Your opportunity to smack Hollywood right in the kisser

Since the ordinary folks won in November, the crazies on the left have gotten crazier as they come to realize that we finally elected someone who keeps at least some of his campaign promises.  Of course, that has caught the Democrats totally by surprise – a politician who actually does what he says he will – and the novelty of that is serving to fuel both their expanding insanity and their determination to undermine him.  One possible way to do that in their schizoid playbook is to concentrate their resources on congressional elections taking place out of the normal cycle.

The first was in Kansas, to fill the seat vacated by Republican, Mike Pompeo, who was recently appointed by Trump to head the CIA.  The Dems smelled blood in the water with a weakly polling Republican candidate, Tom Estes, so the sharks gathered, to the tune of $8 million in out-of-Kansas campaign contributions, much of it rumored to have come from deep pockets in Hollywood.  The mainstream media got on board as usual, touting this election as a major opportunity for Democrats where their victory would definitely demonstrate Trump's weakness as a party leader.  They kept it up right until the truth was too obvious to be denied anymore: Estes won by a comfortable seven-point margin.  Even then, the liberal media kept slathering lipstick on that dying pig of a decisive Democrat defeat, claiming somewhat correctly that the results were much closer than they should have been.  Of course, they failed to mention that the race was close because of the extreme efforts and money ponied up by the Democrats.

Now the Democrats are up to the same game in another special congressional election in Georgia's 6th District, necessitated by Trump's appointment of Representative Tom Price to head up the Department of Health and Human Services.  Once again, the Democrats believe they have a chance to turn this Republican seat blue and have fielded a candidate who, while having local roots, appears better suited to represent San Francisco than suburban Atlanta.  If you were to Google the term metrosexual, you might pull up Jon Ossoff's picture.  He attended an expensive private school in Atlanta that's progressive enough to observe some Jewish holidays but none Christian.  He then matriculated at Georgetown and the London School of Economics.  He cut his political teeth working for members of the Black Caucus, including Georgia congressman Hank Johnson, the congressional authority on possible archipelagic inversions.  But to really buff his bona fides, Jon is a filmmaker, which must surely endear him to Hollywood.

So Ossoff is the Democrats' fair-haired boy (30) for this contest in a district they again feel confident they can swing.  In the just held election with a widely divided Republican field of eleven candidates, Ossoff failed to close the deal by attaining one vote over 50%, bringing in only 48.1% and forcing a June runoff between him and the Republican leader, former Georgia secretary of state Karen Handel, a solid conservative who was the vote leader for the Republican field.  Once again, the Dems are marshaling their forces, aided and abetted as always by the national media, and bringing in out-of-state Hollywood money to turn this district blue as an affront to Trump's presidency.

If rich actors throwing their money and weight around in local elections offends you like it does me, here's your chance to pop those smug left-coast limousine liberals right in the old kisser by making small donations, but a helluva lot of them, to Karen Handel's race to counter their support for Ossoff.  It is the one way we little folks have to stand up to the Sean Penns and Michael Moores who would have us living under a Venezuela-style tyranny.  We did it with Trump and can do it again wherever they attempt to impose their will with their ill gained lucre.

Here's Handel's website: KarenHandelforCongress.

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