Immigration Must Benefit the Host Nation
A root factor of the April 15th bombing in Boston is the self-destructive immigration policy of the United States, which willingly allows the infiltration of those either dedicated to or susceptible to being converted to the tenets and tactics of radical Islam. Yet, despite the ongoing theatre in Washington D.C. regarding immigration reform, there is no effort to correct this glaring gap. Instead, virtually all the national attention has turned to granting amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants before the border is fully secured. Additionally, hidden within the legislation is a provision which establishes preferred status to those seeking to come to the United States from nations harboring active Jihadist movements such as Chechnya and Pakistan.
Lost amid all the discussion and demagoguery of so-called immigration reform is the foundational proposition that immigration policy should be based on what is good for the nation, and not for those seeking, either legal or illegal, entry into a country or what is good for a particular political party. As an undocumented, albeit legal immigrant and naturalized citizen I have long been baffled why the United States and much of the Western world, embraces an open door policy which allows far too many to enter who do not seek to assimilate or contribute to the well-being of the host country.
In this era of political correctness and collective national guilt, this question cannot be asked without the usual accusation of xenophobia and racism geared to shut down all debate and the public discussion of uncomfortable questions. The people of this nation can no longer remain silent regardless of the invective and character assassination by the American left who live in a surreal world of their own making.
A major failing of far too many Americans in positions of power is the inability to outgrow the naïve and childish belief that if they could get all the peoples of the world, but in particular those who hate the United States, to sit around a campfire and sing songs of peace and love, the earth could be a better place. Further, these useful idiots are of the belief that the borders of the United States should be open to all as penance for America's sins of the past.
Concurrent with this naiveté is the equally juvenile conviction that there is a bottomless pit of money in the United States that can be siphoned from an equally bottomless pit of wealth; thus the nation can absorb a near limitless number of immigrants seeking to access the social safety net irrespective of what happens to the economy or undercutting the incomes of American citizens within a shrinking pool of available jobs.

The greatest threat to peace in the world today is the radical Islamic movement bent on re-creating the caliphate of past centuries -- by any means possible. Similar to the 1930's, far too many today refuse to believe what they see before their eyes, as the Middle East and Northern Africa are gradually but inexorably becoming dominated by the Jihadist movement.
Radical Islamist cells are being constantly discovered and threats thwarted in nations such as Spain, Canada, Germany and the United Kingdom. Yet the United States willingly allows, in the name of understanding or so-called asylum, immigration from nations that either harbor or are dominated by the Jihadist movement.
As the nation experienced, again, in the Patriots Day massacre in Boston, far too many of those who immigrate from Islamist nations have no interest in becoming assimilated but instead are intent on spreading their radical ideology while taking advantage of American largess and empathy. In this the United States is mirroring the mistakes of many Europe countries who have allowed unfettered immigration from these same nations to become a rapidly metastasizing cancer in their societies. In the foreseeable future many of these societies will be dominated by Muslim ideology and law.
Regardless of ethnicity or nationality, the primary criteria for accepting immigrants must be solely based on their worth to the nation and their impact on its security. Immigration from Muslim countries already dramatically impacted by the Jihadist movement should be ended altogether. Legal immigration should be limited to those, once thoroughly screened, from other nations who can bring not only a skill but a potential love of freedom with them.
As for the illegal immigrants already in the United States, the key to any proposed solution must contain one primary factor: they can never be allowed to become citizens or access the financial or political benefits of citizenship. The highest status they can achieve should be as thoroughly documented guest workers -- a status that must be periodically renewed. Further there can be no chain migration or automatic citizenship for the children of these immigrants by the mere factor of birth within the borders of the country. As these children were born to parents illegally in the country, citizenship should not be assumed, instead they must apply for citizenship as would any other immigrant.
Concurrent to this would be a border fence and active prosecution of any illegal immigrant entering the country after January 1, 2013. These steps combined with the inability to achieve citizenship would stem the tidal wave coming through a porous border. A tidal wave which contains an overwhelming number whose only interest is to access the economic benefits of being an American or to inflict harm on the American people and way of life.
The unvarnished truth is that if the United States is to survive as founded, it cannot afford either economically, politically or from a national security perspective to have an undefined, loose and emotion based immigration policy.
Unfortunately at present the current regime in Washington is only motivated by crass politics and maintaining or increasing their hold on governmental power. They do not give a damn about the well-being of the people or the future of the country. What happened in Boston on the 15th of April is the fruit of an incoherent and failed immigration policy; it is time to cast the current so-called reform bill on the ash heap and fashion legislation with only one foundational criterion in mind: what is best for the long-term future of the United States.
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