The Latest Cause Among Blacks
In a rally at Harlem's large and influential Abyssinian Baptist Church (once under the pastoral care of the late Cong. Adam Clayton Powell), 'community leaders' agitated against the new liberal radio network Air America, as a victimizer of the black community.
None of the American newspapers which have lavished loving coverage on the tiny four station operation —— the New York Times and the San Francisco Chronicle, among them —— bothered to cover the rally against it.
Toronto's Globe and Mail which did have the integrity to cover an event which went against the left wing press's obvious agenda commented:
Something has gone terribly wrong. The launch of Air America was supposed to agitate Republicans and conservative talk—show stalwarts.
As we noted earlier this week, Air America executives have ruthlessly extinguished minority—oriented formats on small low—power radio stations in some of the big American cities, in order to get their signal on the air.
The rally in Harlem was convened by Bob Law, who formerly enjoyed access to the airwaves as a talk show host. His current crusade is to promote the contention that ratings services such as Arbitron and A.C. Nielsen systematically undercount black audiences, thereby starving black—oriented programs and outlets of their proper advertising revenues. The loss of black—oriented New York station WLIB to the overwhelmingly white liberal broadcasters of Air America particularly rankles.
At the rally,
Amadi Ajamu nodded and spoke of her own frustration at the loss of 'LIB. "They're turning this into a white Democratic Party instrument, turning it into something drastically different than what had been built through the years," she said. "We now don't have a voice for our issues like reparations, education, police brutality."
We look forward to the coming black activist crusade against Air America with relish. The poseurs of the left, who comfort themselves with the fiction that they have only the best of intentions toward African—Americans, when they demean them with what President Bush aptly called 'the soft bigotry of low expectations,' deserve to be ridiculed for their stupidity and self—involvement.
The Globe and Mail drew the correct conclusion about the significance of the affair when it stated:
The flap hints at the difficulties for the left as it gears up to defeat Bush. Though Air America is not owned by the Democratic Party, Law suggested it was, and didn't correct those in the audience who attacked the party. "The Democrats have greatly offended us with their insensitivity," he said. "We should use our vote like a weapon." If they choose to pick up that weapon when it's offered them in November, they may accidentally shoot themselves in the head.
In its first half—week of operation, Air America has managed to convey the impression that it is owned or controlled by the Democratic Party, and has also alienated urban blacks.
Nobody could be that inept. Could they? The only other explanation is that Al Franken is really a deep cover agent in the employ of Karl Rove, whom the same left wing press assure us is a devious, manupulative, mastermind.
You be the judge.