The Protocols of Lyin'

There is a new President in town and he is willing to say and do anything in order to get his health care bill passed. The Democrats and their bedfellows, the mainstream media, are with him all the way.  Their aim is to make sure this President is treated like royalty, never held accountable for what he says and does, and that he gets his health care bill passed. Together, this love triangle of power has created their own set of rules regarding the President, a protocols of lyin'. Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats take note. 

Congressman Joe Wilson, did you actually scream at the President "You lie!" during his health care speech before a joint session of Congress and the nation? Oh, "Say it ain't so Joe!" But, to the delight of the President, the Democrats and the mainstream media, it is so, and they are not about to drop this "controversial issue."

Congressman Wilson, you are only beginning to understand your breach of the new protocol. You thought you blurted something out in a moment of passion, apologized for it, and the issue would pass, but you were wrong.  You see, this President requires a different, unforgiving protocol than did his predecessors, and, as you are learning, if you do not follow this new protocol, particularly with this health care bill on the line, you are on tomorrow's menu.

Congressman Wilson, according to the new protocol, it is unforgivable for a Congressman to act like a frustrated citizen at a health care town hall meeting. The new protocol demands if a lowly Congressman as you desires to address this President, you had better speak highly of him at all times, and although he can use the word lie, the "L word" for the likes of you is taboo. Regardless of how erroneous the President's facts are when he speaks, and, how perilous a course he may chart for our country, the new protocol dictates if you want to address this President you must never let your emotions get the better of you, and you better be a Democrat (or a Republican with something to trade). 

Congressman Wilson, now that we have cleared up what you did wrong and how things are when it comes to speaking to this President, there is the matter of how to save your skin. For starters, the fact that you quickly apologized for your blunder makes little difference in the scheme of the new political science. Despite the President saying that he had accepted your apology, you can forget about a beer summit with the President because you are the one who has been made to look stupid, not him.

Congressman Wilson, the new protocol requires you to take the same Jesse Jackson/ Al Sharpton apology groveling tour that the likes of Don Imus and Michael Richards went on.  As I see it, the new protocol will even force you to change your stance on the President's health care bill, and perhaps pull a midstream party change like the one Arlen Specter did. 

Congressman Wilson, the new protocol does take care of its own. Even if you lose your seat in Congress, if you betray your Party and your belief system, the new protocol will make sure you have a new position in the Obama White House as Blurt Czar.

But Congressman Wilson, I know you are not a man who would follow that road.  The hell with the new protocol. You have apologized once for your verbal indiscretion and now you must return to the fight, no apology tour, and no selling of your soul. 

As for your fellow Republicans, they should have broken ranks with the new protocol, followed suit, and joined you when they had the chance. Remember the famous scene in Spartacus when the Romans, having defeated the slave army, wanted to make a spectacle of the slave general Spartacus, only to have their plans foiled when what was left of the slave army, each and every man, dragged himself off the ground, stood and declared, "I am Spartacus!" It might sound like wishful thinking on my part, but it would have been a great gesture of solidarity, and certainly great theatrics, if each of your fellow Republicans on the floor had stood, one at a time, looked the President in the eye and likewise declared, "You lie!"  It would have also been nice if some of your compatriots later came to your defense and said, "He may have been wrong to blurt it out, but he said exactly what I was thinking!"

Oh yeah, I forgot, they are scared of the new protocol.
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