Death of the Race Card?

It should not take long for a clear thinking American who looks at the accomplishments (or lack thereof) of the Obama administration to feel frustrated and annoyed over what has transpired: record spending, earmarks, a time line for the closing of Gitmo with no plan for what to do with its detainees, apologizing for the "arrogance" of America, and shaking hands with evil dictators.

What else is one to feel? How about optimism? There is light at the end of this dark tunnel. While America is going down a path of Socialism there is, at least at the social level, a tacit realization, even by those on the left, that racism is not prevalent.

Indeed, the election of President Obama was one secured by the white vote. This is not to say that the election of a liberal who happens to be a black man is a victory for America. After all, what good is a minority being elected if it is a setback for America as a whole?  This past election has shown that we are not divided racially, but politically. When push comes to shove, voters are not driven racially, but politically. A liberal will not vote for a conservative, and a conservative will not vote for a liberal. The source of optimism for this past election is that, despite the socialist who holds the office of president, the truth has surfaced: racism is no longer prevalent in America. The conservative argument has won again.

It is time for Americans to turn the final page on "the race card" and live out Dr. Martin Luther King's, "I Have A Dream" speech, in which he states, "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character."

Let's stand on the solid ground of truth and look at the reality of America's greatness as given by God. It was not a chauvinistic nation that took Governor Sarah Palin to great heights, but drive. It was not a chauvinistic, racist nation that took Oprah Winfrey from poverty to wealth, but her strong determination to defy the odds. While both women met prejudice and chauvinistic individuals along the way, they were not hindered by a nation that practices racism as a whole. Instead, they were able to exert their God-given drive to make a positive difference in the world.

Let us turn the final page on affirmative action. It does not respect rugged individualism, the spirit that defines America. Instead, affirmative action lumps individuals into groups and tacitly yet outwardly says, "You do not have the brains or the ability to stand on your own two feet and accomplish anything because of the color of your skin."

It was not reparations or quotas that brought America into being, but a group of courageous men who had acknowledged that their rights, given by God, had to be won. The founders knew that they would not get handouts because they were not residents of the mother country. Politicians, both liberal and conservative, became successful on the conservative principles of hard work and dedication.

Too often the far left, for political purposes, sets a racist picture of America in order to win the minority vote. They label conservatives as racist for not adhering to racist ideologies such as affirmative action. The conservative's respect for every person's individuality shows true understanding of the American spirit and way of life. A black man's election is the culmination of this conservative truth: Racism is no longer prevalent in America. Ideology is.

The substance of racism is being overshadowed by larger issues of our time. After all, racism hasn't been spoken about much -- perhaps because we all recognize that it is not the big issue it once was. We haven't seen Al Sharpton distorting anything in the news lately. What argument could he have these days? The larger issues of the economy, terrorism, and energy, among others, have taken the spotlight. President Obama's socialist infringement on democracy has not given America peace of mind.

America has suffered as a result of the past election. In doing so, America has learned an important truth about race -- albeit at great expense. Conservatives have been proven, once again, to be on the right side of the debate. This small consolation may be all we have while Obama is in office. Or maybe not ... we still have our tea parties and 2012.
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