America's Heroes

I'm not old enough to remember the mood of the country during World War II, but America's sentiments can be readily understood by viewing any of the movies made during the war against the Axis powers in Europe. Even during the 50's, a decade after the troops were back home, the films continued to portray the greatness of our country and its fight for freedom around the world. It was a time of John Wayne, James Stewart, and Betty Grable, major stars whose patriotism was self—evident in the roles they played and the additional time they spent supporting the troops.

It was a time when men shed their blood fighting on the battlefield and women backed them up with their sweat and tears in defense plants from coast to coast. It was a time when families prayed together and prominently displayed flags in front of their homes to show their love of country and their support of the men in uniform. Legendary comedian, Bob Hope was entertaining the troops at military bases around the world, accompanied by other major Hollywood celebrities. It was a time in our history when we knew the good guys from the bad guys. It was the time of heroes.

Where are the heroes of today? Since the turbulent 60's with its anti—American rhetoric and its drug induced revolution against propriety, we have witnessed an erosion of values that has sought to turn religion into a prohibited practice and patriotism into a foolish philosophy only engaged in by fascists. The Beverly Hills glitterati has been taken over by leftists like Michael Moore, whose only claim to fame is his scurrilous attacks on the president during wartime. Not satisfied with making fraudulent documentaries that twist the truth like Turkish taffy, the foul—mouthed radical has used every venue, including the Academy Awards ceremony, to vent his corpulent spleen at the leader of the free world. The ultra—liberal gangs who dominate filmdom are loath to utter a favorable word toward anything deemed to be supportive of the president or the war on terror. Mr. Moore's, Fahrenheit 9/11, a rip—off of a book title by author Ray Bradbury, from whom Mr. Moore received no permission, is another exercise in Bush—bashing. In Bradbury's novel, Fahrenheit 451, he depicts an anti—utopian society in which people lead dehumanized lives filled with fear. Moore's movie accuses Bush of stealing the election in 2000 and of being negligent about protecting the country before 9/11.

In addition, it claims that Bush whipped up the fears of the country after the attack in order to have a reason to invade Iraq. Perhaps Mr. Moore should list John Kerry as the executive producer and Ted Kennedy as the author of the screenplay. Can anyone even imagine such a movie being produced during the 1940's or 50's? People like Moore would have been branded a traitor to the country for giving aid and comfort to the enemy.

Instead, Moore expects to make a fortune by undermining the war as he stretches the boundaries of freedom and puts soldiers in harm's way. These are the very soldiers that are fighting and dying for the freedoms Mr. Moore takes for granted and recklessly abuses. In 1941, when our naval bases at Pearl Harbor were attacked, it was a wakeup call for America, and the sleeping giant became a well oiled, thundering machine that produced airplanes, tanks, and bombs that would be used to settle the score. In 2001, when innocent civilians were massacred during the 9/11 attack, President Bush said: 'The people that brought down these buildings will hear from us.'

It was a time when leadership was needed. It was a time for speaking clearly and acting decisively. Once again, it was a time when America needed heroes. Out of the fire, smoke, and ashes of the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, a new resolve was born in our country. It was a determination that we, as a nation, will not be cowed into submission by the homicidal lunacy of fanatical terrorists.

While other countries have groveled at the feet of the lethal but shadowy international cartel of thugs, America, led by a man of substance, has refused to capitulate. George W. Bush recognizes that we're engaged in a life and death struggle for the survival of western civilization. The troops on the field of battle recognize it too. The United States of America, that shining beacon of freedom in a hostile world, has always found its heroes in times of need.

Bob Weir is a columnist for The American Thinker. The author of 7 books, he is a retired NYPD sergeant, living in Flower Mound, Texas.