The predatory politics of the Democrats

"The left and the media love their scumbags." –Sebastian Gorka, 10-12-17

The manipulation and sexual abuse of women in both the politics and entertainment industries are hardly news.  The connection between D.C. and the film industry is symbiotic.  It is an essential fact of both of those worlds, since JFK and, much earlier, Fatty Arbuckle.  It is pretty normal in the NFL as well.  Far too many men in each of these insulated bubbles of American life seem to think their power and fame entitle them to grope, assault, rape, and beat women on a whim of lust or anger.  

When JFK was in the White House, the media that revered him never reported his liaisons.  By the time JFK's brother Ted was in the Senate, however, things had changed.  Ted's shenanigans became public knowledge. When it was clear that he had been responsible for the death of a young aide in order to save himself, it was hardly a surprise.  It was well known by then that he was a sleazy character.  But that knowledge did nothing to dampen the support of the American left – not for a minute.  They still adored the man – so much so that he still thought he could become president!  His ideology was more important, more valuable to the left than his wholesale lack of moral character.

When the predatory character of Bill Clinton came to national attention with the Monica Lewinsky scandal and numerous other women came forward with their personal tales of his molestations, the left zealously defended him.  Of course.  It's what leftists do.  For the left, ideology, power, and money trump everything else: ethics, morality, family, truth, and the country.   

Leftists stick together like cockroaches hiding from the light.  And when the light suddenly comes on, as it has on their own Harvey Weinstein, they scatter and lie like the cowards they are.  Weinstein's serial predation was common knowledge for years, well known enough to joke about in public.  No one believes those of them who now claim they are shocked at the recent revelations.  No one.  They all knew.  Hillary knew.  And Weinstein is hardly the only man of power in Hollywood or D.C. who behaves similarly. There are many, many more.  They might be a bit anxious at the moment, as the women are coming forward in droves.  Amazon Studios just suspended one of their own for the same reason.

The same rules of the hive do not apply on the right.  Rep. Tim Murphy just resigned.  It became public that he, a pro-life Republican, had an affair that resulted in a pregnancy.  He advised the woman to have an abortion.  That was it.  He's done.  Gone.  And he should be.  We have enough hypocrites in Congress, albeit most of them are Democrats.  

This is the principal divide that is so obvious in America today: one party cares only about power and money; the other still cares about values and ethics.  The left defends the NFL players' disrespect of the flag and anthem; the right believes that it is anti-American for wealthy, privileged footballers to insult the country in this fashion.  The left does not respect our police, our military, and what the flag represents.  The right reveres our law enforcement personnel and our military men and women.  The left does not understand the First Amendment that says the government may not infringe on a person's right to free speech.  The right understands that it puts no such restrictions on private business employers.  This is a distinction that should have been taught in middle school, but it no longer is.  Now we have a chasm bred of ignorance, anger, and the glaring difference between care for power: the left; and concern for actual people and the nation: the right.

Sadly, at the moment, there are too many Republicans in Congress who make common cause with the left.  Too many establishment Republicans care more for their place of power than for the American people.  That is why Obamacare has not been repealed.  Trump was elected because he does care about the people.  That fact still mystifies the left but is abundantly clear to his supporters.

Bottom line?  The left does love its scumbags like Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Harvey Weinstein, whom leftists protected for over two decades.  Rich and powerful men and women of the left sheltered and defended each of them.  Weinstein gave Planned Parenthood $100K at party for Hillary where the drinks they served were called "toxic masculinity"!  How is that for sanctimonious mendacity?  Who among our sainted elite is more toxic than Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton, and Harvey Weinstein?

People can argue about the psychological analysis of such men.  Were they abusive jerks before they became powerful?  Or did their wealth and power perversely affect their sense of propriety?  It seems likely that they were lowlife creeps from the outset.  Someone forgot to teach them basic manners and respect for others.  As to why the left embraces, protects, and defends such men, it can only be a sign of leftists' own lack of character.

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