An American Politburo

An American Politburo has materialized before our eyes.  Yes, our Congress is the result of a two-party system (those Rs and Ds) and, on the surface, doesn't fit very well with the one-party USSR system, but, let's look at those little pesky things called facts. 

Administrative actions are already replacing legislative acts as the primary governance mechanism.  Just examine the number of regulations emanating from the Environmental Protection Agency, Department of Justice, Department of Homeland Security, Department of Health and Human Services, etc, etc.  Unelected officials (unaccountable to the citizenry) all around this land are producing laws we must abide by, or face some form of punishment, without ever coming under scrutiny by those we elect to represent our interests (and to protect and defend the constitution of these United States of America).  By the way, governance is not government (as Americans know government).  Governance is, very simply, rule. 

Many large- and medium-sized cities in America have formed Councils on Sustainability, Councils on Urban Development, Councils on Transportation, Councils on Economic Development, and Council, after Council, after Council.  Hmmm...most of these councils are appointed, not elected, here in America.

Just exactly what is a council?  The Russian term for council is soviet.  In the Council Union (the Soviet Union), rules were laid down by local soviets, regional soviets, and the national soviet.  Notice there is no mention of a state council.  Councils (Soviets) were responsible for regions.  Regions did not have political boundaries so, for all intents and purposes, you had regional governance, outside the political structure, unelected and unaccountable.

Today we see many acts, via legislation and administrative rule, pushing for regionalism in America (for a more in-depth discussion of Regional Governance see:  Soviets in America are real -- unelected councils -- and they are coming to a region near you.

The executive branch of our government has taken to surrounding itself with "czar" policy advisors (unelected, unaccountable appointees) and lobby interests who represent notions and desires other than those of the general citizenry.  We are being held hostage to the "revolving door" Washington power-brokers.  These folks conjure up memories of another piece of Cold-War-era vernacular: Nomenklatura.  In good ole Council Russia the nomenklatura were the perk-getters of the Communist Party.  American nomenklatura come from the vast apparatus that feeds off gaining influence over the decisions made by the unelected.  Lobbyists, academic experts, and the bureaucrats who never have to worry about health insurance, retirement, or unemployment.  Not to neglect the courtier corporations.  They know the system and thus are able to negotiate government contracts for more of our tax dollars (that are worth less with each revolution of the earth around the sun).  "Louis Freeh (former Director of the FBI), Admiral Loy (former head of the Transportation Security Agency), George Tenet (former Director of the CIA), Frank Moss (former program manager for the State Department's E-Passport program), and many others who previously held key positions in the federal government all joined Viisage/L-1 as members of the Board of Directors or as paid employees of Viisage/L-1" (see  Viisage/L1 is a Biometrics Industry giant.      

On 01 August 2011, our federal legislators created the Joint Select Committee on Deficit Reduction.  Congress (central-committee -- for those still following the analogy) created what has been dubbed the "Super-Congress" because, by its rationale, the urgency of America's deficit problem cannot await action by it as a whole body.  Ladies and gentlemen, American government has created a Politburo! 

The 8th Party Congress in March 1919 instructed the Central Committee to elect a new Politburo of five from its ranks; its formal role would be to decide on questions too urgent to await Central Committee deliberation. The Politburo soon assumed a major position in party and state administration, and it eventually came to overshadow the role of the Central Committee. Until mid-1990 it consisted of about 12-15 members. -Britannica

The intent and purpose of our founding principles have been overruled.  Yes, each House of Congress can develop its own operating rules...but...these rules do not end with this Congress and they limit input from most of the elected representatives of the citizenry.  Our politburo has virtually the same limits as the much-used commerce clause...none.  Anything and everything can conceivably be construed as being conducive to deficit reduction policy and the sure to follow legislation to pursue that policy. 

William Z. Foster, National Chairman of the Communist Party USA, published Toward Soviet America in 1932 to provide his thoughts on a blueprint for transforming these United States of America into a Socialist system.  In 1958 W. Cleon Skousen published The Naked Communist to outline 45 goals for Communists in order to transform America.  Michael J. Petro Jr., U.S. Navy veteran and writer, published Welcome to Soviet America, in 2010, to examine to what extent the outline and goals of Foster, Karl Marx, and W. Cleon Skousen have been implemented. 

Do cvidaniya, Comrades!

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