September 2, 2010
Hillary's Choice
Though never a fan, I used to feel sorry for Hillary Clinton. I saw her as the epitome of a woman who was used by not one man, but two. Her philandering husband shames her in front of the nation, but in good Southern tradition, Hillary is determined to stand by her man, provided that he does everything possible to work toward making her the first American female president. And notwithstanding Whitewater and other nefarious dealings, she was almost there. Then out of the blue comes this relatively unknown guy from Chicago, and the Clinton political machine simply could not withstand his promises of Hope and Change.
Yet even after decrying her opponent's ideas, Hillary, the consummate politician and power-hungry individual, makes another pact with the devil and accepts the post of Secretary of State, where she travels around the world on behalf of Obama. Thwarted by two men, Hillary just cannot break through the glass ceiling, but she is undaunted. It makes for good feminist fodder.
But Hillary has truly been initiated into the club now that she directly attacks Governor Jan Brewer and the State of Arizona in the first-ever American Universal Periodic Review submitted to the United Nations Human Rights Council. Hillary has outdone herself in the malice of the Obama administration. Her conscience has been laid to rest at the foot of the power throne.
That the United States would ever find itself pandering to some of the most despotic countries in the world, that the president of the U.S. would deliberately prostitute American interests to the international bullies of the universe, is a new level of malevolence this administration demonstrates towards the American people.
One of the newest members of the ill-named Human Rights Council is the Republic of Maldives. In light of this, it is instructive to study their constitution. According to the Constitution of the Republic of Maldives 2008,
(a) The religion of the State of the Maldives is Islam. Islam shall be the one of the bases of all the laws of the Maldives.(b) No law contrary to any tenet of Islam shall be enacted in the Maldives.
Furthermore, under "Fundamental Rights and Freedoms," the following are set forth.
CHAPTER IIFUNDAMENTAL RIGHTS AND FREEDOMSGuarantee of Rights 16. (a) This Constitution guarantees to all persons, in a manner that is not contrary to any tenet of Islam, the rights and freedoms contained within this Chapter, subject only to such reasonable limits prescribed by a law enacted by the People's Majlis in a manner that is not contrary to this Constitution. Any such law enacted by the People's Majlis can limit the rights and freedoms to any extent only if demonstrably justified in a free and democratic society.(b) The limitation of a right or freedom specified in this Chapter by a law enacted by the People's Majlis as provided for in this Constitution, and in order to protect and maintain the tenets of Islam, shall not be contrary to article (a).(c) In deciding whether a right or freedom in this Chapter, has been limited in accordance with article (a) and (b), a court must be fully cognisant of and make reference to all the facts, including:1. the nature and character of the right or freedom;2. the purpose and importance of limiting the right or freedom;3. the extent and manner of limiting the right or freedom;4. the relationship between the limitation of the right or freedom and the importance of the right or freedom;5. the extent to which the objective for which the right or freedom has been limited could have been achieved by limiting the right or freedom to a lesser degree;6. the extent to which the right or freedom must be limited in order to protect the tenets of Islam, where the right or freedom has been limited pursuant to article (b).
Under the section labeled Freedom from Restraint, it reads:
19. A citizen is free to engage in any conduct or activity that is not expressly prohibited by Islamic Shari'ah or by law. No control or restraint may be exercised against any person unless it is expressly authorised by law.
Finally, under "Qualifications of members,"
73. (a) A person elected to be a member of the People's Majlis shall be so qualified if he:
1. is a citizen of the Maldives;
2. is not a citizen of a foreign country;
3. is a Muslim and a follower of a Sunni School of Islam;
4. has attained the age of eighteen years; and
5. is of sound mind.
Thus, Obama has put his stamp of approval on a United Nations group whose many members acknowledge no other law but shariah law and who have in their constitutions clearly stated restraints on liberty and freedom so essential in American laws and values. And Hillary Clinton, once the darling of so many American feminists, accedes to this.
To understand shariah law, the site gives an overview of what occurs under these Islamic regulations. Nonie Darwish has also clearly delineated the differences between shariah law and the American Constitution. Furthermore, reports indicate that torture is a common occurrence in the Maldives. Moreover, the "exploitation of foreign workers rivals fishing as the second most profitable sector of the Maldivian economy after tourism[.]"
Ironically, this is precisely what Governor Brewer is concerned about; this is why she has continually pleaded with the federal government to enforce immigration laws so as to avoid the trafficking of human beings. A salient feature of Arizona law S.B. 1070 addresses this very situation. Thus, "it is unlawful for a person to intentionally engage in the smuggling of human beings for profit or commercial purpose."
Yet under the aegis of Obama and the blessing of the Secretary of State, Arizona will be vilified for attempting to prevent the very vices that members of this U.N. Human Rights Council engage in. Countries that do not acknowledge any other religious beliefs, that confiscate Christian literature and religious symbols, that murder gays are now going to lecture to Americans, among the most tolerant people on the face of the earth.
And of course, under cover of this "farcical UPR process," Hezb'allah now rejoices that it has been given a green light to continue smuggling terrorists into Mexico. Its members gleefully watch as Obama (the sometimes-Muslim, sometimes-Christian president) flexes his muscles against Arizona and the Justice Department backs him in an extraordinary bullying of a state of these United States -- a state that is at the forefront of trying to secure borders for the rest of us.
In Obama's Universal Periodic Review (UPR), which has his name all over it -- his hubris knows no bounds -- he writes about his concern for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) persons. As if the Saudis, the Maldivians, or the Libyans give a fig about sexual orientation and equal treatment for gays. Shariah law calls for the stoning of gays, Mr. President. Nary a peep from you about the overt discrimination and violence that so many of the United Nations Council members show towards women, gays, Jews, and Christians -- your silence is deafening. In fact, the UPR document is replete with references to certain affirmative action groups but is curiously mute about other communities that constitute America. Surely it is yet another political campaign speech to reach out to those people who, if they don't see through his charade of concern, fall for the covert discrimination that Obama utilizes. Pick one group because that is politically correct, and ignore other Americans. Precisely what a divisive president would do.
Governor Brewer needs to stay strong; Americans need to write and support the state of Arizona. And we need to put Obama and Hillary in the dustbin of history -- quickly.
Eileen can be reached at
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