October 14, 2010
Left-Wing Radicals and the 2010 Conservative Growth Spurt
Last week, the big news out of polling country was Gallup's report on its 2010 likely voter profile. And the most delicious tidbit within the complicated demographic profile was that an astonishing 54% of all likely voters self-identify as conservative.
Predictably, of course, left-wing analysts and pundits all through the land are scrambling to explain this horribly anomalous result after a full ten years of ubiquitous trashing of the conservative label by the entire ruling class.
Sliming those who still believe in the U.S. Constitution and Declaration of Independence -- i.e., conservatives -- has certainly been around longer than ten years, as anyone old enough to remember what the ruling class did to Barry Goldwater and tried so hard to do to Ronald Reagan can attest. But over the last ten years, in its purely desperate attempt to save itself from the ash bin of history, the ruling class has gone all-out in every medium to shame and belittle the conservative brand.
So, with all this ubiquitous bashing of conservative Americans as racists, homophobes, Islamophobes, xenophobes, Bible-thumpers, woman-haters -- oh, for crying out loud! This list could go on to lingual infinity. The end result -- 54% of likely voters willing to come out proudly as the dreaded, societally despised conservatives -- is enough to cause an epic collective dash for the barf bags among the entire elitist, liberal army of professional agitators.
Once these poor, befuddled elitists regurgitated enough to clear their little heads, they started scrambling to explain how on earth this horrifying result could have emerged from all their years of trying so hard to rid the nation of the scourge of American exceptionalism and the wide-held belief in limited, accountable government. The only explanation they can come up with is the old one about populist (i.e., the stupid little people) anger always being aimed indiscriminately (ignorantly) at those currently in power. Since liberals are in charge, the stupid majority bounces back to the conservative label like the proverbial pendulum swing, this storyline goes.
And this is the best they can come up with, folks.
What a bunch of addle-brained ninnies these liberals are.
Why must it always be we conservatives who have to explain the obvious?
So here's what really happened to the American electorate, and over the past two years, especially.
The vast majority of genuine Americans have -- for the past two years -- gotten a real, up-close-and-personal look at the other side of the radical coin.
Socialist radicals -- Obama, Pelosi, and Reid -- have led the entire country through the economic ditch and into a raging river, headed straight for a Niagara-scale waterfall that ends with an inevitable crash into bankruptcy and utter ruin. Propping up one liberal dream scheme after another, rushing to the aid of morally bankrupt union bosses, taking over American companies, and shackling business with mountains of new regulations, the left-wing radicals have used our own money to run us into the ground.
That's part of the conservative growth-spurt story: seeing is believing. Apparently, it was never enough for Americans to glimpse the rotten economies of their sister-states across the big pond in western Europe. They had to see Democratic socialism wreak havoc here on our own shores to really understand our own left-wing radicals.
The other part of this story is the utter disregard for the U.S. Constitution, for which this leftist-radical administration and Congress have become well-known.
When a brave citizen in California had the temerity to ask Rep. Pete Stark how he could justify -- within a Constitutional framework -- passage of the ObamaCare mandate, this off-the-rails left-wing radical told her plainly that "the federal government can do most anything in this country." Americans saw that tyranny-packed statement coming from the mouth of a leftist radical congressman and woke up in the scant time it took for the bucket of ice-cold water to hit their faces. Anything? Anything? The federal government can do anything it wants?
We don't need no stinkin' Constitution! We make up the rules as we go along.
Can we get away with it? Yes, we can!!
Now, that's scary leftist-radical in a nutshell, and it doesn't take an army of media folks to pin the tail on its behind for the people to see that donkey for what it really is. A nanny-state tyranny in the making. Without rules. Without any regard for the Constitution or the law.
Once Americans saw the left-wing radicals in charge, the majority of the electorate drew the simple conclusion that socialist radicals are far more dangerous to life, liberty, and the unencumbered pursuit of happiness than any Bible-toting, pro-life, pro-Israel, pro-gun-rights, pro-right-to-work, pro-low-taxation, power-eschewing soccer mom or business-clad dad. Americans are beginning to realize in record numbers that the left-wing radicals -- despite their American veneer -- are foreigners to the ideals of liberty and colorblind justice, which are deeply embedded in our national psyche.
More and more, the people are awakening to the reality that conservative radicals are just us. Right-wing radicals are no more scary than the stalwart small business owner next door. No more scary than the mom who goes to church every week and builds more accountable government through her Tea Party phone bank.
The people came. The people saw.
And the left-wing radicals scared the woolies out of them.
Yes, the country is more polarized than it has been since the Civil War. The people are waking to the real threats posed by left-wing radicals. At the same time, they're beginning to understand that they've been propagandized to fear and hate conservative Americans on faulty premises. So we're mostly all radicals now, and it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out which radical side of the coin genuine Americans prefer. Tea, anyone?
Despite years and years and years of a media empire working in lockstep with left-wing radicals, tirelessly attacking the conservative American image, the public is self-identifying as conservative more than at any other time in recent history. And the number of those calling themselves moderates is shrinking with wild-eyed urgency.
The moral of this story is as plain as the ears on President Obama's head.
This is America, stupid! And we don't want your economy-killing, free enterprise-hating, Constitution-spurning radicals bringing socialism to these shores.
Not now. Not ever.
Kyle-Anne Shiver is a frequent contributor to American Thinker, Pajamas Media, Big Journalism, and Big Government. She welcomes your comments at www.kyleanneshiver.com.