American Thinker Blog

As San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala Harris let a killer with a rotting corpse in his bathtub off easy -report - 9/28/24 by Monica Showalter September 28, 2024 by Monica Showalter She lets a grisly killer off easy, while keeping pot smokers in the can beyond their terms? That's some D.A. she was -- who shouldn't be in the White House. More
The Constitution is anti-democratic - 9/28/24 by Jay Davidson September 28, 2024 by Jay Davidson That’s the charge some leftists are making. Believe it or not, they’re right. More
When Kamala shoots, will she be laughing? - 9/28/24 by Richard Dean Young September 28, 2024 by Richard Dean Young What is the vice president’s real take on gun control? Look at her record. More
Schadenfreude: Tough times for the big mullah of Iran, who can't stop tweeting about Israel's Hezb'allah terrorist takeout - 9/28/24 by Monica Showalter September 28, 2024 by Monica Showalter The big mullah is thrashing and whimpering like a bully with a bloodied nose, and he can't stop tweeting about it. More
Big government is a bully, not a friend -- and definitely not a daddy - 9/28/24 by Eric Utter September 28, 2024 by Eric Utter But it's hard to change people's minds out there. More
Now that millions of migrants are safely in the states, Kamala Harris visits border and vows to close the barn door next year - 9/28/24 by Monica Showalter September 28, 2024 by Monica Showalter Going the full Instagram in an urban black ensemble topped with a fashionable safari jacket, and high-heeled boots. More
John Kirby: living in Hamas' reality? - 9/28/24 by Mike McDaniel September 28, 2024 by Mike McDaniel And how can John Kirby, a former Admiral, a man supposedly highly educated in the art of war and the nature of America’s enemies, so willingly ignore reality? More
Ranked Choice Voting is an actual ‘threat to democracy’ - 9/28/24 by Chris Talgo September 28, 2024 by Chris Talgo RCV represents a real threat to the classic definition of American democracy, wherein one voter gets one vote, we the people receive the electoral results in a timely manner. More
Trump’s authentic anger versus Kamala’s phony joy - 9/28/24 by Noel S. Williams September 28, 2024 by Noel S. Williams Harris’s fake joy is a euphemism for blissful ignorance.  More
The Social Security Disability nightmare - 9/28/24 by Mark P. Mostert September 28, 2024 by Mark P. Mostert Federal programs across the Social Security Administration, including SSI and SSDI, are routinely ineffective and inefficient.  More
Seriously, no one trusts the media - 9/28/24 by D. Parker September 28, 2024 by D. Parker A new study hammers the last nail into the coffin of the media’s credibility. More
Dichotomies - 9/28/24 by Eric Utter September 28, 2024 by Eric Utter In this ever-devolving world, I often spot apparent dichotomies; some, oddly reminiscent of the Battle Between Good and Evil. More
Is the My Pillow guy a Nazi? - 9/28/24 by Mike McDaniel September 28, 2024 by Mike McDaniel “I doubt Lindell is behind this or would even get the reference, but that doesn’t really matter,” Cotlar wrote on Bluesky. More
Well, let’s talk about men - 9/28/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 28, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. The real “gender” gap? Male support for strong, competent candidates. More
Dinesh D'Souza hits it out of the park with new film 'Vindicating Trump' - 9/27/24 by Monica Showalter September 27, 2024 by Monica Showalter The storyline is mythic, and the acting is great. It interviews the main players, too, and moves from past to future, giving us a lot of information we didn't know. Go see it. More
American Thinker/Rasmussen Reports polls show Trump leading in Nevada and behind in New Mexico and Minnesota - 9/27/24 by Andrea Widburg September 27, 2024 by Andrea Widburg However, even in New Mexico and Minnesota, voters mostly agree with and support Trump on issues such as the economy, immigration, and national security. More
Secret Service staff to go on a three-day paid vacation at Disney World for an LGBTQ ‘summit’ - 9/27/24 by Olivia Murray September 27, 2024 by Olivia Murray Dying on the hill of the Pride flag. More
News nuggets to make your blood boil - 9/27/24 by Eric Utter September 27, 2024 by Eric Utter From Democrat media operatives to the “education” realm, things are looking FUBAR. More
An American Thinker/Rasmussen Reports poll for North Carolina, Michigan, and Virginia shows a tight race but support for Trump on the issues - 9/27/24 by Andrea Widburg September 27, 2024 by Andrea Widburg The states represent a slight Harris lead, a slight Trump lead, and a tie, but on issue after issue, voters are dissatisfied with the status quo and trust Trump. More
About that Secret Service Agents’ free trip to LGBTQ conference at Disneyworld ... - 9/27/24 by Ed Sherdlu September 27, 2024 by Ed Sherdlu No, I’m not kidding.  And it gets worse. More
The real costs of Medicare Part D prescription medications - 9/27/24 by Jill A. Irwin September 27, 2024 by Jill A. Irwin How Joe and Kamala pick the pockets of America's seniors. More
Here’s what to get leftists for Christmas - 9/27/24 by Noel S. Williams September 27, 2024 by Noel S. Williams Given the virtual nature of leftist’s worldviews, a VR headset may be an ideal present for them. More
Hillary just may be the worst person in the world - 9/27/24 by Patricia McCarthy September 27, 2024 by Patricia McCarthy President Trump broke her so badly, she remains thoroughly deranged. More
Kamala Harris faces a 64-year curse - 9/27/24 by Noah Woods September 27, 2024 by Noah Woods No Democrat has won while trailing, and only Obama won with a slim lead. More
Kamala can't hit a curve ball - 9/27/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 27, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. This is probably the most unqualified candidate to run for president in our lifetime.  More
John Kirby warns Americans to leave Lebanon as things quickly devolve into full-scale war - 9/27/24 by Olivia Murray September 27, 2024 by Olivia Murray Kirby knows what he’s talking about—he has thus far participated in the abandonment of Americans in Afghanistan, Israel, and Haiti. More
‘Please listen carefully as our menu has changed’ (satire) - 9/27/24 by Robin M. Itzler September 27, 2024 by Robin M. Itzler Technology was supposed to improve customer service but the reality is somewhat different. More
World War 3: The worst-case scenario - 9/27/24 by David Brickman September 27, 2024 by David Brickman China, Russia, and Iran are making moves around the globe that we in the USA should not take lightly. More
Science says the earth’s temperatures are trending cooler—but the talking points and radical policies won’t change - 9/27/24 by Jack Hellner September 27, 2024 by Jack Hellner Why? Because it’s always been about money and control. More
Canada is fining the Amish $300,000 for not downloading a COVID app - 9/26/24 by Andrea Widburg September 26, 2024 by Andrea Widburg As a reminder, the Amish don’t have smartphones, but in a leftist state—the state we’ll get if Kamala becomes president—religious freedom is no more than words on paper. More
Politics versus peopletics - 9/26/24 by Tom McCorkill September 26, 2024 by Tom McCorkill This year’s election cycle is way less about policies and way more about personalities. More
Joe Biden assures the cackling hags of The View that Kamala's record is his record - 9/26/24 by Monica Showalter September 26, 2024 by Monica Showalter Does he really believe his own baloney about his presidential 'greatness,' or was this smiling sideways dagger to drag her down with him? More
Former director of crime statistics at the DOJ debunks the ‘crime is down’ lie - 9/26/24 by Olivia Murray September 26, 2024 by Olivia Murray Fact-checking the “fact-checkers” with real data and common sense. More
Kamala delivers another load of evasive gibberish to fawning MSNBC interviewer - 9/26/24 by Monica Showalter September 26, 2024 by Monica Showalter Her latest solo interview with a fawning MSNBC interviewer stunk something fierce. More
Be prepared for these October and November surprises - 9/26/24 by W.A. Eliot September 26, 2024 by W.A. Eliot False flag election season? Maybe. More
Commentary: New Rasmussen/American Thinker poll reveals Trump is killing it in AZ - 9/26/24 by Olivia Murray September 26, 2024 by Olivia Murray Even with a number of mitigating factors in play, President Trump is still +2 in the Grand Canyon state. More
When corruption becomes standard operating procedure - 9/26/24 by Bob Weir September 26, 2024 by Bob Weir Never has an administration done so much damage to our country in the space of less than four years! More
CNN gets all puppet-y again - 9/26/24 by Jack Hellner September 26, 2024 by Jack Hellner They claim that President Trump is fear-mongering. More
The 2024 battleground: A repeat scenario? - 9/26/24 by Noah Woods September 26, 2024 by Noah Woods What happens if polling errors similar to those in 2016 and 2020 persist in the battleground states? More
A biblical name for Israel’s exploding pagers - 9/26/24 by Harold Witkov September 26, 2024 by Harold Witkov The Israelis love Bible-themed names for their military operations and weaponry. ‘Operation Exploding Pagers’ won’t do. More
Momala Harris and the expanding maternalistic state - 9/26/24 by Burton Abrams September 26, 2024 by Burton Abrams A one-party maternalistic state with dumb economic ideas is a threat to prosperity. More
Dogs don’t speak liberal gobbledygook - 9/26/24 by Noel S. Williams September 26, 2024 by Noel S. Williams Reality is consistent, and a bunch of gobbledygook doesn’t get anyone very far. More
Regrets… Mark's had a few - 9/26/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 26, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. Mark Zuckerberg wants to move on and leave politics behind. More
A Secret Service agent is accused of sexually assaulting a Kamala Harris aide - 9/25/24 by Andrea Widburg September 25, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Whether through malice or incompetence, the United States Secret Service is not sending the best people to do the job. More
An American Thinker/Rasmussen Reports poll shows Trump and Harris tied in Wisconsin - 9/25/24 by Andrea Widburg September 25, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Likely voters are most concerned about kitchen-table issues and favor Trump’s abilities on the economy and immigration while supporting Harris on energy policies. More
An American Thinker/Rasmussen Reports poll shows Trump leading in Arizona - 9/25/24 by Andrea Widburg September 25, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Likely voters are deeply concerned about kitchen-table issues and consistently favor Trump as the candidate most likely to fix those issues. More
A splendid little rat's nest of discord for Kamala Harris: Rashida Tlaib lays down a support-Hezb'allah-or-else marker for her - 9/25/24 by Monica Showalter September 25, 2024 by Monica Showalter Could it cost her Michigan? Let's call this 'good trouble.' More
MMA fighter reveals why he’s entitled to beat up on women in the Octagon - 9/25/24 by Olivia Murray September 25, 2024 by Olivia Murray Truly fascinating insight into the “trans” mind. More
Meek and servile, Tim Walz pays a visit to the House of Soros - 9/25/24 by Monica Showalter September 25, 2024 by Monica Showalter Alex Soros tweeted out the damning pictures, apparently wanting to ensure that everyone knew who his pawn was. More
Not stupid, just lazy - 9/25/24 by Howard McCrum September 25, 2024 by Howard McCrum It’s counterproductive to call leftists stupid. Stupidity can’t be fixed, but leftist thinking can. More
Maine mayor tells elderly residents to take out reverse mortgages to pay their soaring property taxes brought on by illegals - 9/25/24 by Monica Showalter September 25, 2024 by Monica Showalter All of your houses are belong to us. More
In bits and pieces, the Swamp moves to elect Harris - 9/25/24 by Victoria White Berger September 25, 2024 by Victoria White Berger Soros buys up the airwaves, Secret Service sabotage, a Continuing Resolution, and RFK Jr.’s fight to get his name off the ballot. More
Kamala refuses to say if she would amnesty illegals, or halt the CBP One app and the CHNV mass migrant 'parole' flights into the U.S. - 9/25/24 by Monica Showalter September 25, 2024 by Monica Showalter She's trying to hide how bad it is, and it's plenty bad indeed. More
Sen. Coons goes off the rails and says people 'misremember’ how bad Trump’s economy was - 9/25/24 by Jack Hellner September 25, 2024 by Jack Hellner More gaslighting about what the Democrats inherited from President Trump. More
Zelensky delivers three messages that could lead to broader war with Russia, and could include the United States - 9/25/24 by Robert L. Maginnis September 25, 2024 by Robert L. Maginnis World War III looms on the horizon under Democrat leadership. More
Queen Canute - 9/25/24 by Roy Clark September 25, 2024 by Roy Clark Is Kamala Harris really Queen Canute?   Instead of trying to stop the tide, she believes that she has the divine power to cool a flat model ocean. More
Species dysphoria: The new gender dysphoria? - 9/25/24 by Eric Utter September 25, 2024 by Eric Utter Furries? What could go wrong? More
Who knew that too many people would create a problem? - 9/25/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 25, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. You bring millions into your country without a plan and you get an unplanned outcome? Who knew that? More
Kamala Harris wants to end the filibuster to bring back Roe v. Wade - 9/24/24 by Andrea Widburg September 24, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Of course, if Democrats win Congress, ending the filibuster means destroying a whole raft of American norms so that Democrats can have total and lasting political power. More
Commentary: Battleground voters agree, ‘Democrat party’ tops the list as ‘biggest enemy’ of America - 9/24/24 by Olivia Murray September 24, 2024 by Olivia Murray Finally! Some common ground. More
Pennsylvania polling shows a Trump-Harris tie, but the details favor Trump - 9/24/24 by Andrea Widburg September 24, 2024 by Andrea Widburg I’ve been digging into the results of the poll American Thinker commissioned and, while the top line is interesting, the really cool stuff is in the details. More
A new American Thinker/Rasmussen Reports poll out of Pennsylvania yields fascinating results - 9/24/24 by Andrea Widburg September 24, 2024 by Andrea Widburg While the state is tied at the top of the ticket, likely voters’ views on a variety of issues do not reflect this 50/50 split. More
Biden slurs his way through United Nations speech, pats himself on the back about his Afghanistan withdrawal - 9/24/24 by Monica Showalter September 24, 2024 by Monica Showalter Senile Joe is very proud of his failed foreign policy record. More
Commentary: Trump is pulling ahead in Georgia, despite Kamala Harris’s recent visit and pro-abortion pitch - 9/24/24 by Olivia Murray September 24, 2024 by Olivia Murray In a state with limited access to abortion, that’s not what’s at the front of women’s minds; they want what Trump’s selling. More
Zelensky joins Putin, campaigning and advocating for Kamala Harris in Pennsylvania - 9/24/24 by Monica Showalter September 24, 2024 by Monica Showalter A bad look all around. More
Trump was right: Crime rates went ‘through the roof’ - 9/24/24 by Joe Fried September 24, 2024 by Joe Fried Are mainstream media reporters ignorant, are they politically biased, or is it some combination of both?  More
Media screaming about ‘disinformation’ are the most dangerous - 9/24/24 by Jack Hellner September 24, 2024 by Jack Hellner We never get a headline about all the false stories the media put out. More
Fox News’s Juan Williams plays the Trump-voters-are-racist card - 9/24/24 by Jack Hellner September 24, 2024 by Jack Hellner How does Fox News still allow Juan Williams to spew Democrat talking points, ginning up racial hate against anyone with whom he disagrees? More
A new American Thinker/Rasmussen Reports poll in Georgia has Trump leading - 9/24/24 by Andrea Widburg September 24, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Voters in Georgia are most concerned about the economy and immigration, and they believe that Trump is the candidate who can be trusted to address those concerns. More
The Democrats’ big secret - 9/24/24 by D. Parker September 24, 2024 by D. Parker They appear to be floating on ‘joy’ (or whatever), but below all that, they’re worried. More
Tradition, progress, and political polarization - 9/24/24 by Tim Jones September 24, 2024 by Tim Jones The choice between Trump and Harris is indeed stark, more so than possibly any other time in American history.  More
‘Defectors’ — Democrats turn their wrath on Hispanic Americans and denigrate them as people who have ‘something to prove’ to whites - 9/24/24 by Olivia Murray September 24, 2024 by Olivia Murray When the minorities abandon the Democrat party, the Democrats go low. More
All in the name of beating Trump - 9/24/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 24, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. MSNBC's leftists say that so long as the candidate is not Trump, she can skip the little matter telling voters about her program. More
Gunman offers $150,000 'bounty' for killing Trump in letter, DoJ releases it to the public - 9/23/24 by Monica Showalter September 23, 2024 by Monica Showalter Whose side are these people on? More
After 11 months of letting Hezbollah shoot at it, Israel is destroying Hezbollah - 9/23/24 by Andrea Widburg September 23, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Israel is fighting this war with such creativity and intelligence that its defense against Hezbollah may rival the Six-Day War for brevity. More
Is Kamala Harris writing off North Carolina and Georgia? - 9/23/24 by Monica Showalter September 23, 2024 by Monica Showalter Funny how she's targeting Arizona and Nevada instead of one of the supposedly easier and more electoral-vote rich Southern states. More
Arrival of Tren de Aragua in the Windy City sets the stage for bloody turf wars - 9/23/24 by Olivia Murray September 23, 2024 by Olivia Murray A reformed Chicago gangster sounds the alarm. More
Chicago’s mayor has ended the ShotSpotter system that helped direct cops to gunfire - 9/23/24 by Andrea Widburg September 23, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Although the mayor complains about the system’s price (which he gets wrong) and about a corporation making money, his real problem is that the system is “racist.” More
Kamala Harris skips the Al Smith dinner with all those godawful Catholics - 9/23/24 by Monica Showalter September 23, 2024 by Monica Showalter She's out calling Trump a 'chicken' for declining to debate her in a rigged setting, but she's the real chicken-heart here, scared to face down all those Catholics she persecuted. More
Chicago public school teachers directed to pass illegal alien children, even when they fail - 9/23/24 by Jack Hellner September 23, 2024 by Jack Hellner What could go wrong when you pass children in school despite the fact they don’t know the material? More
That darn Israel! - 9/23/24 by Jack Hellner September 23, 2024 by Jack Hellner Mainstream media laments the pager explosions as a “blow” to a “beleaguered” Biden-Harris administration. More
Kamala Chameleon - 9/23/24 by George W. Shuster September 23, 2024 by George W. Shuster A chameleon is a natural phony, a reality that has political applications too. More
Sherrod Brown campaign markets longtime Democrat voters as disenfranchised ‘Republicans’ - 9/23/24 by Olivia Murray September 23, 2024 by Olivia Murray Another Democrat campaign built on lies? Color me shocked. More
Liz Cheney calls for a third party to replace the Republicans - 9/23/24 by Monica Showalter September 23, 2024 by Monica Showalter All that's missing are the voters. More
In 1962, being the worst in baseball was no bad thing - 9/23/24 by Will O'Toole September 23, 2024 by Will O'Toole When you compare the 1962 Mets to the 2024 White Sox, there’s a world of difference between the two teams despite their similarly dismal performances. More
Catty Democrats - 9/23/24 by Noel S. Williams September 23, 2024 by Noel S. Williams JD Vance was onto something when he quipped about the “childless cat ladies.” More
When anger should trump ‘joy’ - 9/23/24 by Eric Utter September 23, 2024 by Eric Utter No decent and sane person should trust anyone who isn’t more than a little pissed off by all of this, especially those who claim to be full of “joy.” More
The problem in Springfield is a lack of common sense - 9/23/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 23, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. Calling those folks in Springfield haters and bigots is totally unfair.  More
Ben Rhodes and 740 of his closest friends praise Kamala Harris as 'an effective leader able to advance America's security interests' - 9/22/24 by Monica Showalter September 22, 2024 by Monica Showalter Woof. A bigger collection of self-important bee-essers is not to be found anywhere on planet Earth. More
Kamala Harris comes courting the Mormons for votes -- and runs into Utah's Sen. Mike Lee - 9/22/24 by Monica Showalter September 22, 2024 by Monica Showalter Lee exposed Harris's long record of intolerance, lawfare, and persecuting peoples of faith. More
Per The Atlantic, NYC’s sex-mad COVID tsar erred by failing to tell New Yorkers about his orgies - 9/22/24 by Andrea Widburg September 22, 2024 by Andrea Widburg This is one seriously weird application of the old “cover-up is worse than the crime” mantra from the Nixon era. More
The UN General Assembly votes that the Jews must leave historical Jerusalem - 9/22/24 by Andrea Widburg September 22, 2024 by Andrea Widburg If Donald Trump were president, I believe he would already have defunded the antisemitic UN, but Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are nowhere to be seen. More
Tim Walz makes the case...for Donald Trump - 9/22/24 by Andrea Widburg September 22, 2024 by Andrea Widburg You can deconstruct the moment and see what Walz was trying to say, but it doesn’t matter. He created a viral moment, and the Harris-Walz campaign must live with it. More
Pope Francis blasts Argentina 'repression,' says little about state brutality in Venezuela - 9/22/24 by Monica Showalter September 22, 2024 by Monica Showalter Double standards, anyone? More
How I built monuments to America's great astronauts - 9/22/24 by Steven C. Barber September 22, 2024 by Steven C. Barber On a bike ride, I had a "field of dreams" moment, where I started thinking about monuments to build for the 50th anniversary of the moon landing. More
Pope Francis implies all religions are equivalent - 9/22/24 by Eric Utter September 22, 2024 by Eric Utter Pope Francis goes off the deep end again. More
Arizona State University prof claims current abortion policies could lead to forced breeding camps and cannibalism - 9/22/24 by Eric Utter September 22, 2024 by Eric Utter Is it not enough to kill your kids, do you want to eat them, too? More
Delta Airlines and the coming apocalypse - 9/22/24 by Mike McDaniel September 22, 2024 by Mike McDaniel Still, who among the sane can help but long for earlier, more civilized, perhaps even a bit less “colorful,” and a lot less malodorous, times.  More
ABC's Trump fact check blows up - 9/22/24 by Mike McDaniel September 22, 2024 by Mike McDaniel Crime rates are on the ballot in November. More
The best thing that could happen to Democrats is that Trump wins - 9/22/24 by Mark C. Ross September 22, 2024 by Mark C. Ross Yes, you read that right. More
Frankly, my dear... - 9/22/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 22, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. Joe Biden just doesn’t give a damn anymore. More
A great new ‘inclusive’ Olympic sport - 9/22/24 by Noel S. Williams September 22, 2024 by Noel S. Williams After all, we want everyone to feel welcomed, don’t we? More
Be afraid: The left is arming up - 9/22/24 by D. Parker September 22, 2024 by D. Parker The Wall Street Journal reports that lefties are the surprise new gun owners in the U.S. More
Proof that Duke Buckner threatens Rep. Clyburn: The 6th District’s main paper assiduously ignores him. - 9/21/24 by Andrea Widburg September 21, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Duke Buckner offers a genuine alternative to Clyburn’s increasingly radical stands, which are meant to benefit the Democrat party, not his South Carolina constituents. More
Kamala Harris gets that coveted IRS endorsement for president - 9/21/24 by Monica Showalter September 21, 2024 by Monica Showalter While the Teamsters withheld a call to vote for Kamala Harris in this election, the tax collectors for the welfare state have put out their enthusiastic endorsement. More
Exactly what kind of sociopath is Kamala Harris? - 9/21/24 by Andrea Widburg September 21, 2024 by Andrea Widburg The constantly shifting accents and the seemingly empty internal life came into focus with Kamala’s manic cackling at the thought of shooting people. More
Of yard signs and tolerance - 9/21/24 by Eric Utter September 21, 2024 by Eric Utter Funny how it's always the Republican signs that get vandalized. Why might that be? More
Trump needs to pop Harris’s ‘joy’ balloon by stating the facts - 9/21/24 by Ned Cosby September 21, 2024 by Ned Cosby In the short time remaining before the election, Trump needs to bring greater clarity to his plans to end Americans’ economic woes—and the facts work in his favor. More
Electronic warfare goes political - 9/21/24 by Matthew G. Andersson September 21, 2024 by Matthew G. Andersson What would it do to your psyche to know that the electronic devices you use every day are capable of being manipulated to explode? More
Just who can we trust in this election? - 9/21/24 by Donald N. Finley September 21, 2024 by Donald N. Finley Should we trust the party whose candidate lied about gun control, or who concealed the condition of her predecessor? More
Democrats, media still want Trump dead - 9/21/24 by Eric Utter September 21, 2024 by Eric Utter The party of death, in so many different ways. More
Trump assassination attempt: A golfer’s perspective - 9/21/24 by William Levin September 21, 2024 by William Levin President Trump was eight minutes from death. More
DEI: A cancer on the Armed Forces - 9/21/24 by John Deyermond, Maj. Gen (ret.) September 21, 2024 by John Deyermond, Maj. Gen (ret.) The public’s trust and confidence in the military is at an all-time low while retention and recruiting rates have plummeted. More
Kamala Harris: coming to your home to check your underwear? - 9/21/24 by Mike McDaniel September 21, 2024 by Mike McDaniel Harris earnestly assures us her values haven’t changed. More
Is Obama cash underwriting Iran's election interference? - 9/21/24 by Victoria White Berger September 21, 2024 by Victoria White Berger We can reasonably add election interference to Iran’s current shopping list, paid for by the United States. More
Donald Trump and the Secret Service's 'protective methodologies' - 9/21/24 by Mike McDaniel September 21, 2024 by Mike McDaniel If those are the only, best, effective “protective methodologies” the SS has, Trump doesn’t stand a chance. More
Taylor Swift and the princely class - 9/21/24 by Clark Wren September 21, 2024 by Clark Wren Media power may be the primary form of power in our modern times. More
Bullets rather than hugs south of the border - 9/21/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 21, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. AMLO is leaving a fine mess for Claudia to handle. More
Retired Border Patrol chief: 'Each time we asked for help in dealing with a new issue, it fell on deaf ears' - 9/20/24 by Monica Showalter September 20, 2024 by Monica Showalter Border Patrol agents were ordered to stonewall requests about how many dangerous aliens they were forced to allow in. Where is Kamala Harris to answer a few questions? More
Israel haters who wept for Gaza civilians now weep for Hezbollah terrorists. - 9/20/24 by Andrea Widburg September 20, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Meanwhile, they’re silent about the rocket attack on Israel’s civilians. The issue was never Gaza civilians; it was always Jew-hatred. More
Switzerland begins covering its most iconic landscape with… solar panels - 9/20/24 by Olivia Murray September 20, 2024 by Olivia Murray Say verabschiedung, au revoir, and arrivederci to the pristine beauty of the Swiss Alps. More
The same people who were wrong about all things COVID hate Trump and love Kamala - 9/20/24 by Terry Paulding September 20, 2024 by Terry Paulding I keep trying to get those around me, all of whom are leftists, to start connecting the dots, do a little soul-searching, and vote against the party of lies. More
New report: Adults inadvertently consume so much plastic, it’s the equivalent to eating around one grocery store bag per month - 9/20/24 by Olivia Murray September 20, 2024 by Olivia Murray I am thoroughly grossed out. More
King Charles does a good thing - 9/20/24 by Monica Showalter September 20, 2024 by Monica Showalter A beautiful reading by the U.K. king of one of Gerard Manley Hopkins's extraordinary poems giving glory to God has gone viral. More
The karma in Lebanon is too strong! - 9/20/24 by Lynne Lechter September 20, 2024 by Lynne Lechter Hezb’allah launches rockets into Israel, and Israel responds with its modern version of the biblical plagues. More
Kamala Harris delivers a full word salad of drivel to voter questions at an Oprah forum - 9/20/24 by Monica Showalter September 20, 2024 by Monica Showalter Kamala Harris in all her vapid, vacant, vacuous glory. More
Klaus Schwab protégé at Tyson Foods allegedly ran a ‘greenwashing’ scam on consumers - 9/20/24 by Olivia Murray September 20, 2024 by Olivia Murray A major progressive environmentalist group files a lawsuit accusing the company of using “false and misleading” marketing claims to suggest “climate change” commitments that didn’t actually exist. More
Listen to her words: Comrade Kamala is a tyrant in waiting - 9/20/24 by D. Parker September 20, 2024 by D. Parker Videos of Kamala threatening Gestapo gun raids to check storage status and the swipe of her pen disqualify her from office. More
Bias through the years: a long list of media infractions - 9/20/24 by Jack Hellner September 20, 2024 by Jack Hellner ABC, along with most of the media, is more despicable everyday. More
‘MAGA,’ Crosses, prayer not allowed; burning pregnancy center A-OK? - 9/20/24 by Eric Utter September 20, 2024 by Eric Utter While prayer outside and abortion mill means jail time, selling anti-Christian apparel depicting burning pregnancy centers is just free speech. More
Kamala Harris word-salads a two-state solution - 9/20/24 by Jerrold L. Sobel September 20, 2024 by Jerrold L. Sobel With predictable results. More
Buttigieg claims pace of BIL-funded EV charging station construction is actually ‘on track’ - 9/20/24 by Olivia Murray September 20, 2024 by Olivia Murray For context, after almost three years, he’s around .0014% of the way toward project completion. More
You are not my type, Kam - 9/20/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 20, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. The party of electric car mandates and an obsession with LGBT issues is not connecting with regular guys.  More
NYC’s COVID tsar had sex parties even as he effectively imprisoned New Yorkers - 9/19/24 by Andrea Widburg September 19, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Even while he destroyed ordinary people’s lives, Dr. Jay Varma was partying like life was a Roman orgy. More
Trump takes a clear lead among New York State’s Jewish voters - 9/19/24 by Andrea Widburg September 19, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Whether it’s the economy, immigration, the rising antisemitism in the Democrat party, or the Harris-Biden administration’s lukewarm support for Israel, Jews don’t like it. More
The masks slips: Kamala Harris scowls and gets nasty with black journalists when she thinks no one is looking - 9/19/24 by Monica Showalter September 19, 2024 by Monica Showalter She's only the 'joy' candidate for as long as she has to be. After that, the witch comes out. More
New study: 20% of children have ‘few to no’ pals - 9/19/24 by Olivia Murray September 19, 2024 by Olivia Murray When you muzzle children in surgical masks, strip them of their right to breathe fresh air and play outside, scare them with fake pandemics, and hand them a tablet, as a friend says, “yes, they’ll become antisocial.” More
Komrade Kamala's minions insist she's no Marxist, but she sure does draw glowing endorsements from actual communists - 9/19/24 by Monica Showalter September 19, 2024 by Monica Showalter Just take a gander at what's up at the Communist Party, U.S.A. website. More
Old footage reveals that Kamala Harris intends to barge into our homes to see how we store our firearms - 9/19/24 by Olivia Murray September 19, 2024 by Olivia Murray A nanny state on steroids. More
The Haitian taste for domestic pets isn’t just driven by poverty - 9/19/24 by Christopher Garbacz September 19, 2024 by Christopher Garbacz Throughout the world, poorer countries (and France) eat foods that the West abandoned, but Haitians add a perverse twist. More
Fed chair Powell says illegals are why unemployment is rising - 9/19/24 by Monica Showalter September 19, 2024 by Monica Showalter Who could have guessed it? More
Democrats don’t support women and girls - 9/19/24 by Jack Hellner September 19, 2024 by Jack Hellner Debunking another talking point. More
Labor Dept. data: Urban rent surges 23% in just three years of Biden-Harris - 9/19/24 by Olivia Murray September 19, 2024 by Olivia Murray Dropping “illegal alien bombs” tends to have that effect. More
New Google tools, new leftist biases - 9/19/24 by Noel S. Williams September 19, 2024 by Noel S. Williams Try asking Google’s ‘DeepMind’ about MAGA. More
Member of Harris’s financial committee can’t define ‘price gouging’ — but naturally it should still be banned - 9/19/24 by Olivia Murray September 19, 2024 by Olivia Murray If you gathered together all the “experts” who really have no understanding of anything at all, you’d be looking at the Democrats’ A-team. More
The Uniparty hates change - 9/19/24 by Eric Utter September 19, 2024 by Eric Utter Ironically, President Trump is the true progressive, fighting to topple the Deep State status quo. More
We can go home again - 9/19/24 by Bill Hansmann September 19, 2024 by Bill Hansmann Slogans and bumper stickers can attempt to lead you in any direction. The truth unfailingly points due north.  More
Orange man fact checks David - 9/19/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 19, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. The killings have not stopped. It's the reporting that is misrepresenting the crime numbers. More
Teamsters overwhelmingly support Trump, but the union withholds its endorsement - 9/18/24 by Andrea Widburg September 18, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Trump doesn’t promote illegal immigration, transgenderism, foreign wars, and inflation. He cares about Americans and kitchen-table issues, and the Teamsters know this. More
Tiny Israel flips the tables of warfare itself on the terrorists of Hezb'allah - 9/18/24 by Monica Showalter September 18, 2024 by Monica Showalter Once upon a time, terrorists were masters of turning the West's technology against it. Today, Israel has come from behind and turned its tech against the terrorists. More
Disney stars boast about the company’s newest miniseries: ‘It will be a gay explosion...’ - 9/18/24 by Andrea Widburg September 18, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Unless your idea of a “family” involves multiple mommies, daddies, and people of endlessly “fluid” genders, it’s clear that Disney is no longer a family-friendly studio. More
Four years ago, a study said white doctors were effectively killing black babies. The study was wrong. - 9/18/24 by Andrea Widburg September 18, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Scientists finally re-analyzed the study and found that it was riddled with errors—but that didn’t matter then because it furthered the narrative. More
Poll: 52% of Democrat voters either think things would be better, or are ‘unsure’, if Trump were assassinated - 9/18/24 by Olivia Murray September 18, 2024 by Olivia Murray The results are in—a majority of Democrats are evil. More
When will the media and other Democrats care about the massive damage the open borders have caused? - 9/18/24 by Jack Hellner September 18, 2024 by Jack Hellner Zero concern about the migrant-overwhelmed city of Springfield, Ohio. Lots of concern about the "beleaguered" wealthy denizens of Martha's Vineyard.   More
Don Lemon: Black men are only voting Trump because they want welfare handouts and to feel like they matter - 9/18/24 by Olivia Murray September 18, 2024 by Olivia Murray Maybe, just maybe, Donald Trump actually possesses genuine affections for black Americans, as a community and as individuals, and THAT is why he has their support. More
Why I’m a single-issue voter - 9/18/24 by Rob Jenkins September 18, 2024 by Rob Jenkins I never thought I’d be a single-issue voter, but Kamala Harris has made me one. More
Pitch perfect: New 'Mission: Incompetent' video captures the essence of the Harris-Biden administration - 9/18/24 by Monica Showalter September 18, 2024 by Monica Showalter The finest satire out there. More
WTH is an ‘Opportunity Economy’ anyway? - 9/18/24 by M. Walter September 18, 2024 by M. Walter Kamala Harris’s website finally includes some “policy” and it’s just as you’d expect: progressive incentives to political allies. More
Parents, wake up! If Harris wins, your kids will be drafted to fight in a foreign war - 9/18/24 by Patricia McCarthy September 18, 2024 by Patricia McCarthy The press is doing everything in its power to downplay just how close we may well be to a nuclear confrontation with Russia. But Democrats are the party of war now. More
What America can learn from ancient Rome’s death by mass migration - 9/18/24 by Matt O'Brien September 18, 2024 by Matt O'Brien The Roman Empire died not by traditional invasion but by unchecked mass migration. More
New report: Illegals are drastically altering the landscape of public schools - 9/18/24 by Olivia Murray September 18, 2024 by Olivia Murray The data doesn’t lie. More
Thank goodness Trump has the courage to be ‘dangerous’ - 9/18/24 by Noel S. Williams September 18, 2024 by Noel S. Williams Hillary just refuses to go away.  More
Governor Abbott looking to derail "el tren" - 9/18/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 18, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. Good to see that someone is taking the matter of crime seriously in the country. More
Did the Bible inspire Israel’s attack against Hezbollah? - 9/17/24 by Andrea Widburg September 17, 2024 by Andrea Widburg Israelis know their Bible, and there’s a specific story that sounds very much like what just happened to Israel’s enemies in the north. More
’Diversity, inclusion, equity’ at NASA - 9/17/24 by Joshua Foxworth September 17, 2024 by Joshua Foxworth The blatant anti-white discrimination at NASA has led to bloated budgets, caustic work conditions, and many of our best engineers leaving the field. More
Harris group blatantly lies about Trump/Vance and school shootings - 9/17/24 by Civis Americanus September 17, 2024 by Civis Americanus You’d think Kamala would control her people better.  More
Democrats are intentionally dumbing down the kids - 9/17/24 by Jack Hellner September 17, 2024 by Jack Hellner When you look at the data and results, there’s no other explanation. More
Where do Trump and Vance go for their apologies now that it's out that bomb threats in Ohio came from a foreign state? - 9/17/24 by Monica Showalter September 17, 2024 by Monica Showalter Seems Russia or Iran called in the bomb threats, playing these Trump-haters like a fiddle.   More
Ohio lawman suggests taking note of where the Harris yard signs are, so we know where to send the Haitians - 9/17/24 by Olivia Murray September 17, 2024 by Olivia Murray Based sheriff. More
Geometry 101 for the USSS - 9/17/24 by W.A. Eliot September 17, 2024 by W.A. Eliot I am astounded that the Secret Service is apparently unable to follow a simple, intuitive, mathematical, consideration. More
Is it too late to ensure election integrity in 2024? - 9/17/24 by Chris Talgo September 17, 2024 by Chris Talgo In 2024 and beyond, we must return to our traditional, time-tested methods of election procedures.  More
Somebody up there likes Trump - 9/17/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 17, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. Trump survives again and that tells me that someone wants him to make it to election day. More
The Odd Couple decide the fate of humanity - 9/17/24 by Edward Lozansky September 17, 2024 by Edward Lozansky Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelensky are our emcees for nuclear war. More
Un-defundable... or indefensible? - 9/17/24 by M. Walter September 17, 2024 by M. Walter Who exactly is removing the online footprints of Trump’s would-be assassinators? More
A pastor’s guide for voting - 9/17/24 by Paul S. Gardiner September 17, 2024 by Paul S. Gardiner Forget about likeability. Which candidate will better promote biblical values? More
Israel must free itself from dependency on Washington - 9/17/24 by Joseph Puder September 17, 2024 by Joseph Puder The Democrat party’s future doesn’t bode well for the Jewish State. Something must be done. More
The second assassination attempt was not 'apparent' - 9/17/24 by Noel S. Williams September 17, 2024 by Noel S. Williams  While the suspect needs to be proven guilty in accord with centuries of Western jurisprudence, that doesn’t mean the underlying crime was “apparent.” More
No, Ohio Haitians are not legal - 9/17/24 by Frank Friday September 17, 2024 by Frank Friday Insistence that the Haitians are there legally is simply untrue.  More
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The Startling Metadata Hidden within the Polling: Voters Love Trump Andrea Widburg The problem is that voters don’t understand that they love Trump, and the campaign has only a month to make them realize that fact. More
2024 Is 1800 All Over Again, Because Free Speech Is On The Ballot Vince Coyner In the extraordinarily vicious political environment of 1800, free speech was on the ballot. Then, Americans made the right choice. Will they do so this time, too? More
A Case Study in Progressive Propaganda Leslie Corbly The most recent pro-abortion media blitz, launched during the height of the presidential campaign, highlights how the left controls the narrative on many policy issues, particularly those that are emotionally charged. More
The Truths We Hold Valerie Walsh Kamala Harris's book is about as good as you might expect. More
American Blacks -- Please Read This Before You Ever Vote Democrat Again John Conlin It’s election time again and that means it time for the Democrats regular pilgrimage to black communities. More
The Weaponization of Facts Jack Kerwick In order to accept the narrative that ‘journalists’ are totally bias-free promoters of facts, you have to accept an erroneous idea of what a fact is. More

American Thinker Blog

As San Francisco District Attorney, Kamala Harris let a killer with a rotting corpse in his bathtub off easy -report - 9/28/24 by Monica Showalter September 28, 2024 by Monica Showalter She lets a grisly killer off easy, while keeping pot smokers in the can beyond their terms? That's some D.A. she was -- who shouldn't be in the White House. More
The Constitution is anti-democratic - 9/28/24 by Jay Davidson September 28, 2024 by Jay Davidson That’s the charge some leftists are making. Believe it or not, they’re right. More
When Kamala shoots, will she be laughing? - 9/28/24 by Richard Dean Young September 28, 2024 by Richard Dean Young What is the vice president’s real take on gun control? Look at her record. More
Schadenfreude: Tough times for the big mullah of Iran, who can't stop tweeting about Israel's Hezb'allah terrorist takeout - 9/28/24 by Monica Showalter September 28, 2024 by Monica Showalter The big mullah is thrashing and whimpering like a bully with a bloodied nose, and he can't stop tweeting about it. More
Big government is a bully, not a friend -- and definitely not a daddy - 9/28/24 by Eric Utter September 28, 2024 by Eric Utter But it's hard to change people's minds out there. More
Now that millions of migrants are safely in the states, Kamala Harris visits border and vows to close the barn door next year - 9/28/24 by Monica Showalter September 28, 2024 by Monica Showalter Going the full Instagram in an urban black ensemble topped with a fashionable safari jacket, and high-heeled boots. More
John Kirby: living in Hamas' reality? - 9/28/24 by Mike McDaniel September 28, 2024 by Mike McDaniel And how can John Kirby, a former Admiral, a man supposedly highly educated in the art of war and the nature of America’s enemies, so willingly ignore reality? More
Ranked Choice Voting is an actual ‘threat to democracy’ - 9/28/24 by Chris Talgo September 28, 2024 by Chris Talgo RCV represents a real threat to the classic definition of American democracy, wherein one voter gets one vote, we the people receive the electoral results in a timely manner. More
Trump’s authentic anger versus Kamala’s phony joy - 9/28/24 by Noel S. Williams September 28, 2024 by Noel S. Williams Harris’s fake joy is a euphemism for blissful ignorance.  More
The Social Security Disability nightmare - 9/28/24 by Mark P. Mostert September 28, 2024 by Mark P. Mostert Federal programs across the Social Security Administration, including SSI and SSDI, are routinely ineffective and inefficient.  More
Seriously, no one trusts the media - 9/28/24 by D. Parker September 28, 2024 by D. Parker A new study hammers the last nail into the coffin of the media’s credibility. More
Dichotomies - 9/28/24 by Eric Utter September 28, 2024 by Eric Utter In this ever-devolving world, I often spot apparent dichotomies; some, oddly reminiscent of the Battle Between Good and Evil. More
Is the My Pillow guy a Nazi? - 9/28/24 by Mike McDaniel September 28, 2024 by Mike McDaniel “I doubt Lindell is behind this or would even get the reference, but that doesn’t really matter,” Cotlar wrote on Bluesky. More
Well, let’s talk about men - 9/28/24 by Silvio Canto, Jr. September 28, 2024 by Silvio Canto, Jr. The real “gender” gap? Male support for strong, competent candidates. More
Dinesh D'Souza hits it out of the park with new film 'Vindicating Trump' - 9/27/24 by Monica Showalter September 27, 2024 by Monica Showalter The storyline is mythic, and the acting is great. It interviews the main players, too, and moves from past to future, giving us a lot of information we didn't know. Go see it. More
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