Uninstalling Obama 1.0...94% Complete

There are many different reasons to uninstall programs from the operating system.  Any one of the criteria is enough arrive at the uninstall decision.  But when all of the criteria are met, such as with Obama 1.0, the program simply cannot be removed quickly enough!

The criteria for removing software

  • 1) It could be that the program is unnecessary.

When Obama 1.0 was installed, some thought it would be indispensable.  As it turned out, four years later, not only does it not accomplish the objectives for which it was installed, but it is actually cumbersome and slows down the entire system.

  • 2) It could be that the program is no longer being used.

Perhaps Obama 1.0 is too busy golfing, vacationing, or partying to actually do the work for which it was installed in the first place, thereby rendering it basically useless.

  • 3) It could be that there is a need to free up space for other programs.

Obama 1.0 is a system hog, taking space that could otherwise be used to install functionally superior solutions.

  • 4) It could be that the program is outdated.

Obama 1.0 contains hardwired code that presumes that socialism is what users want and need.  Based upon a less-than-accurate definition of "fairness," it fails to contain the logic that this methodology simply does not work.  It does not meet the current standards for reason.  Once installed, it results in a mandatory redistribution of assets rather than true freedom and equal opportunity for all.

  • 5) It does not work.

This refers to the inherent code, which results in calculations leading to inaccurate conclusions.  Admittedly, this does not often happen with a program, but it can and does happen.  An example would be if a player plays a computer game well and wins, but the program declares itself or his opponent the winner instead.  The conclusion is illogical and not supported by accurate calculations or fact.  In the case of Obama 1.0, illogical conclusions may be due to its outdated redistribution methodology or be simply a product of poor mathematics.  Either way, the numbers and conclusions presented are always suspect, as Obama 1.0 has declared itself a mathematically challenged program.  Users should not trust the logic or conclusions generated by Obama 1.0, as there is solid evidence that they are erroneous.  Obama 1.0 is bad enough, but the word on the street is that next-generation Obama 2.0 is expected to be much, much worse.

  • 6) It could be that it is not functioning as advertised.

Rather than bringing the country together, Obama 1.0 has succeeded in dividing the country beyond recognition.  Rather than halving the debt, it has succeeded in increasing it by multiples.  Rather than working with Congress in a bipartisan fashion, it has led rogue via executive privilege and executive orders -- a real executive PITA (President Inclined To Abuse).

  • 7) It could be that it conflicts with other programs.

Members of Congress, who are charged with safekeeping resources and protecting the interests of their states, are often persuaded to make decisions that would support Obama 1.0, such as voting for ObamaCare.  This has not only hurt them personally, but breached their fiduciary duties to their states and the people they represent who overwhelmingly oppose such decisions.

  • 8) It could be that the program is corrupt.

Obama 1.0 has been infected by viral elements (lobbyists and special interest individuals and groups) that have corrupted its components.  As such, it no longer operates for the people or the cause, but rather works to maintain power and control.  And the more power and control it has, the more it craves.

  • 9) It could be that it is a threat to the security of the entire system.

With Obama 1.0, we have been exposed to Fast and Furious, Benghazi, and various security leaks relative to Iran, Pakistan, and Yemen.  It is simply too dangerous to the system as a whole to allow Obama 1.0 to continue unchecked.

  • 10) It could be that it was a free trial, and now that the trial period is over, the program is far too expensive to maintain.

When voters installed Obama 1.0, they reasoned that it did not cost them anything to give it a try.  They mistakenly assumed that it could not be worse than the previous program.  For many of them, free-ware and/or share-ware is simply too enticing to resist.  As it happened, the free trial ended nearly as soon as it began.  Interestingly, what was free for some meant far greater expense for others, in many ways.  Costs began to rise across the board -- food, gas, health care, etc.  As each day goes by, the cost of keeping Obama 1.0 installed continues to rise.

To remove an otherwise difficult-to-remove program such as Obama 1.0, follow the instructions below.


1. Locate your nearest polling booth.

2. Open the curtain (if applicable).

3. Find Obama 1.0.  To the right of it, you will see the Romney Removal Tool.

4. Select the Romney Removal Tool and hit <YES>.

Obama 1.0 should now be uninstalled.

NOTE: For Mac users, simply find Obama 1.0 and drag it to the Trash, conveniently located right-of-center at the bottom of your screen.

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