Is there anyone in Mueller's office who isn't an anti-Trump fanatic?

On the heels of the revelation that one of Robert Mueller's top aides, Peter Strzok, sent anti-Trump texts to a mistress comes the news that another top employee of the special counsel's investigation, prosecutor Andrew Weissmann, sent a congratulatory email to then-acting attorney general Sally Yates, who had illegally refused to defend in the courts Donald Trump's executive order banning refugees from some countries.

Weissmann was a Justice Department official at the time.  The emails were obtained by Judicial Watch.

Daily Caller:

"I am so proud. And in awe. Thank you so much. All my deepest respects," Weissmann wrote to Yates on Jan. 30. That same day, Yates told the Justice Department not to defend an executive order banning immigration from seven nations, an act that led to her dismissal by President Trump.

The emails were obtained by conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch through a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit.

"This is an astonishing and disturbing find. Andrew Weissmann, a key prosecutor on Robert Mueller's team, praised Obama DOJ holdover Sally Yates after she lawlessly thwarted President Trump," Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton said in a statement. "How much more evidence do we need that the Mueller operation has been irredeemably compromised by anti-Trump partisans? Shut it down."

Weissmann is one of many Democratic donors that have been hired by Mueller to work on his probe into Russian election interference. Weissmann gave a combined $6,600 to the presidential campaigns for both former President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.

An October New York Times report described Weissmann as Mueller's "lieutenant" and "pit bull." A spokesman for the special counsel investigation declined to comment.

There are at least seven prosecutors on Mueller's staff who have given money to Democrats.  If that isn't bad enough, recent revelations show that several of Mueller's top aides are as anti-Trump as any left-wing blogger raging against the president while sitting in his momma's basement.

Mueller's defenders dismiss the revelations as insults to the "professionalism" of Mueller's hit team.  We've heard the same crap from the media for decades.  Sure, the media are 80% Democrat, and they haven't a clue how the 90% of the country not living in New York or Los Angeles lives, but they are "professional" enough to screen out their bias and give the American people the "unbiased news."

The left doesn't mind that Mueller's team is as biased as leftists themselves are.  They believe that getting rid of Trump is a moral imperative by itself.  The means to achieving that end are not relevant.  In fact, it's a positive good that so many on Mueller's staff hate Trump. 

But tens of millions of Americans don't see it that way.  Nor can the left fathom the danger of trying to remove a president not for what he's done, but for what he believes.  They have given in to a hysteria taking America into a dark place that is dangerous to our freedoms.  If they are allowed to succeed in railroading Trump out of office using these kangaroo court proceedings, the damage to the country will be irreversible.

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