The perfect solution to the DACA problem...from Bill Clinton!

I suddenly realized we have a clear precedent from the Clinton administration of how we should deal with the DACA children.  For those of you too young to remember the incident, I will summarize it.

Elian Gonzalez's mother attempted to bring him to the United States from the socialist paradise of Cuba.  She died in the attempt, but Elian was rescued and brought to the U.S.  Fiendish relatives claiming to represent Elian's best interest attempted to keep him in the U.S., but caring and compassionate Federal Agents took him and returned him to his home in Cuba. 

Fidel Castro became a sort of godfather to Elian.  He is a grown man now, a Cuban hero,  and quite supportive of the Cuban regime.

Why should we deny the DACA children the benefits of this kind of treatment?  Are they less deserving than Elian Gonzalez?  The United States is, after all, a terrible place filled with "racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic" deplorables.  Hillary Clinton said so.  Surely the DACA kids would be better off somewhere else.

Some of the DACA "children" are actually adults now and able to make their own decisions.  If, for some reason, they do not want to return to their home countries, perhaps they would be interested in going to the socialist paradise of Cuba.  I'm sure the Cuban government would be eager to accept as many of these "wonderful" "kids" as it can get.  They could help offset the constant outflow of traitorous counter-revolutionaries constantly leaving the island on anything that will float.

Of course, Fidel is gone now, and Raúl is a bit old to act as godfather to several hundred thousand DACA kids, but I'm sure the Cubans can work something out.

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