Dems Begin Alinsky-in-August Offensive

The healthcare-takeover plotters in the Democrat war room have charted their Alinsky-in-August offensive. 

And, pray tell, what are the Democrats' -- solely humanitarian --  objectives here? 

  • Pass another trillion-dollar tax burden upon the backs of unsuspecting American taxpayers.
  • Consolidate another takeover of the private sector. (James Lewis called it a "MediCoup."  I agree.)
  • Buy a bunch of votes for 2010 from ACORN registrants and illegal aliens. 

Selling another mine of fools gold to taxpayers could never be called humanitarian, no matter how one counts his little chickens.

Their tactics worked with the Crimulus Stimulus, which provides jobs that last a mere week, props up perv-porn "art," and expensive new potties for little-used national parks, all the while neglecting rotting bridges and states who didn't vote for the stimulator in chief.  But, so far, none of the Democrats' tactics has worked all that well in convincing a wary public to just trust them to know what's best for all our healthcare.

Even Barack, the magic insurance salesman, hasn't convinced Harry & Louise Q. Citizens to sign on the dotted line.

Hard to trust an insurance salesman who hasn't even read the policy, now isn't it?

Time to bring out the big guns of Alinsky for the August crush.  While Barack, the magic insurance salesman, leaves his own job in the capable hands of Time magazine shills, and spends a month in elitist paradise on Martha's Vineyard (taking Macho lessons?), his generals, Pelosi, Reid and Waxman, are taking the battle for federal healthcare control to the airwaves and the streets.

Nancy Pelosi fired the first salvo last Thursday.  Standing in her foxhole on the Hill, wagging her little finger like an AK-47, wearing her all-white-good-guy camouflage fatigues, Imperious Nancy threw down her battle gauntlet:

"It's almost immoral what they are doing," Pelosi said to reporters, referring to insurance companies. "Of course they've been immoral all along in how they have treated the people that they insure," she said, adding, "They are the villains. They have been part of the problem in a major way. They are doing everything in their power to stop a public option from happening."

Is it any wonder, folks, why Rahm kept Imperious Nancy in a secure San Fran closet during the '06 elections?

On Friday, The Hill intercepted a top-secret, Dem communiqué that spelled out the battle plan for the Alinsky-in-August MediCoup offensive, echoing Imperious Nancy's salvo at the insurance companies, the now-to-be targeted "villain."

Alinsky Rule #13:

Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.

The Democrats' war strategy is simple and, of course, it's pure Alinsky.  Target the insurance companies and make them out to be reprobate wretches of the most vile, greedy, Simon-Legree sort imaginable.  We are sure to be treated to ads, which feature purely hair-raising "robber-baron-rips-off-Harry&Louise" tales of insurance company bad guys.

And, how on earth, did Democrats decide upon whom to paint the Alinsky bull's-eye?  Oh puh-lease.  Public polling, of course.  That's how the Democrats decide everything, don't you know. 

When 83% of Americans are quite happy with the healthcare they have, then convincing them to let go of it for the obviously-fools-gold "public option" is an up-hill battle, as the Dems have finally figured out.  So, they will employ their usual politics-by-fear, and fill the airwaves with individual stories about evil insurers denying coverage (which are certain to be vastly exaggerated), and they will plant the fear that the very same thing could happen to every Harry & Louise Q Citizen without the MediCoup solution. 

Now, when Barack Obama promised a "transparent presidency," was he referring to how easily a fourth grader could see through his party's continuing use of these tacky Alinsky tactics?

Also true to Alinsky form, Pelosi artfully waxed all week on the opposition, portraying herself as the purely do-gooding representative of the little people, and portraying anyone who opposes her as the enemy of same little people.  Setting up the battle lines, Pelosi told the NYT what the so-called enemies of the little people will do in August:

"This is going to be carpet bombing," she said. "Carpet bombing, slash and burn, shock and awe - anything you want to say to describe what the insurance companies will do to hold on to their special advantage, which exploits the patients and holds the American consumer at the mercy of the insurance company."    

Friday's late-breaking news that Henry Waxman had strong-armed the Blue Dogs in his committee into rubber-stamping the "public option"  tells any sentient observer that the Democrat generals will paint any -- and every -- opposition to their blatant power grab as a purely demonic enemy of the people.  Before Pelosi and company are done at the end of August, any Democrat who dares to voice even the faintest concern over this new DC power-grab will be rhetorically nailed to the nearest tree as a public-hating scoundrel.

And how can the Democrats fail?

After all, folks, the stars are aligned with them and their new power grab.

Barack, the magic insurance salesman, told them so.

And, if anyone out there doubts the clout of this power-hungry mob of DC jetsetters, then Imperious Nancy has a few words on that score.  As she reminded the NYT just last week, when President Bush wanted to privatize social security accounts (putting the power of that purse back in the hands of the people), 60% of the seniors were in favor of it.  Then, the Democrats went on attack, mobilized their Alinskyite armies in a propaganda campaign, and in less than a San-Fran minute, 70% were opposed.  Pelosi kept Social Security power in DC, away from the people, and still came out with a rose between her pearly-whites, looking like the beneficent goddess she somehow imagines herself to be.

So, if Imperious Nancy and her shocktroops from ACORN, SEIU and all the other propagandists can convince the American public that it's better to have a DC bureaucrat between them and their healthcare provider than to have a private insurer in that spot, then they will pass the public option in short order and drive every private healthcare enterprise out of business.  Which, of course, is the end game plan.  A complete MediCoup.

My advice is to just tell Democrats -- the whole lot of ‘em -- that if they even want to discuss healthcare reform, then they must first take the Skin-in-the-Game Pledge.

You see, the dirty little secret of the DC jetsetters, living off public largess, is that they have the Rolls Royce of health insurance.  And we pay for most of it.  Why is the Congress' healthcare plan comparable to a Rolls Royce?  Why, because it contains the thing Americans most desire:  lots of choices. And those choices come at subsidized rates, with taxpayers aiming up the difference. Yet, the Democrat MediCoup plan will limit the choices and raise the costs for the rest of us lowly citizens.

These folks have got no skin in this game, nary even a tiny chunk of flesh.    

When every single Democrat Congressperson and their President signs a pledge to be the first enrollees in their "public option" health insurance scheme, then, and only then, will we be willing to talk about reform.   Because, at the moment, we -- Harry & Louise Q. Citizens -- are the only ones with any skin in this game and we're feeling mighty burned.

These Democrats are nothing but a bunch of Alinskyite power-mongering vultures out to empower themselves and buy votes at our expense.  Any pretense of public service is just another one of their tacky -- utterly transparent -- tactics, which, at this point, ought to elicit little more than a collective belch from the American public.

*A bonnet tip to Lee Cary for inspiring this column.

Kyle-Anne Shiver is a frequent contributor to American Thinker and welcomes your comments at 
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