Mr. Obama's Own War on Women

Anti-war presidential candidate Gene McCarthy once described reporters as being like blackbirds on the telephone lines: one lands, they all land; one flies off, they all fly off.

We're seeing those media blackbirds again.  They're going on and on about conservatives and their so-called war on women.  It seems that if you don't think religious institutions -- hospitals, soup kitchens, universities -- should be forced to provide coverage for drugs that can cause abortions, then you are making "war" on women.

There's a real war on women, however.  And it's been going on for decades.  Our friend Steven Mosher first discovered this war on women in China three decades ago.  Steven was a Stanford University Ph.D. student doing graduate research in rural China.  He was then not a Christian believer, and he was even mildly pro-choice.  What he discovered was that Chinese women got no choice.  If they had a second child -- an "illegal" child -- these women could be rounded up, thrown in the back of a two-ton truck, and carted off to the local infirmary.  There, they could even be held down, their children forcibly aborted.  Many of these unfortunate women were in their last trimester of pregnancy.

If the abortion produced a live child, it was often the practice for population workers -- Communist Party "cadres" -- to drown the newborn baby.

With such brutal policies in effect limiting Chinese couples to only one child, the rural Chinese felt further pressure to make sure that that child was a boy.  That's because sons are the only social "safety net" for hundreds of millions of Chinese.

Steven Mosher's courage and truth-telling got him kicked of China.  That's not surprising.  But it also got him kicked out of Stanford University.  The administration at Stanford had been told that they would never send another graduate student to China if they didn't get rid of Mosher.  So, being good liberals, they knuckled under to the Communist rulers of Beijing.

Steven Mosher has become one of the world's leading authorities on massive human rights abuses in China and in other nations, too.  Today, he is a strong Christian witness and a devoted pro-life champion.

President Obama would have us believe that there is some kind of war on women, just in time for his re-election effort.  But he is the one who made sure that China's monstrous population effort would be fully supported by the U.N. Fund for Population Activities (UNFPA).  Two days after assuming power, President Obama revoked the Reagan-era Mexico City Policy of the previous administration.  He forces us to fund international Planned Barrenhood.

That means that the worldwide war on baby girls will go forward, with U.S. taxpayers footing part of the bill.  President Obama says that attempts to cut off taxpayer funding of Planned Parenthood are part of a campaign against women.

Hundreds of millions of baby girls have been killed. Demographer Nick Eberstadt has carefully documented this "gendercide." This world-wide "war against baby girls" is a major result of Planned Parenthood's population control ideology and its aggressive marketing of abortion-on-demand.

While Dr. Eberstadt demonstrates that this war on baby girls is having disastrous consequences now, it can have even more terrible implications in the future.  We are looking at the collapse of whole nations.

Nor is this war on women limited to China, India, and third-world countries.  Britain's respected daily Telegraph has reported on abortionists working for the United Kingdom's national health service.  The Telegraph captured on tape evidence of these abortionists agreeing to kill unborn children because they tested female.

So next time you hear a liberal or a reporter going on about a "war on women," make sure to ask if this commentator favors legal protection of unborn baby girls.  If he or she does, then we can take the rest of his or her comments seriously. If such people say that that's a matter of "choice," remind them that millions of unborn baby girls never got to choose life.

Dividing the country by race, religion, and sex may be good campaign politics, but it's terrible social policy.  If we really want to be a kinder, gentler country, one where civility is respected, then let's start by protecting women in the womb.

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