Boy Scouts versus Desperate Housewives

Weir thinking about it

Once again, that leftist values—destroying institution known as the American Civil Liberties Union has won another battle in its ongoing campaign against the Boy Scouts of America, an organization whose offense is to require its members to publicly profess a belief in God. The group reached an agreement with the U.S. Defense Department that will block the Pentagon from sponsoring more than 400 scout troops. The Pentagon also agreed to send out a notice alerting U.S. military bases around the world that they too must drop any assistance they give the Scouts.

According to the ACLU, the Pentagon has been giving charters for hundreds of Boy Scout troops and Cub Scout packs, helping them propagate their message of character development, good citizenship and personal fitness. "If our Constitution's promise of religious liberty is to be a reality," the ACLU said, "the government should not be administering religious oaths or discriminating based upon religious beliefs."

It seems rather obvious that the ACLU is offended by the moral code represented by the Scouts, therefore, they're using 'religious discrimination' as a weapon to punish them. All of this rhetorical rhubarb because of the reciting of an oath that reads:

'On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.'

Can you imagine giving children such harmful advice? In another court case the ACLU challenged a Virginia law that prohibits juveniles from walking around naked at nudist camps without the presence of a parent of guardian. In other words, this morally bankrupt group of malcontents thinks it's wrong to teach children respect for themselves and others through religious education, but it's okay to allow them to walk around nude in public parks. Let's hope this ludicrous ruling by the Pentagon is overturned before this country slides any deeper into the abyss.

Speaking of that morally bottomless pit, what does nudity, sexually suggestive scenarios, and desperate housewives have to do with football? Many of us can remember watching that Monday night sports contest since the days of Howard Cosell, Dandy Don Meredith, and Frank Gifford. Aside from some of Mr. Cosell's polysyllabic football non sequiturs, the evening was filled with sporting entertainment. Yes, it's a violent form of entertainment, but at least you're prepared for it when you tune in.

Many adults watch the gridiron events with their children, and, presumably, would like to be assured that they will not be exposed to the latest exercise in licentious marketing. Having a woman disrobe in front of an athlete in a locker room and lure him away from his assignment on the field may seem cute to those 'sexually enlightened' denizens of dark alley strip joints, but it doesn't belong in our living rooms. Opinions vary from, 'What's the big deal, since private parts were not revealed?' to, 'The problem stems from the insinuation of what was about to occur.'

However, the bigger concern is not what was done on that occasion, but rather the question of what is coming next. Even a casual observer of the last few decades would recognize the validity of the 'slippery slope' argument. Undoubtedly, the executives at ABC are rubbing their hands together greedily as the country is 'exposed' to a program whose ratings have plummeted since the glory days of yesteryear. Even if the FCC hits them with a hefty fine, it will be dwarfed by the additional revenue they receive from a renewed interest in the otherwise stagnant weekly offering, plus all the new male viewers expected to watch the housewives being desperate.

Perhaps the FCC should consider revoking the licenses of some of the affiliates owned by these broadcast networks to get their attention when they step over the line. That might preempt the next hair—brained scheme to make money by using shock jock tactics to obtain publicity. If the networks are not forced to feel the pinch in their pocketbooks, we, as a values oriented society, better get ready to stumble.

Bob Weir is a former detective sergeant in the New York City policy department. He is the editor of The News Connection in Highland Village, Texas.

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