Why the left thinks Buffett isn't about $$$
The Billionaires of the Left aren't interested in making money.
The reason is that they're Good People, and Good People Don't Tell Lies.
Warren Buffett is a Good Person who wants to pay more taxes. How do we know? 'Cause he says so, any time the media ask him.
That's proof enough, isn't it?
George Soros isn't interested in making more billions. Soros is a Good Convicted Insider Trader, who tried to knock off the currency of Malaysia and the UK, impoverishing millions of people. When asked about that, Gyorgyi says somebody had to do it.
See? He's a Good Person.
The Kennedys are all about charity and compassion, even after Grandpa Joe, the whiskey trade, and the Wall Street swindles.
The Chicago Machine loves little children and kittens 'cause they're cute. That's all Michelle really cares about.
'Cause she's a Good Person.
I'm just trying to figure out the title of this piece. Why does the left believe that Warren Buffett isn't interested in money? What's he been doing all his life.
I can't understand why they can't string two little thoughts together and notice flagrant self-contradictions. They are incapable of simple skepticism. They are Eric Hoffer's True Believers, and con artists are drawn to them like wasps to honey.
Just watch the media and you can see their tiny minds at work every single day, many times a day, running the same script over and over again. There's one born every minute, say, half a billion every year, and a lot of them become media icons. Conservatives get annoyed with Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews and Bill Maher, but have you ever considered that they could just be morons?
It would explain a lot. They obviously have never learned elementary reasoning.
Barack Obama is a Good Person, which is why Axelrod can't be stoking up those big sucker mobs on Wall Street. They are "spontaneous demonstrations," see? Just like Germany with Hitler, and Russia with Lenin. It's the Voice of the Real People.
Tea Party members are not, emphasize not, Real People.
Warren Buffett spent his whole life making money, and he's fabulously successful. Today Ole Warren says he wants to pay more taxes, and Good People Don't Lie.
Every time Warren says the same thing it's a big headline for the Moron Media.
It's also news to the Occu-poopers, the adults who never learned to ... well, you know.
Draw the picture, folks.
With his political connections Warren could have been paying higher taxes a long time ago. Or he could just be giving it away.
But he's not. Wonder why?
I dunno. Must be a good reason why he's not paying more taxes. Warren has an honest face. I believe every word he says.
Tell a Politically Correct Lie with a straight face, and the leftie media will beat a path to your door.
So every time another billionaire comes out with a whizz-bang headline about how loving and compassionate and saintly they are, the left just drops dead for them.
FOX evil, Crony Media good.
Like Alice, they can believe six impossible things before breakfast. And that's just to start the day.
The eye of faith surpasseth mere human understanding.
But those religious Christians and Jews (never Muslims) are bitter clingers to their heirloom shotguns from the old KKK.
And Robert Byrd was an Enlightened Democrat.
The Crony Corporate Media are honest, sincere and utterly believable to the left.
The NYT Cannot Tell a Lie. The WaPo is a fountain of truth.
All the Crony Media love the little guys -- or rather, all the little victim categories, since white guys are now oppressors and Evil. Except for the gays.
This is Progress, because Progressives make Progress. It figures. That's why they call 'em that.
Black voters believe Barney Frank did them a huge favor when he sold them empty mortgages that are now under water. So do Hispanics.
Women still love Bill Clinton and his bimbo eruptions. Now there was a president who Really Cared About Me.
Are you seeing a pattern?
J Street wants to let the Arabs kill off the State of Israel, but they love Jews. They can't possibly hate the people they are trying to kill.
I swear, it's all true.
The Wall Street occupoopers are funded by 3.6 million dollars from Soros fronts, but they are protesting against Evil Capitalism. They're pooping all over that Zucchini Park by Wall Street, even as the NYSE is moving into the Cloud. They might as well be picketing Amazon.com. Let's Occupy the Cloud, kids!
But gimme my iPad, cause I need it to Facebook all my fellow Occupiers. Don't you dare steal my iPad, you jerk, or I'll call the cops on you.
Are these infantilized adults, or what?
It's the only explanation I can think of.
I just don't want to believe it.
Are they as stupid as they keep showing us?
Don't tell me, please.
I want to believe in Santa, too.