First Black President Makes Racist White Woman's Dream Come True

Is Barack Obama really black? His love affair with the taxpayer-subsidized abortion provider Planned Parenthood suggests he has it in for his own people.  Why doesn't he care that PP's founder was a radical racist eugenicist?

Last Friday, Obama became the first sitting president to address a Planned Parenthood national conference.  In his introductory remarks, Obama paid homage to a "health clinic" (one of his many euphemisms) which opened in Brooklyn "nearly a hundred years ago."  Since he was being careful with language, Obama didn't bring up PP's founder, Margaret Sanger, who along with her sister and a friend started the Brooklyn clinic he referenced.

Perhaps the current Kermit Gosnell horror trial in Philadelphia made Obama reticent to speak on an unrevised history of abortion rights.  But the truth is that Sanger established the American Birth Control League (ABCL) in 1921 -- the antecedent to the Planned Parenthood Federation of America -- and preventing births was only half the picture.

Fortunately, Sanger left a paper trail a mile long regarding her racist and eugenicist desire "to eliminate the stocks that are most detrimental to the future of the race and the world" ("The Cruelty of Charity" from The Pivot of Civilization, 1922).  And she was able to attract the financial support of the children and grandchildren of white men like Rockefeller, Ford, and Carnegie, who funded her anti-black projects from the beginning. 

Just how bad were the card-carrying socialist Sanger and her wealthy pals?

In 1921, Sanger organized the first American Birth Control conference in New York City.  The three-day gathering featured "prominent scientists, physicians, demographers, and eugenicists, as well as social workers, birth control advocates and socialites."

Members of Sanger's ABC League board and the future PPFA included Dr. Adolphus Knopf of New York Medical Hospital, who spoke of the "black and yellow peril in America," and Lothrop Stoddard, who met and interviewed both Adolf Hitler and Josef Goebbels in 1939.

Stoddard, a Harvard-educated historian/journalist, spent four months observing the population policies of the Third Reich.  He admired the Nazis for "the most ambitious and far-reaching experiment in eugenics ever attempted by any nation."  Stoddard's 1920 book entitled The Rising Tide of Color Against White World Supremacy led to his contention that the ultimate solution to social problems was eugenics.  He expounded on this in his 1926 work Scientific Humanism.  Stoddard was also a frequent contributor to Sanger's Birth Control Review. 

In 1930, Sanger invited Dr. Eugen Fischer to her home in America.  Fisher's racial hygiene theories would eventually lead to the extermination of millions by the Nazis.

In 1932, Sanger penned a Peace Plan which included stopping the immigration of all Catholics, Jews, and other feebleminded people; segregating those who refused to be sterilized by forcing them to live the rest of their lives on farms under work instruction; and the keeping of other anti-social groups on these farms until they had been reformed.

In April 1933, a month after Hitler came to power, Sanger published a special issue of her Review.  It focused on eugenic sterilization.  Professor Ernst Rudin, who later worked with the Nazis on their Human Genetics program, wrote an article for the edition.

One of Sanger's most audacious initiatives began in 1939.  A memorandum, "Suggestions for Negro Project," made its way to her desk from Dr. Clarence Gamble, the director of the Birth Control Federation of the South.  Sanger made it clear she did not want her racist motivations to be exposed, so she worked to enlist black preachers to carry the birth control message into Southern black communities.

The marketing plan worked.  By 1947, black leaders throughout the country gave their blessing to Planned Parenthood.

Dorothy Height, abortion activist

The radical activist Dorothy Height, who died in 2010 at the age of 98, was one of those leaders. 

In a tribute to Height after her death, Ms. Magazine ran a piece by Loretta Ross praising the activist's unflinching support of Roe v. Wade and abortion rights for black women.

Ross claimed that Height was never afraid to use the "A" word and in the same article directly tied Height to Sanger's Negro Project of 1939.  Ross stated that "prior to Roe, she [Height] had supported Margaret Sanger's campaign to provide birth control to the African American community that had requested such services." 

The African-American Ross, who served on the DC Commission for Women in the 1970s and 1980s, probably never  heard of Sanger's subversive plan involving the "extermination" of the black race; otherwise, she might not have included Height's historical connection to Sanger.

Since communism and abortion go together, Height was also memorialized by the Communist Party's executive vice president, Tyner Jarvis, who called her "the matriarch of the movement...a remarkable leader...a militant fighter...whose life work stretched from the New Deal through the 2008 election of President Obama." 

In her 2005 memoir, Height admitted to attending communist meetings throughout her activist years.  "Among the communists were some of the best minds that I had ever come upon. The tactics I learned from them have something to do with my staying power today," she wrote.

Height believed that abortion rights and civil rights were closely linked.  She was a regular speaker at every major march for abortion rights from 1970 until her death.  Obama, the most openly pro-abortion president ever, openly wept at her funeral.     

In 1942, Sanger's ABC League changed its name to the less Nazi-ish-sounding Planned Parenthood Federation of America.  By that time, sterilization laws and ridding societies of the "morons who are increasing and multiplying" (Sanger, The Pivot of Civilization) didn't go over so well with a public becoming aware for the first time of Hitler's Final Solution.  Reports coming out of Nazi Germany involving the same intellectuals and scientists writing for Sanger's Review in the 1930s required a different marketing strategy.

Obama, abortion, and eugenics

Progressive white ruling-class elites have been obsessed with controlling the populations of black, brown, and yellow people since the early years of the 20th century.  In his speech, Obama mocked pro-life policies that will "turn back the clock" to the '50s.  Yet, he has no problem condoning Planned Parenthood's racist policies that take us all the way back to the 1930s.

Who would have imagined that the first black president would be the one to make a racist white woman's dream of a future without people of color come true?

Here's the evidence.  The abortion statistics in the black community are off the charts.  From the National Black Catholic Congress:

Do you know what the leading cause of death in the African American Community since 1973 is? Think about it for a minute. It happens 1452 times a day in our community. It has taken over 13 million Black lives within the last 30 years. It has taken 1/3 of our present population. What is it? ABORTION!

Don't believe it? Well, you don't have to, but you would be a fool not to because the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has provided the tragic statistics. According to the CDC, since 1973, the year of the Supreme Court Decision Roe vs. Wade, 13 million (13,000,000) African American lives have been lost to abortion.

Sanger's 100-year war on minority women is the result of elites like Barack Obama who continue to hail her organization as a champion of women's rights instead of an advocate for abortion and selective breeding.

The Brooklyn Museum has an exhibit entitled The Dinner Party, which uses place settings to show the achievements of 1,038 feminists in history who have influenced the women's movement.

The museum's website describes Margaret Sanger's plate as "painted with bright red glazes that evoke the female reproductive organs and the blood that is involved in the reproductive process...the runner for Sanger's place setting...within the illuminated 'M' is a fettered mother and baby inspired by a quote from Sanger that reproductive freedom would free women from 'motherhood in chains.'"  To women like Sanger, a baby can be a ball and chain.

At last Friday's conference, attendees laughed when Obama ridiculed the anti-abortion laws recently enacted in a few states: "When you read about some of these laws, you want to check the calendar; you want to make sure you're still living in 2013," the president said.  

Well, the audience members are among the lucky ones still living in 2013, unlike the 13 million black babies killed as a result of Sanger's Planned Parenthood agenda.

When Obama says, "I'm going to be right there with [Planned Parenthood] fighting every step of the way," he identifies more with progressive white power elites than he does with blacks.

Read more M. Catharine Evans at Potter Williams Report.

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