January 23, 2011
A Modest Proposal for American Vets
Near my town some leftie has put up a big lawn display of white wooden crosses, one for every American soldier who died in Iraq. That guy's intention is not to honor American heroism, self-sacrifice, and love of country. No, it's just the opposite. His intention is to shame the rest of us for the sacrifice American soldiers made by knocking down the unspeakable horror regime of Saddam The Sadist.
Saddam was the worst. He dropped human beings screaming into industrial plastic shredders, he approved his two sons raping underage girls, beat up his own Olympic athletes for losing in front of the world's television audiences, and dropped poison gas on the Marsh Arabs. Saddam started a war with Khomeini that killed a million people, and does anybody remember what he did in Kuwait? The Kuwaitis do. Saddam had his own nuclear plant until Israel knocked it down, and he rose to the top in the Baath (fascist) Party as an official executioner. Had enough? There's more if you want to know more.
So this leftie guy with his lawn full of white crosses is telling the world where he stands -- which is his legal right, under that out-of-date US Constitution, written over a hundred years ago and hard to understand, according to the Washington Post's Ezra Klein.
(That's the same Constitution that Thomas Friedman thinks is worse than the Chinese Communist Party, which has special execution trucks for the clean and thrifty disposal of Falun Gong religionists, Catholic priests, and women who refuse to have abortions to kill their female babies. With their refrigerated Communist Party trucks they can instantly freeze the executed hearts, lungs and livers for the use of Party apparatchiks. Free universal healthcare in China, did you know? Has anybody told Thomas Friedman?)
But I digress.
I happen to think that what America did to Saddam was exactly the right and noble thing to do. Bush and Cheney did precisely what Truman did in Korea, FDR in all of World War II, and Kennedy in Vietnam. They identified a clear and present threat, and they acted to stop it. Did they make mistakes? Are human beings human? Yes.
What the New York Times and Thomas Friedman think about that means less than nothing, because they are not responsible for any consequences in the real world. Presidents are. That makes all the difference. The NYT is full of cheap loudmouths, like the party it represents. It's a mendacious propaganda rag.
So I honor the men and women who went to Iraq to knock down one really evil tyrant, who also happened to own a warehouse full of yellowcake uranium, more than enough for a couple of hundred dirty bombs. I thank President Bush and Dick Cheney for taking adult responsibility for ridding the world of Saddam. Tens of thousands of Iraqis are alive today because Saddam is dead. That's the moral outcome.
Today we have a Democratic president who is relying on Israel to sabotage the other evil nuclear threat in the Gulf, by sabotaging the Natanz nuclear plant with that Stuxnet computer worm that the New York Times finally decided to tell us about.
In other words, Israel is now protecting the sane world from the nut cases.
I'm waiting for Obama to say Thank You.
Obama doesn't have the guts and the pride in civilized values even to speak out in public against the torturers and rapists who run Iran. Too bad for Obama, say I. Nothing shows the moral difference between us and the left more clearly.
George W. Bush kills bloody dictators. Obama just gave China's Hu a state dinner at the White House, but forgot to mention that Hu ran the torture chambers in Tibet. Hu and Saddam are two of a kind.
Nothing shows more clearly that the left can't tell the difference between good and evil.
But you can. So can I.
OK, so here is a modest proposal for the US Vets who drive by that perverse lawn full of crosses, planted by a guy who doesn't believe in crosses or anything else, some little leftie fanatic on a power trip.
I would like to see four American Vets put together a color guard, and drive to that field of white crosses, park their car, get out, salute the flag and play taps.
Do it every evening just before the sun goes down. Do it like they do it at Arlington Cemetery, but don't fire off any blanks. Stick to the letter of the law.
Do that respectful ceremony every day for a week or two, and let the local media catch on to what you're doing. To the media it's a photo opportunity. To you, it's a salute to departed heroes.
Repeat as needed in every town and city in America. You are exercising your First Amendment right as a citizen to display the Flag. You don't need a uniform, but a VFW insignia would be fine. You're a civilian now, so hold your hand over your heart during the salute. Invite your friends to witness it.
We sometimes think the left has all the powerful symbols. They don't. They are just more willing to march and shout how much they hate America.
OK, Vets, go get ‘em. If any lefties show up, just give them the V for Victory sign, and tell them "love and peace." Because that's what you are all about.
And if any TV reporter or reporterette asks what you're doing, don't even bother to give an answer. You're not there to puff yourself up on TV. Those symbols speak louder than words.