Give Me Inequality or Give Me Death

Okay, demanders of equality, you've won! We know you never bought into this "equality of opportunity, not equality of outcome" idea. Let's just cut to the chase and make the world and all those who inhabit it equal. Let's just wave a wand, and presto change-o! We now live in The United States of Equality. Let the income of Bill Gates be equal to that of the woman scrubbing the toilets at the Microsoft building. Let's just cut to the chase and get to the reality of the Utopia of Equality.

Bill Gates and the toilet-cleaner are now receiving the same paycheck. A bus driver now receives the same amount in his paycheck as the top player in the NBA. The guy selling newspapers on the corner of the busy intersection now earns the same amount as the electrical engineer designing next-generation computer hardware. The teacher is rewarded for her services in an equal amount to what the latest prosperity gospel huckster preacher gets. Hooray! Equality is here. But is it what we thought we wanted?

What happens to the inner soul, the spirit of man, in an age of equality? Does our human nature change so that we all become caught up in the groovy world of peace and love? Can the nature of man become transformed so that the greatest chef in the world is now pleased to be on par with the laziest burger-flipper who ever manned a fast food grill? Would the finest opera singer be okay with equal diva status with the worst warbler to ever hold a karaoke microphone?

The truth is that equality is a death knell to the inner spirit of man. Our spirit requires that we be rewarded according to what others are willing to give or pay for our services. It is a necessity to our nature as much as food, shelter, and clothing are to preserving our lives. Without a living spirit, we would be as animals, having no desires other than what the present requires. Equality snuffs out that living spirit that burns inside us. Yet the lure of equality is drawing us ever closer to the yawning black hole of nihilistic destruction.

Proverbs says: "The spirit of man is the lamp of the LORD; searching all the innermost parts of his being." Our inner spirit is our Creator's lamp, the light that shines within us. It is the lamp of inspiration and revelation that guides each of us in fulfilling our individual pursuits and personal gifts. All art is invention from revelation. Even the ancients knew that the gods delivered discovery to men.

But in legislated equality, there is no place for a Creator; the Law of Man is now the prime mover, our sole provider and guide. To be inspired is to recommend the order of inequality rather than the legislated dictum of equality. Such thinking or ability must be crushed as sure as the Killing Fields of Cambodia were meant to rid that nation of the educated and entrepreneurial class.

So today, in the United States of Equality, doctors will now be selected by fiat rather than internal passion, experience, and skill. Engineers will be recruited by quota, not mathematical stamina, while our vehicles are legislated to fly by 2015, powered by perpetual motion. Teachers are revered for their tenure rather than their ability to impart knowledge and wisdom to another. Rather than the Renaissance, equality hastens the backwardness of the Dark Ages. But even in the Dark Ages, people clung to notions of hierarchy of ability for protection and progress.

This coming age of equality is an iron trap of control by those believing themselves to be like God, rather than understanding that we are merely made in His image, capable of creating for oneself and for others. Is a man who created his own job equal to the man whose created job spun into jobs for hundreds, and also equal to the man whose job produced an entire industry with job-creation rippling out into the hundreds of millions? Is creative ability due to equal opportunity or equality of outcome?

Will the human condition accept that a group of kids banging away at their instruments in their parents' garages are equal in worth to our human existence as a group of chemists with a list of patents that cure diseases? Yet our Utopians conspire to select who must be raised up and who must be cut down to size. Concocting an equal opportunity is as difficult a task as turning lead into gold, yet the Utopians gather their statistics and infer conclusions to produce a new reality. Although each of us is as unique and individual as snowflakes, Utopians view us as mere pigeons nesting in our holes, with them in the role of our fowlers. 

The truth is that in The United States of Equality, inspired individuals would choose to remain within the freedom of their own minds. Their soaring ideas could be safely enjoyed imaginatively, rather than in the outside world of crushing, leveling, spirit-numbing equality. Or else they may risk their lives and furtively create in secret, their inspired creations becoming true acts of terrorism against the state.

Equality is the path to spiritual immolation. Give me inequality, or give me death.
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