News from the Arab press
Olivier Guitta begins today an occasional feature, reviewing the Arab press for stories which might not have been picked up by the Associated Press or the New York Times, but which might nevertheless be of interest to our readers.
From the Qatari paper al Watan of June 17, we learn that hundreds of Iranian students from the Islamist militia Passig have 'built' a human shield around the nuclear facility of Abu Shahr, to show the entire world their determination to defend Iran's nuclear program unto their last drop of blood. Five hundred other students gathered around the construction site in Arak, where a heavy water facility is being built. They shouted chants hostile to the US and Israel.
According to the Saudi paper al Watan, (a separate publication from the Qatar paper of the same name) of June 17, the Iraqi government asked Syria to stop the infiltration of terrorists into Iraq. Baghdad also demands that Syria radically change its policy and return all of Saddam's money hidden in Syrian banks. Furthermore, Iraq asked Syria to stop advising and helping Iraqi tribes very hostile to the democratization process. In fact, this situation only fuels the violence inside Iraq and prevents the return to peace.
In exchange, Iraq promised to establish good relations with Syria and to prevent the US from launching military operations against Syria from Iraqi soil.