verge of moral collapse.
If the GOP doesn't act rationally on this, it will soon be replaced by a national Tea Party movement or some other new option with foresight and guts.
Or GOP leaders can stay the course, with their current highest goal to be invited to the right cocktail parties, at least for a couple of years until the meaninglessness of the party strategy is undeniable.
To use a favorite DNC phrase, it's their choice.