Is Obama's Brother a Conservative Republican?

Here's an intriguing thought: is Barack Obama's brother a closet conservative?  Might George Obama endorse Mitt Romney for president?

The thought -- mostly facetious, yes -- was prompted by Dinesh D'Souza's fascinating new feature film, 2016: Obama's America, just now being released.  D'Souza trotted the globe in search of Obama's enigmatic roots -- like many of us, doing the job the pro-Obama mainstream media refuses to do.  In one of the most compelling parts of the film, D'Souza sits down and interviews Obama's brother, George, who lives in a hut in Kenya.  D'Souza's crew captured grim footage of the hut; it is indeed a hut. Actually, "hut" may be a charitable description.

And speaking of charity, Obama, who loves to lecture us about being our "brother's keeper," clearly isn't his brother's keeper.  In fact, it appears Obama hasn't tossed his brother anything worth keeping, or barely living on.  D'Souza asked George Obama about just that, and Obama's brother graciously harbored no hard feelings toward his wealthy American brother, who, when it comes to his kin, clearly isn't paying his fair share.

But most interesting is what D'Souza heard from George Obama when it came to African colonialism.  Here, too, George had no hard feelings at all.  To the contrary, Obama's brother blamed not Africa's European forebears for the continent's struggles, but instead -- in a deliciously politically incorrect sentiment unbefitting of an Obama -- native Africans themselves.  George Obama told D'Souza that Kenya's colonial experience is not responsible for the poverty and economic struggles there.  In the film, George compares Kenya to South Korea and even South Africa.  When it comes to Kenya's economic development, Obama's brother insists that it would have been better for Kenya "if the whites had stayed longer."

This is a remarkable statement, and would no doubt ban poor George from the lecture circuit at any of our enlightened universities.  NPR and the New York Times will not be kicking over his house for an interview. George's argument is reminiscent of the kind advanced by many conservative commentators in the 1980s, and it is still made occasionally among such people today.

But that isn't the only reason George Obama's statement is remarkable.  It's also remarkable because it stands in stark contrast not only to Barack Obama's bitter words on the African colonial experience, but also to the bitter words of Obama's father and even Obama's Hawaii mentor, Frank Marshall Davis.

On that, full disclosure: I appear in 2016: Obama's America (unpaid), where D'Souza and I discuss Frank Marshall Davis at length.  As I've noted here many times, Davis, our current president's mentor, was a literal card-carrying member of the Communist Party.  His Communist Party number was 47544.  Even the Democratic-run Congress publicly listed Davis as "an identified member of the Communist Party."

Davis adds to the intrigue on this colonialism point.  Frank Marshall Davis hated colonialism as much as he loved communism.  In fact, Davis despised British Prime Minister Winston Churchill not merely because Churchill was anti-communist, but because Churchill was pro-colonialism.  I can easily picture conversations between Davis and a young Obama in which Davis raged against the British and colonialism, including the British presence in places like Kenya.  Young Obama's African father shared those sentiments, as D'Souza shows.

Not surprisingly, given the double-influences of Davis and the "dreams of his father," Obama today shares those bitter sentiments about colonialism in Africa.

And yet, here's George Obama, the forgotten brother, captured on tape in this film, expressing a sharp dissenting opinion.  It's very interesting.  Kudos to Dinesh D'Souza for tracking him down -- and giving our wondrous "journalists" yet another reason to ignore Obama's brother.

Dr. Paul Kengor is professor of political science at Grove City College and author of the new book The Communist: Frank Marshall Davis, The Untold Story of Barack Obama's Mentor.  His other books include The Crusader: Ronald Reagan and the Fall of Communism and Dupes: How America's Adversaries Have Manipulated Progressives for a Century.

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