Thank the Beeb for Jew hatred
According to the London Times,
''On Thursday an all—party parliamentary inquiry will state that anti—Semitic violence has become endemic in Britain, both on the streets and university campuses."
Read it, and mourn for an England that is no more.
Anti—Semitic violence has been brewing for a long time in Britain. The growing atmosphere of threat and violence is not just triggered by the Lebanon war, as the Times claims in its very misleading headline. That is only the spark in a long—smouldering gunpowder trail concocted by the Labour Left via its propaganda arm, the British Broadcasting Corporation.
The political reason is given by commentator Rod Liddle: London has two million Pakistanis, who have been taught to hate Jews all of their lives, while Jewish votes are now scattered among electoral districts. As a result, the Labour Party has resorted to classic anti—Semitic demagogy. The London branch of the Labour Party resembles the Jim Crow Dixiecrats in Alabama: They know exactly which racist buttons to push.
Mayor "Red Ken" Livingstone manipulates hatred of Jews for political gain, last year accusing a Jewish reporter of being a concentration camp guard. It was a PR stunt to appeal to certain voters.
Britain is now shaped by an unholy alliance between the Hard Left and Islamofascist tribalism: The Guardian meets Al Jazeera. When Tony Blair leaves office some time soon, nobody knows which way the Labour Party will jump.
The BBC has been stirring this witches' brew for years. So the responsibility for the Nazi—like rash of violence can be placed indirectly at the feet of the good old Beeb ——— once upon a time the voice of British reason and good sense. Britain has now brought a plague of Islamofascism on itself as a direct result of its own folly. But the Beeb cannot be reformed; it is a locked—in career bureaucracy. Not until Broadcasting House is changes staff will the BBC change its ways. Reality has no impact.
The Parliamentary report will surely show that Islamofascist imams are calling for attacks on British Jews. Friday sermons at Finsbury Park Mosque and elsewhere stir up sadistic mobs in exactly the way they have always done in Arabia and Pakistan. What do you expect, after importing two million brainwashed Pakistanis? They have just moved Peshawar to Finsbury.
But you don't need to listen to imams or Hezbo—prop if you really want to hate Jews. All you need is to listen to the BBC itself. Some of its "news" stories are proven frauds. Virtually all of them are one—sided, the Beeb's professional Inquisitors pointing their fingers at Israel and America, with none rising to their defense. Any jury would convict these scapegoats. Hatred of Israel and America has therefore become a plague, infecting the same people whose parents stood for decency against the Nazis. Most people just cannot mentally resist a 24/7/365 storyline from the six—billion—dollar Beeb propaganda factory. They are overwhelmed.
Melanie Phillips writes:
... hatred of Israel and the irrationality associated with that hatred have now reached unprecedented proportions within Britain and the West. ... the impact of the lies and distortions transmitted by the mainstream media (is) inflaming the already pathological hatred of the West within the Arab and Muslim world ...
Bloggers have done much to expose the unspeakably sleazy alliance between the international media and Hezb'allah. Just in the last several weeks we've seen the Lebanese ambulance scam, the Qana dead baby fraud, the Hamas kidnapping of Fox news people in Gaza, and an endless number of hate—Israel "news" stories.
Shamefully, those stories are in big popular demand in Europe, conveniently fed by Reuters, AFP, and the BBC. In Germany Der Spiegel is a loud voice of animosity. Deutsche Welle is a little more circumspect, but hatred for black—hearted foreigners is back in fashion, even in Germany itself. It makes everybody feel so much better. The European Union needs a common enemy, since it has no other reason for existence. And it all keeps an estimated 26 million Euro—Muslims focused on the Israeli enemy, and less likely to burn down their neighborhoods. This is the fear that fanatics inspire; it is why they have power out of proportion to their numbers; and it is why Europe is still a stranger to democracy.
Yet the truth is out there if you want to find it. But the Beeb doesn't seem to want to know. Nor do Europe's and America's media bosses. Why? Because they are personally responsible. These things don't just happen. They are the result of years of careful placement of exactly the right people with the right opinions in the right jobs. It is the media bosses and their political backers who have created the culture of hate we see before us.
If Britain survives its present sickness, historians will record that it tried to commit national suicide. The knife at its throat is paid for by British taxpayers, controlled by their elitist rulers in the bureaucracy, the permanent Labour Party, and the BBC. Britain needs no fascist party; it keeps it handy in Broadcasting House.
James Lewis is a frequent contributor.