Real vs. an authentic world

When did we become a nation of habitual voyeurs, panting with anticipation awaiting the next social or cultural train wreck?  When did we loose our common sense, politeness and quiet strength? When did our values degrade to follow that jagged fork, on the low path to nowhere? This week, our national authenticity has once again been skewered by the media who continually hold us hostage to their reality.

The King of Pop is dead - so what?

Michael Jackson gave us some great music, albeit "spiced" with his iconic lewdness. His ever changing facial mask left us puzzled, wondering what beef he had against his natural good looks. Antics with his own and other people's children left us wondering at his sanity. While the world registered shock and surprise, no one ever asked why, but instead, justified and forgave.  Not so long ago, he would have been put aside as strangely eccentric, lacking morals or maybe even criminal. The story would have been quietly discussed and forgotten - rather than the deafening public roar we now hear in our ears.

Authentic news has been pre-empted on every channel, local and national, while grimy details of Jackson's death held sway on the air waves twenty-four hours a day. So called "journalists" clamored and shoved to report "blow by blow" details.  All the networks surrendered their news programs to cover the last, strange chapter of Michael Jackson. Never mind the bloody revolution taking place in Iran. 

So Jackson has once again topped the charts. Media hustlers and the paparazzi parade have gone over the top with the zombie circus. Trot out the smoke and mirrors.  Long live the King of Pop!  For Pete's sake, give it a rest. Let's talk about something important.

As Americans, our former life is quietly slipping away, while the media egregiously diverts our attention. Meanwhile in back room deals, politicians furiously slip in another earmark here, add a trillion there and ignore the obvious seriousness of North Korea's Kim Jong Il, who could ram one up our tail pipe at any moment.

What else are they not reporting?  The cap and trade bill will not be read and analyzed by the Senate, just like TARP, but by golly, they will stiff taxpayers for the cost and hide the details.  Next up, health care reform; the media/government doesn't care how it's done, just as long as they get their way and the ignorant public, forever deaf, dumb and blind, agrees to it all.

Meanwhile, Americans fawn over the death of a man whose real importance is negligible. Yep, the King of Pop is dead, but so are we, if Americans don't to wake-up, refocus and genuinely pay attention. Will it take another 9-11 or Pearl Harbor to shake authenticity back into our reality? Even then will it remain?
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