The squeegee guys of health care

This health care fiasco is beginning to look like the squeegee guys in New York City, who used to swarm around your car when you stopped at a red light, trying to talk you into fixing what wasn't broken.

President Obama has failed to convince Americans that our health care is broken.  Just saying so doesn't make it so. The evidence just is not there. We don't have a broken medical system. If 84 % percent of the US population is happy with their health insurance, why break it all down and promise to start from scratch for just another couple of trillion bucks? The stimulus bill was a gigantic waste, the biggest waste in American history -- except for TARP. And TARP has been denounced by its own Inspector General for a lack of transparency. That is a signal of corruption -- and it's typical of humongous government projects that are way beyond oversight and accountability. In Europe, the EU bureaucracy has failed its internal accountant's reports for twelve straight years. It is way too corrupt to expose to public view.

So why sign over our medical care to the folks who gave us Porkulus and TARP?

It makes no sense at all. If there's no need to revolutionize all of our health insurance and medicine, why is the country being rushed into it?  If you think this is the end of the Bum's Rush just wait till September, when the whole Blitzkrieg starts all over again.

Americans are now beginning to get a nasty sneaking suspicion that this whole brouhaha isn't about medical care at all -- just about more and more political power for the Obamanista Left. If that suspicion hardens, this whole administration is in permanent trouble. If Obama becomes a synonym for corrupt politics, watch out next year. The public won't like it.

President Obama is caught in a trap of his own making. The more he comes up with new arguments for a Federal take-over of medicine in the United States, the more Americans will wonder what the hell it's really all about. Now he has shifted his ground and backed on and off on the "public option" -- fully socialized medicine. It seems Obama is willing to let private medical care survive for a while. But once the whole gigantic new contraption is in place, there is no guarantee that the next step won't be to federalize all of US medical care. That's what they've just been caught trying to do with Medicare and Medicaid.

So the bottom-line question is: Can this guy be trusted? If he can't be trusted, then any contract you sign is suspect. He's gonna get us on the fine print even if it sounds good.

Americans have never voted for Eurosocialism. Obama didn't get elected to turn the country upside-down.  People like Daniel Hannan, who know the dubious joys of Eurosocialism in Britain, are telling us this is a disastrous idea. Britain is going down the tubes because the welfare sector is siphoning off all the tax money. Nobody can vote the Ruling Class out of power any more. The British Armed Forces are in dreadful shape because their money is gone.

American medicine ain't broke. All the squeegee guys swarming around our health care look like they're in it for themselves, and not to actually fix things. Some Europeans think that we are crazy even to think about going down this road.

Would you buy a used car from this crowd?  Or turn your medical care upside-down? I wouldn't.

It ain't broke.

Don't you touch it.
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