Blame Whitey: The Swedish Version

"Sweden riots expose ugly side of Multiculturalism and Immigration."  That would be an accurate title for an article describing the wave of mayhem unleashed by violent immigrants in the suburb of Husby, north of Stockholm.


The rioting is yet another example of tribalistic behavior on the part of bitter, entitled immigrants who have been unwisely welcomed into Western nations.  But that's not how Reuters saw things.


"Sweden riots expose ugly side of 'Nordic model'" is the slanderous title chosen by Reuters to describe an uprising of ungrateful third-world immigrants.


In case we in America haven't caught on yet, perhaps we should take note.  If the ultra-tolerant Swedes, with their giant welfare state and generous asylum policy, can't manage to satisfy the demands of third-world immigrants, then perhaps no one can.


But what is this "Nordic model," whose ugly side has been exposed?  It is the "Swedish model of welfare," according to the anti-white, anti-Western hacks writing for Reuters.


That's right: when mobs of criminal immigrant youths attack police and burn cars, their behavior is the fault of the European nation that gave the immigrants a home.  That home supported their lifestyle, provided education and health care, and paid the immigrants to simmer in baseless hate.


The belligerent mobs are supposedly angry that police shot a man who was threatening police by swinging a machete at them.  The politically correct call this behavior "wielding a machete."  The machete-swinger is of unknown nationality, but he lived in the suburb of Husby, which is predominantly Muslim immigrant.


The Reuters reporters, who evidently despise Swedes and will obediently recite any insult made about the Swedish people, have this enriching perspective to offer:


Conversations with residents of this immigrant neighborhood soon bring tales of fruitless job hunts, police harassment, racial taunts and a feeling of living at the margins that are at odds with Sweden's reputation for openness and tolerance.


Could it be that those residents are not telling the truth?  Could it be that their victim mentality, like the victim mentality of so many groups in Western societies, has led them to exaggerate the scope of discrimination and concoct fairy tales of oppression?  Might there even be a fundamental conflict between the values of many Muslim immigrants and the values of a secular European state?  These possibilities seem not to have occurred to the Reuters journalists, who wrote this apology for violence:


Riots that began in Husby have spread across Stockholm over the last four nights in scenes reminiscent of London in 2011 and Paris in 2005- outbursts with their roots in segregation, neglect and poverty.


There we have it: the bitter fruit of white nations.  "[S]egregation, neglect and poverty."  The immigrants have not found opportunity, broad freedoms, or the chance to live and think as they please and or rise according to their training and talent.  Instead, all the immigrant finds are "segregation, neglect and poverty."


We aren't supposed to even think that the Swedish immigrants are segregated because they are Muslim and because many hate gays, women's uncovered faces, alcohol, and even service dogs for the blind.  It couldn't be that "neglect" is an idiotic term to describe the relationship between a society and immigrants; only helpless people and dependents can be neglected.  All others are supposed to have enough free will and human decency to make a go at life without being coddled.  And last, but certainly not least, we are never supposed to question the values or behavior of anyone who lives in "poverty."


In fact, Western nations are horrible if they don't turn immigrants into white-collar professionals by the second generation:


Metros and trains out of Stockholm center late at night are full of exhausted-looking Arabic or Spanish speaking immigrants returning home from menial jobs. Even second generation immigrants struggle to find white collar employment.


These largely Muslim immigrants, egged on by the feral press, feel that they are entitled to faster career progression and an easy path to affluence.  Never mind that the immigrants are better off in Sweden than they could ever be in their native countries of Syria, Afghanistan, and Somalia.


That's right: Sweden is accepting record numbers of asylum-seeking immigrants, and in 2012, "half were from Syria, Afghanistan and Somalia."


Perhaps no one should be surprised that the model of society created by Syrians, Afghanis, and Somalis would follow them to Sweden.  Perhaps the Swedes have been so indoctrinated into dogmas about diversity that they actually thought they could assimilate people from war-torn, fundamentalist, undeveloped societies.


How many Western nations do we have to sit by and watch unravel?  When will we see that Western nations are building their own funeral pyres by admitting large numbers of people who reject the native culture?  Instead of seeking the promise that Western nations have to offer, as did the waves of European immigrants to the U.S. through the 19th and early 20th century, immigrants from former colonies or Muslim nations are bitter and lashing out.


Those who are well-indoctrinated will respond, "Not all immigrants are that way!"  Of course, there is not a riot, or a machete slaying, every day, or even often.  But the West is decaying every day, as the welfare state expands, as tribalism grows, and as a significant portion of the population demands that the historic majority live in shame, the scapegoat for the failings of people who never intended to assimilate.


Much of the political leadership in Western Europe is paralyzed by diversity dogmas and self-loathing over colonialism, capitalism, and just about every other aspect of life that doesn't involve groveling to some racial or religious interest group.  We have plenty of such rotten political leadership in America.


The lessons of Stockholm and London are clear: If we're serious about maintaining a unique American culture, then it's time to stop admitting immigrants who don't share that culture.  It's impossible to parse out immigrants who want to assimilate from those who don't.


Here, spineless Republicans have proven that they are completely unwilling to fight back against the shakedowns, guilt-trips, and anti-white hostility that run rampant through universities, the media, and some segments of the population.


Does hostility seem like too strong a word?  How else would you describe immigrants who riot when police use force against a machete-swinging madman?  How else do you describe people who despise the country that charitably allowed them to enter and have a better life than any they could hope for in their countries of origin?


While elites promote the perspective of embittered minorities, no one acts on behalf of the silent majority.  The few people who have eyes to see what is occurring must do more.


We'll either continue our slide into multicultural decay, or we'll place restrictions on immigration, and stand up for our Western culture.

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John T. Bennett (MA, University of Chicago, Master of Arts Program in the Social Sciences '07; J.D., Emory University School of Law '12) is a former Army officer with tours of duty in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Djibouti.  His writing has appeared in, World Net Daily, and The Chicago Tribune, among others.


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