A rigged BBC poll and bin Laden's EU truce offer

Solid evidence has emerged to suggest that a recent poll by the BBC's World Service, was not only systematically rigged, but that bin Laden's offer of a truce with Europe a mere six days after the survey's results were published, may indicate that the BBC's anti—American propaganda is aiding, abetting and encouraging bin Laden's strategy to divide America and Europe.

In fact, the BBC and Osama Bin Laden appear to be a perfect pairing. Both propagate viscerally anti—American views, and can project those views across diverse parallel channels, reinforcing each others' message to the global audience.  The BBC and bin Laden may not be plotting together during cozy morning coffee meetings, but they are clearly both working for the same ends.

The BBC reported the poll's results in a web article on the 9th of April 2004, titled: 'US is bigger threat than terror.'  According to the BBC, the 1500 respondents of the survey were all viewers of its news and international channel.

Naturally, such an audience already contaminated under the influence of the BBC's 'drip drop' propaganda campaign against America wouldn't bat an eyelid when confronted with a questionnaire that was rigged from the very start.

The BBC article is not shy and begins by announcing its central finding:

'Globalisation and the US pose a more serious threat to the world than war and terrorism, according to a BBC poll.'

At first glance that sentence could lead one to believe that 'Globalization' and the US were tied in first place as the two greatest threats to the world. In other words, 'globalization' scored top of the list, followed by the US.

But believe it or not, the BBC has actually clumped together the US and the concept of 'Globalization' as one combined and single choice for respondents of the questionnaire. With one web article they have somehow redefined the term 'Globalization' and made it synonymous with America. The naked bias and manipulation of methodology used to conduct this poll is obscene, and surely one of the worst cases of media bias ever witnessed.

And just for the sake of clarity — as it is sorely missing from BBC output — the definition of globalization according to the New Oxford dictionary is:

'to develop or be developed in order to make possible international influence or operation'

For some reason —— which the head of the BBC Research and Planning, Jeremy Nye, isn't willing to divulge (more on that later) —— the 'impartial' Beeb seems to think that they know better than the folks who collated the New Oxford dictionary, the true definition of 'Globalization.' The real world definition of 'globalization' makes no reference to the United States, but for the purpose of rigging the poll, the BBC has decided that on this occasion the US and 'globalization' are one and the same.

'Corruption came second on a list of the biggest problems facing the world, the survey of BBC viewers worldwide found.'

Notice how 'corruption' is expressed as a single issue without combining it with the name of another country. For instance, the EU has been shown to be so corrupt, that during its whole history, it has never once had its books signed off by an independent auditor. Using the BBC's logic, they should have combined 'corruption' and the EU as one single choice on the questionnaire. But that would be too consistent for the BBC and would ruin their carefully crafted rigging job of which the main objective was to slander Americans.

And then later in the same article the BBC attempt to feign surprise at the findings:

'BBC World's head of research and planning Jeremy Nye said: "We were a little surprised that global superpowers and corruption were ranked top but we will track whether they are gaining from topical interest or are of greater long—term significance."

Mr. Nye must either be a useful idiot or a liar, because anyone with half a brain could have predicted the result of a survey in which one entices respondents with two good reasons instead of one, in order to prompt them to choose a single answer. The results of this poll were pre—ordained and Mr. Nye and the BBC know it very well. His co—called surprise at the result is frankly — laughable.

When 'The American Thinker' emailed Jeremy Nye (twice) and explained in clear unambiguous language why the poll was rigged, he completely ignored our request for a copy of the original poll questionnaire, in order to ascertain if the methodology involved had been scientific and impartial.

To this day, no—one other than the 1500 respondents has managed to inspect the original poll questionnaire. Of course, it represents the smoking gun, and the fact that Mr. Nye refuses to disclose it, is indication enough that the BBC is involved in a cover—up.

However, we do in fact have the proof which demonstrates beyond a reasonable doubt that the BBC set up the questions in order to get the result they so badly wanted.

The following is part of a BBC document which proves how the 'smoking gun' question making 'globalization' and America synonymous was put to the poll's respondents:

Global superpower/globalisation (power of USA and corporations) 52.3% 
Corruption      51.7% 
Conflicts (wars, terrorism)     50%   
Hunger  49%   
Climate change (global warming) 44%

Why didn't they separate the 'Global superpower', which conveniently could only mean the US, and 'globalization' as two different choices for respondents? The BBC would have been well aware that 'globalization' is not an issue exclusive to American corporations. All international companies and organizations, publicly or privately owned — including the media — are responsible for 'globalization'.

In fact, the BBC is an excellent example of 'globalization' in practice. If anything, they pioneered the spirit of 'globalization' decades ago with the roll—out of the BBC World Service, which ironically, happens to be the same BBC division responsible for this rigged poll.

Yet, not only have the BBC knowingly rigged this poll in order to arrive at the conclusion that the US is the biggest threat to the world, but they have also demonstrated a level of hypocrisy which is beyond belief. Though don't bother pinching yourself, because this is no dream.

Of course, Mr. Nye felt answering these charges was beneath him and instead got the BBC coffee boy to email us back with the usual BBC complaint form. This is the typical response from the BBC even when they've been caught red—handed rigging a poll in order to guarantee an anti—American result.

So even after bringing all of this to the attention of Mr. Nye, he not only refuses to retract the poll as flawed, but the actual article 'US is bigger threat than terror'', is still active on the BBC website. The arrogant and stubborn refusal to admit a mistake clearly shows that the BBC is totally out of control in their determination to globalize anti—Americanism through their global news network.

That this poll was rigged is an open and shut case, but where does Bin Laden fit into all this?

Only six days after the rigged results of the BBC poll was published, Osama bin Laden extended the offer of a truce to Europeans, pointedly attempting to isolate the US in its war on terror.

In fact, in the full statement from bin Laden, he mentions that he has been following recent opinion polls:

'Based on the above, and in order to deny war merchants a chance and in response to the positive interaction shown by recent events and opinion polls'

If we ever needed proof that anti—American poll rigging by the BBC gives comfort, and provides strategic momentum to al—Qaeda, bin Laden, by his own words, delivers it to us on a plate. It's also rather strange that he mentions the global arms industry in the same breath as 'opinion polls'. Didn't the BBC load their poll questionnaire by making 'globalization' synonymous with America?

Of course, this might all just be a big coincidence and unrelated to the fact that Osama bin Laden made this speech within days of another rigged poll from the BBC. But what is undeniable is that he takes these polls seriously and the BBC's anti—American bias is converging with al—Qaeda's strategy, in attempting to divide the US and Europe in the war on terrorism.

One thing we can all be certain of is that bin Laden is a fan of the BBC World Service and their rigged anti—American polls. Of that there can be no doubt.

Perhaps he might care to contribute to the BBC license fee which is imposed on every household in the UK with a television set, enforced by the threat of incarceration. Arguably, bin Laden is getting more value from the BBC than most of the British taxpayers' who actually finance it.

The BBC has lost its reputation as an accurate news source, and today  only acts as a propaganda adjunct for Osama bin Laden, and the al—Qaeda network of murderers.


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