Death for Libricide, Sweets for Genocide

On this past 9/11, near the site of the New York City rally in opposition to the Ground Zero mosque, I saw a young man tear pages out of a Koran and burn them. Police officers hastily escorted him from the premises, as much to remove the spectacle from public view as for his own safety from Muslim retaliation. As I walked from the rally draped in an American flag, I felt sure that the flag made me a target for hateful invective and that I would be given respectful silence were I draped in a Palestinian or Hamas flag. Such is the enigma of our times: those who fight against the threat posed by Koran-believing zealots live in greater fear than those who actually threaten the West.

The potential for a backlash against the New York Koran-burning, a First Amendment-protected activity, and the actual backlash that arose from Pastor Terry Jones' threat to burn Korans at his Gainesville church demonstrates not only Muslim hypocrisy, but also the moral depravity of the Muslim value system. In the Muslim world, no accountability exists. Muslims worldwide called for "death to Americans" and threatened mayhem after Jones announced he planned to burn Korans. In Indonesia, an imam called Koran-burning tantamount to war. Even Brigitte Gabriel, the founder of Americans for Truth, a counter-jihad organization, lent credence to this extreme response by declaring Koran-burning equivalent to the burning of churches and synagogues.

Even though Dr. Jones called off the Koran-burning, two people in Afghanistan were killed in Baraki Barak, and protests in Kabul drew over 10,000 Afghani Muslims to the streets to burn tires in protest. This in Afghanistan, where the Taliban's use of children as human shields draws no protest whatsoever. 

In Kashmir in northwest India, eighteen were reported dead, over eighty injured, and government properties and a private school torched. In many quarters in the Western world, Pastor Jones is being held responsible for the death and destruction that has occurred. Apparently, Muslims don't bear any responsibility for their actions. It is always the fault of the victims, as in the now-famous statement of Ground Zero mosque Imam Feisal Rauf that "Osama bin Laden was made in the U.S.A."

Even after Jones relented, non-Muslims were murdered for something that didn't even happen and that they had nothing to do with. In the face of this violence, the silence from the Muslim world is deafening. Astonishingly, the focus, in the United States, perhaps the most tolerant country in the world, has been on American intolerance of Islam and Muslims. 

Meanwhile in Eurabia, Dutch parliamentarian Geert Wilders awaits a criminal trial for quoting from the Koran in his movie Fitna, and Austrian lecturer Elisabeth Sabaditsch-Wolff could face a jail sentence for speaking unfavorably about Islam. Hate speech charges have also been filed in the United Kingdom, Sweden, France, Denmark, Belgium, and Finland -- all against critics of Islam.

The censure and violence over a mere book-burning is confounding and contradictory since it comes from a Muslim population that celebrates actual violence. Its martyrs are rewarded with eponymous street names, and celebrations follow killings -- the higher the death toll, the greater the party. In the aftermath of 9/11, Muslims around the world were videotaped celebrating joyously, handing out sweets, flashing the victory sign, and shouting "Allah Hu-Akbar," or "G-d is great." According to Paul Sperry, author of "Infiltration: How Muslim Spies and Subversives Have Penetrated Washington," even the inshallah (if Allah wills) corner of the FBI translators' office partook in the post 9/11 festivities.

Typically, following the death of a shahid, or martyr, Muslims hold a celebration similar to a wedding wherein mothers utter cries of joy for their son, the groom. Before blowing himself up at the packed Dolphinarium nightclub in Tel Aviv, Muslim terrorist Sa'id Al-Hutari admonished his parents not to weep over his death, telling them, "Mother, utter cries of joy; Father and brothers, hand out sweets. Your son is awaiting his betrothal to the virgins of Paradise." 

Anyone raised in the West with a Judeo-Christian value system should be scratching their heads on this one. How can the soi-disant "religion of peace" call for death to Koran-burners and engage in acts of violence without even tarnishing its street cred? 

The truth is that Islam does not value human life. That goes double or perhaps triple for non-Muslims, women, and homosexuals, as illustrated by Muzzamil Hassan, the founder of Bridges TV, who killed his wife by decapitation in the station's Orchard Park, New York offices. She had earlier filed for divorce, citing spousal abuse. Not only was Hassan not widely condemned, but he was allowed to reinvent himself as the putative victim of mistreatment. The colluding media, under pressure from the Muslim community, took pains to brush off the incident as a garden-variety marital dispute rather than what it was -- a Koran-justified honor killing. 

In another incident, when Muslim taxi driver Yasser Said, with a history of sexually abusing his daughters, drove them to Irving, Texas and shot them because they had been dating non-Muslim boys, he was hidden by sympathetic relatives and protected by the silence of local Muslims. These glaring examples expose a value system that demands a moral stretch that a mental contortionist wouldn't be able to stretch his brain around.

In Islam, it is obvious that one set of rules exists for conduct with non-Muslims and another for fellow Muslims. These include the specific admonishment that Muslims should not kill another Muslim (infidels don't count) as well as the allowance for a Muslim to lie to a non-Muslim to advance Islam. (Bukhari 5,59,369). Thus, two ethical standards exist in Islam: one for Muslims and one for non-believers. 

The Golden Rule, egalitarian by nature and originating from the Torah verse, "Love your neighbor as yourself," is nonexistent. For Muslims, the rule is "if you do something that I perceive as offending Islam, I am obligated to kill you, wound you, or destroy your property, and it's all your fault." A god who admonishes his followers to "slay the infidels where you find them" (9:5) is the guest of honor at the party where Muslims destroy non-Muslim human life and property. Clearly, the message is that it is far graver to destroy the words of Allah than to extinguish a nonbeliever's life.

The entire spectacle surrounding the Koran-burning announced by Pastor Jones and its aftermath can be succinctly summed up by the words of Omar Ahmad, the co-founder of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR): "Islam isn't in America to be equal to any other faiths, but to become dominant. The Koran, the Muslim book of scripture, should be the highest authority in America, and Islam the only accepted religion on Earth."

Clearly, Islam is all about the supremacy of Muslims and the subjugation of infidels. Freedom of speech and religious expression are the proprietary domain of Muslims. Those who would seek to remember fallen victims of an atrocity perpetuated by Muslims who carried out a Koran-sanctioned martyrdom operation were not granted their rightful time at center stage. Instead, the focus was on the offense taken by Muslims, the righteousness of their murderous rage, and the endemic intolerance of Americans. Any remorse or responsibility for the Muslim heinous acts and carnage of 9/11, let alone respect for the victims and their grieving families, is shockingly nonexistent from Islam.
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