Hillary and the Democrats telegraph their vulnerabilities

Within certain Republican circles, moods run from panic to despondency whenever Hillary and the 2008 presidential election is discussed. Among consummate party pragmatists, so historically prone to abandon principle in pursuit of political gain, the consensus is that the only means of defeating Hillary is to run a socially liberal Republican 'look alike.'

Time and again, party 'moderates' justify such abominable conclusions with their standard contention that, 'losers don't govern.' What they are loath to admit is that adopting the philosophies of the opposition guarantees that a party will lose its agenda, regardless of who wins the elections. Worse yet, running as an imitation of the opposition frequently spells doom for an otherwise viable campaign.

This centerist reaction among Republicans is particularly deplorable given that Hillary and the rest of the Democrat Party are, by their behavior, blatantly showcasing their inherent weaknesses. If Republicans will simply take note of the signs and muster the courage to exploit them, victory is all but assured, not only in 2008, but in next year's Congressional and Senate races as well.

Consider how, in the wake of the President's recent policy speech on Iraq, Democrats in the media and on Capitol Hill caterwauled about his references to 9—11, furious that he would dare tie Iraq to the terrorist attacks. The real significance of their outcry is that they remain extremely vulnerable whenever the subject of 9—11 is mentioned. Thus they are determined to sidetrack all discussion of it.

In the wake of the 2004 presidential race, Democrats relentlessly seethed at the Swiftboat Veterans for Truth, along with the many bloggers who regularly took candidate John F. Kerry to task, as if those courageous citizens had lowered American politics to some new depths never plumbed by the deceitful propaganda machines of Michael Moore and George Soros.

Though the left enjoyed a virtual media monopoly in recent decades, only within the framework of such a monopoly could the lies of liberalism fester and proliferate unchecked as they did. Now that monopoly longer exists. Thus, the hysterical and monolithic Democrat response to the truth, as exposed and disseminated by the Swiftvets and bloggers, highlights veracity as their chief area of weakness.

Such has been the case within leftist movements throughout history. And whether it be printing presses in the old Soviet Union, or internet sites now restricted in Communist China, the free flow of information among the masses represents a mortal threat to those who would govern through deceit and brute force.

Consider the track record of Hillary Clinton. From the time that her husband's transgressions first became a liability to his 1992 campaign, propaganda ploys of one form or another were the surest means of keeping their agenda on track. Conversely, the advent of alternative media sources became the biggest impediment they faced.

Thus, after the demise of the Clinton Health Care plan, a political catastrophe that directly resulted from its loud denunciation by the likes of Rush Limbaugh, Hillary spearheaded an effort to re—establish the doctrine of 'fairness in broadcasting.' Under its regulatory auspices, the FCC could invoke the 'Fairness Doctrine' against radio stations in which any plaintiff protested the station's broadcasting content as being unbalanced.

Hence, the same cadre of liberal puppets, who predictably materialize to file their complaints about the presence of a Ten Commandments display, would subsequently be empowered to shut down conservative talk—radio, and thus re—establish that vaunted liberal media monopoly.

'Air America' the liberal talk radio network was itself an attempt to neutralize the effects of conservative talk radio. Unfortunately for leftists, further proliferation of liberal propaganda, already so prevalent on the major networks, did nothing to negate the realities of conservatism.

Liberal reaction to Ed Klein's best selling new book The Truth About Hillary stands as proof that this vulnerability to the truth still exists. The ominous extent of attempts by Hillary and the major media to suppress the book proves she has reason to fear it.

Hillary's venomously ultra—liberal track record still stands, and occasionally surfaces in her speeches and voting patterns. Thus, her occasional efforts to present herself as socially conservative, hawkish on the terror war and, at times, deeply religious, can only succeed if she retains absolute control of the information circulated among the public.

The underhanded and desperate need of Hillary and the Democrats to reckon with their past deeds highlights the situation in stark and undeniable terms. Truth itself is the one enemy against which liberalism cannot prevail.

Christopher G. Adamo is a frequent contributor.