Barack Whobama?
Oh, how soon they forget! Was it only a few years ago that Democrats and their Eurosocialist friends were knocking foreheads on the sidewalks of Manhattan and London, hailing the Great Idol Barack? Was it only yesterday that shivers were running up Chris Matthews' legs, and Barack Hussein was the Light Bringer to all good denizens of San Francisco? Did I just imagine that Berlin was full of nude sun-bathing German gays as the Messenger Hussein delivered his Citizens of the World speech to a grateful planet, from the lofty heights of Otto von Bismarck's Prussian Victory monument?
Where are the Greek styrofoam columns today? Where are the aging hippies rolling in the aisles? Where is the Nobel Peace Prize Committee today, and are those oceans still riiiiiiiising? Is Mother Gaia still destined for global hell-fire in the year 2100? Whatever happened to Obama's Salute to a Billion Muslims, broadcast from below the minarets of Cairo's Al Azhar university? What happened to Peace and Love and Social Justice? Does Harvard Professor Tribe still believe in Einstein's Relativity Theory of the United States Constitution, as adumbrated by Barack Hussein Obama? Where is our Green Economy? Is John Maynard Keynes dead yet?
Even the Arab Spring looks a trifle shaky today.
Today those ungrateful Democrats in Congress are going "Barack Whobama?"
The New York Times has never heard of this guy.
Liberals are in deep denial. But then they always are. Practice makes perfect. They can just turn their beliefs on and off like tap water. It's amazing to watch.
How soon they forget.
It's a sad, sad thing.
This White House alternates between self-glorification and rage. Since they feel entitled to be worshipped by three hundred million Americans, they get really upset about criticism. The newest White House campaign website is called AttackWatch, because to them, any dissent is an attack.
Just think about that. The rest of us can be wrong. Barack Hussein Obama can't be wrong. Any criticism is "an attack." If I wear my shirt upside-down I probably put it on the wrong way, but Obama would be sure that everybody else has it wrong.
For years the media flattered BHO like King Tut, and for the same reasons. This is a guy you don't want to get mad. He needs a lot of ego food. And he's as vindictive as Dick Nixon or LBJ. Like the courtiers of the Sun King, Louis XIV, the media wore out a lipstick a day kissing ... up. Chapped lips were a normal job hazard.
Since grandiose narcissism is the standard neurosis of the Left, we are now seeing the downside, when their ego trips run into reality. Narcissists don't act nice when reality turns on them. Humility is not in their vocabulary. If you've ever known any major narcissists you know what to expect.
Narcissistic rage is on the diagnostic checklist.
But then BHO isn't the only one. The Democratic Party is awash with them. Most of the time they explode at each other backstage, where nobody hears about it. Senator John Edwards played Mr. Compassion in public, but his deceased wife left an account of the real Edwards -- who was ready to become another Barack Hussein Obama, had he won a few primaries. When the corrupt and mendacious media start treating a politico like a rock star, watch out.
The Democrats and their media have endangered this country over and over again. They are doing it again today by denying the Muslim Holy War against the West. As a result, the Hudson Institute just reported that the Saudis are still propagating the identical Wahhabi hate ideology that they were spreading before 9/11. It's in their children's textbooks. Those 9/11 attackers were Saudi Wahhabi suicide bombers, and the Saudis still put billions of dollars into the hate propaganda industry. That's how you get more and more recruits for the jihad.
The United States has sacrificed blood and treasure in the fight against Muslim terrorism, but it hasn't turned off the wellsprings of hatred. That is idiotic. The Democrats and the media can't even face that reality, either because they've been bought off or because they are ideologically blind. Or both.
The Left is grossly irresponsible and dangerous. Americans have always voted such people out of office when war reared its ugly head. It's a matter of survival.
With BHO the Left has endangered the country again, by boosting up a grossly immature politician as a superhuman savior. There's no way they could not have known who Obama was. The American people weren't told, but you can be sure that every major intelligence agency, every big media corporation, and every Soros-type billionaire made sure to find out. The power-mongers on the Left knowingly put this immature and untested person into the most powerful political office in the world.
Like it or not, BHO still has his finger on the nuclear trigger. The Left has put him there, using an endless campaign of lies and deceit.
Willfully or not, this administration has steered us into very dangerous waters, including foreign dangers we haven't seen since Stalin exploded his first nukes. After six decades of standoff, nuclear weapons are now spreading to rogue regimes, because the United States has failed to exercise the sane leadership we did in the sixty years since Harry S. Truman.
That is an ideological failure most of all; the Left has just decided that America is in decline, and let the world go to hell. It is another dangerous fantasy. Political fantasies have real consequences, like Ahmadinejad and his nuclear weapons in Iran, which can be traced straight to Jimmy Carter's delusional beliefs. Today, Jimmy Carter still thinks he was right in 1979. These people are dangerous.
Economic earthquakes are now starting in the Middle East and Europe, and we will feel the shocks very soon, at a time when the US economy is teetering on the brink of another recession. The Democrats' response will be to try to cut down our military.
This administration cannot admit failure, it cannot take responsibility, and it will not fade gracefully. Today its union surrogates are freely using the word "war" for the coming election. Narcissistic rage is their standard reaction to rational resistance; we've seen it in the vicious way they keep trashing good and decent people who threaten their power. If the liberals have their way the election of 2012 will be obscene. Like Saul Alinsky, they consider their peaceful opponents to be "enemies." It's right there in the rule book.
The Democrats are starting to run away from this administration, hoping we will forget who put Obama into power. We have enough voters who are ignorant, blind or brainwashed to make that possible.
Pray that voters will not forget who put Obama into the most powerful office in the world, and that the damage he has done can be limited.