June 29, 2010
Obama's Wonderland Is No Fairy Tale
As we continue to tumble down the road to economic ruin, security vulnerability, and reduced health care benefits, things become "curiouser and curiouser." While President Obama speedily demands that General McChrystal zoom home to be dismissed from his post, the frustrated Gulf residents still cannot get all the equipment and assistance that they need to hold back the oil that is wrecking their homes and their livelihoods. Thus, one wonders as Alice in Wonderland did, "Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?"
"That depends a good deal on where you want to get to," said the Cat. And herein is the American people's conundrum. Where do we want to go as this president continues to severely damage our country and her interests?
Even Europe understands the economic catastrophe that is upon us and wonders if "we're all mad here" as Obama and team continue to obfuscate the truth. Actor Jon Voight has publicly stated that Obama is lying to the American people. But of course, when Obama speaks, "it means just what [he] chooses it to mean -- neither more nor less."
"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things.""The question is," said Humpty Dumpty, "which is to be master -- that's all."
And so, in the new Patients' Bill of Rights, Obama, "speaking ominously," has warned the health care insurance providers that the government will "be watching [them] closely." Ultimately, our soft tyrannical government will be the sole arbiter of our health needs and costs. Though Obama promised otherwise, it is becoming patently obvious that eventually Americans won't be able to keep their own insurance, since Obama has created a no-win situation for the private health insurance sector, which cannot remain financially solvent. Queues and denial of health care benefits are around the corner. Furthermore, the latest massive bill about financial reform is being pushed through Congress; Senator Dodd has said that it "is about as important as it gets, because it deals with every single aspect of our lives." Uh-oh!
Furthermore, infatuated with himself, Obama, believed by many to be the messiah, has hurt the very people who pinned such high hopes on him. Already, accounts reveal that minorities and women -- those very groups who were part of the affirmative action programs imposed by the federal government -- are being adversely affected. Obama promised them pie in the sky but neglected to tell them that a house built upon financially shaky foundations will eventually fold. Moreover, Barney Frank blocks Republicans from offering amendments to reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac -- the source of so much of the current economic downfall -- and so the charade continues, with American taxpayers propping up a defunct system. Obama pointedly dislikes the exceptional nature of America and seeks to destroy it, but are all the congressional Democrats so hateful of the country they swore to serve?
People are slowly allowing themselves to be psychologically enslaved as one group is pitted against the other. When questioned by senators about the massive expansion in hate crimes enforcement, Attorney General Holder responded that hate crimes legislation "would not necessarily cover" instances where whites, Christians, or military members were assaulted. Preferential treatment for blacks at the expense of whites and Asians was part of Obama's tenure during his time as senator. Double standards and obvious favoritism now reign supreme. Most egregious is Holder's dismissal of the case where New Black Panther Party members intimidated white voters. Does this portend things to come in November?
How else could Arizona now be a pariah in the Obama administration? Hypocritically, he thinks he will obtain the Hispanic vote while he undermines the rule of law. If I were of Hispanic heritage, I would be incensed at the covert discrimination this represents. It implies that Hispanic people are unlawful and irresponsible! How could other states arrogantly dismiss the genuine legal concerns of Arizonans and start boycotting this besieged state? Government does not want to actually repair the holes in our immigration program. Furthermore, Obama offends those immigrants who have obeyed the law and are adding their talents to the American tapestry. Quite unbelievably, because Obama and Holder will file lawsuits against Arizona, our Mexican neighbors are coming on board and have formally joined a lawsuit challenging Arizona's new immigration law!
The Mexican government is merely taking its cue from the deliberate "reeling and writhing, of course, to begin with, and then the different branches of arithmetic -- ambition, distraction, uglification, and derision" that Obama employs so well. First, there is his overweening ambition with no true leadership experience; then our 44th president constantly distracts with his pseudo-anger and coarse words. When that trick loses its appeal, he derides and humiliates the banks, the car companies, the BP executives, the people of Arizona, the country, the value system of America, and our allies. This is an autocrat who clearly echoes the Queen when she said, "Now I must give you fair warning: 'either you or your head.'" There is a genuine fear in this country as people understand that to disagree with Obama and company is to invite "the boot" on their necks, so reminiscent of dictatorial governments as Obama and cronies doth "sentence first -- verdict afterwards."
Surely, "it would be so nice if something made sense for a change," said Alice, but in Obamaworld, if one wants to deliberately undermine this country, everything he does leans in that direction. As the Duchess exclaimed, "the moral of that is -- the more there is of mine, the less there is of yours." The next generation of Americans is already burdened with the financial debacle of a $15-trillion debt with no end in sight as the federal government becomes as bloated as Tweedledee and Tweedledum. Obama's economic plan has not improved the country, but when "four times five is twelve, and four times six is thirteen," math takes on a wholly new and original meaning as this president confiscates money without "due process of law."
Knowing full well that his programs could do nothing but fail because they are not sustainable, Obama sets the stage for frustration and anger. He pits groups against each other rather than open up a truly free-market economy where people would have a chance to succeed. Rile up the crowd -- distract them from the issues and engage in constant polemic. Sales on new homes in May plunged 33%, but all is well in Obama Wonderland!
Indeed, after forty years of federal entitlement, there are too many Americans who may have vaguely remembered ideals like responsibility and individual initiative, who used to "know who [they were] when [they] got up this morning, but ... must have been changed several times since then." Segments of Americans have lost their fundamental moorings or were never taught about the greatness of America and are now mesmerized by the empty slogans and the articulate nonsense of this president and the congress.
Jean-Francois Revel in his book How Democracies Perish wonders how "the citizens of democratic societies [will] find reasons to resist the enemy outside if they are persuaded from childhood that their civilization is merely an accumulation of failures and a monstrous imposture. ... And that attack, which is being waged with unexampled vigor [and] scope ... is catching the democracies in a state of intellectual impotence and political indolence" (10).
Our history books censure the dangers of totalitarianism and falsify and embellish history, and there is no reprobation. Obama stands by as America is demeaned, and all the while the adoring crowds still believe the emperor is wearing clothes. Their gullibility or lack of facts is mind-boggling. Thus, Obama has learned well the advice of the Queen: "Be what you would seem to be -- [or] if you'd like it put more simply --'Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise.'"
Will democracy "turn out to be have been a historical accident," as Jean Francois Revel wrote?
"Oh my ears and whiskers, how late it's getting," said Rabbit!
Active in the 1970s writing campaign to free Russian Jewish refuseniks, Eileen continues to speak out against tyranny. She can be reached at middlemarch18@gmail.com.
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